Michael JACKSON, Clothier of Pimlico.
It is important
to be wary of some of the links in this tree. They depend on hunches. I began
with the parish registers of St. Catherine’s Dublin, and then interpolated
information from deeds, and maps to look at other likely relationships. At
present, I do not know where these JACKSONs came from, but links in Lisburn
and Coleraine are potential places which have me curious. As to where these
JACKSONs went, since they do not seem to have stayed in Dublin after a few
generations, one likely place would be to look at Michael JACKSON (1740-1803)
in Graigue, Queens Co, whose son Adam (1784-1858) and daughter Frances
JACKSON (1791-1851) are strong contenders to be descendants. OTHER SURNAMES:
As the recorded
voice says in the London Underground: Mind the Gap[s].
Sharon Oddie Brown. August 22, 2016 |
1-Michael JACKSON
Clothier. b. Abt 1650, d. 1717, of Pimlico, Dublin, Co. Dublin [NOTE:
Birth date is a hunch – based on likely date of marriage.]
+Elizabeth UNNAMED
2-Adam JACKSON Weaver.
d. Jul 28, 1730, of Pimlicoe in the Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore, Co.
Dublin, NOTE: His death date is a hunch. Deeds indicate that he was still living in 1720, and then
a burial of an Adam JACKSON of Plunket St was recorded at St.
Nicholas Without, a parish which held records of others of this family
tree. The parishes of St. Catherine and St. Nicholas bordered on one another.
+Katherin UNNAMED
3-Ann JACKSON b.
1704, Dublin, c. St. Auden's Parish
3-Michael JACKSON
b. 1708, Dublin, c. 8 Jul 1708, St. Catherine's, CoI, Dublin, Co. Dublin
3-William JACKSON
b. 1712, Dublin, c. 21 Dec 1712, St. Catherine's, CoI, Dublin, Co. Dublin
3-Mary JACKSON b.
1714, Dublin, c. 16 Jan 1714, St. Catherine's, CoI, Dublin, Co. Dublin
JACKSON b. 1717, c. 22 Aug 1717, St. Catherine's, CoI, Dublin, Co. Dublin
2-Benjamin JACKSON
3-Ann JACKSON b.
1715, Dublin, c. 22 Jun 1715, St. Catherine's, CoI, Dublin, Co. Dublin
2-Michael JACKSON Clothier b. 1685, c. 7 Sep 1685, St.
Catherine's, CoI, Dublin, Co. Dublin, d. After 1738, of Pimlico, Dublin, Co.
+Mary McCRACKEN b.
of Carrickhill, Co. Dublin, m. 1713, par. McCRACKEN and PALMER.
NOTE: Mary McCRACKEN was a niece of
3-William JACKSON
b. 1714, Dublin, c. 20 May 1714, St. Catherine's, CoI, Dublin, Co. Dublin
Tapeweaver b. 1715, c. 27 Jul 1715, St. Catherine's, CoI, Dublin, Co. Dublin,
d. After 1744
4-George JACKSON
b. 28 Feb 1738
4-Michael JACKSON
b. 28 Feb 1738
3-Elizabeth JACKSON b. 1717, Dublin, c. 6 Aug 1717, St.
Catherine's, CoI, Dublin, Co. Dublin, d. After 1741 +John MATTHEWS Cordwainer d.
After 1741
3-Ann JACKSON b.
1721, c. 29 May 1721, St. Catherine's, CoI, Dublin, Co. Dublin
3-George JACKSON b. 1722, Dublin, c. 14 Jun 1721, St.
Catherine's, CoI, Dublin, Co. Dublin
3-Susanna JACKSON b. 1724
3-Benjamin JACKSON
b. 1726, c. 26 Sep 1726, St. Catherine's, CoI, Dublin, Co. Dublin, d. Bef 1729
3-John JACKSON b.
1727, c. 24 Jun 1727, St. Catherine's, CoI, Dublin, Co. Dublin
JACKSON b. 1729, c. 19 Aug 1729, St. Catherine's, CoI, Dublin, Co. Dublin +Katherine
m. 1716, Dublin, d. 1717
KNOWN ADDRESSES RELATING TO THIS FAMILY (red lines indicate known streets)
Streets |
Years |
Names |
Notes |
Alley |
1745 - 1775 |
Michael |
Alley was only one block long, at the northern end of Pimlico, on the western
side, leasing to the Tenter fields. Jackson’s Alley was in Parish of St.
Catherine. It intersected the northern end of Pimlico and was an extension
of Cole Alley. SEE; 1798
Map of Dublin. |
Lane |
- 1747 |
Thomas |
Str. SOURCE: Dublin
Street Names. NOTE: Robert Street - where these JACKSONs held lands - tees into Marrowbone Lane where it turns from a westward to a southward direction in a right angle at the Tenter Fields. |
Pimlico |
1711 |
Michael |
NOTE: Jackson Alley is on the
Northern end of Pimlico, and to the west of it. It
was in Liberties of Thomas Court & Donore City.
The clothier. Michael JACKSON also had a son named Michael JACKSON. The 2nd Michael JACKSON was a next door neighbour of John BILLOP, whose widow became
his 2nd wife. |
Tripillo |
- 1775 |
John |
ended on its northerly end at Jackson Lane. The street then continued to the
north-west as first Tripilo, and which after one block, as it bent towards
the west, became Marrowbone Lane. |
Upper Combe |
1759 |
William |
It tees into Crooked Staff. What is curious is that this land is also closely tied into the JACKSONs of Crooked Staff who were tanners. I may have some confusion here - or else (and this is quite likely) the families were also related. It is also quite likely that their ancestors - or at least the ancestors of one of the lines - were Quakers. |
Lane |
- 1774 |
Mary |
land was part of the marriage agreement btw Michael JACKSON & Mary McCRACKEN,
a niece of Enoch PALMER. It had been leased for the life of William PALMER,
father of Enoch PALMER, and grandfather of Mary McCRACKEN. Boot La. (The N.
part of what is now Arran Str. E.) 1697. From an inn, with the sign of the
Boot. SOURCE: Dublin Street
Names. It is on the North side
of the Liffey, and its northern part of the lane ended at Little Mary Lane,
while the southern end of the lane ended at Pill Lane. |
Mary's Abby &
Mary’s Lane |
- 1774 |
Richard |
initially bequeathed by Enoch PALMER to Michael JACKSON and his wife Mary
McCRACKEN, niece of Enoch PALMER. In 1747, William JACKSON granted lands here
along with 4 houses on Jackson’s Alley. |
Lane |
1747 |
northerly continuation of Boot Lane at St. Mary’s Lane. The Irish Historic Towns Atlas says that the mid-Greens St. was named Petticoat Lane in the 1756 Roque Map. It may or may not be pertinent that Dorcas GREEN who married a Francis JACKSON is a likelyancestor of Robert JACKSON of Crooked Staff. It also might have that name because there was a green space nearby. |
Bk |
Pg |
Mem |
Name |
Date |
Notes |
7 |
165 |
2032 |
Michael |
1711 May 7 |
Lease dated 28 day April 1707 btw
Joseph THOMAS of Mill Street in the Liberty of Thomas Court & Donore in
Co Dublin Miller of the 1 pt & Michael JACKSON of Thomas Court near the said City Cloathier of the
other part THOMAS demised part of a holding demised by the Hon Edward Late
Earl of Meath… situate in an alley on the West side of Plimlicoe leading to
the Tenter Fields of the said Joseph in the Liberty of Thomas Court and
Donore mearing and bounding on the East to the holding of John BILLOP in the
south to the holding of John BUCKLEY, on the west to the Tenter fields of the
said Joseph Thomas and to the north of the Alley aforesaid 34 foot in front
to the said Alley and 38 feet deep or thereabouts be it more or less with all
the Walls inclosing the said ground… lives of George BOWLES of Ballycrean son
of John BOWLES of the same farmer, Samuel WATSON son of John WATSON in Co
Carlow and George ROOKE jr son of George ROOKE of Meath Street WITNESS: John
BILLOP merchant of Dublin; Bartholomew RIVERS of same, merchant & Josiah
BILLOP merchant. NOTE: Jackson Alley is on the Northern end of Pimlico, and to
the west of it. |
9 |
447 |
4184 |
1713 Aug 18 |
Btw. Enoch PALMER of City of
Dublin Founder of the 1 pt & Michael JACKSON of same City Clothier of the other pt. In consid of
Marriage between the said Michael JACKSON and Mary McCRACKEN niece to said ENOCH … 5
shillings…Tenement with appurtenances demised to Francis GREDELL on east side
of Boot Lane Dublin for 91 years from May 1 1703 at 8 pounds per annum during
life of William PALMER father of said Enoch and one peppercorn. NOTE:
Boot La. (The N. part of what is now Arran Str. E.) 1697. From an inn, with
the sign of the Boot. SOURCE: Dublin Street Names. |
10 |
467 |
4183 |
Michael |
1713 Aug 14 |
Book Index 1708-1729
Indenture relating to the
marriage of Michael JACKSON of the City of Dublin clothier of the first part. Enoch PALMER of the said
city Founder of the second part & Mary McCRACKEN of Carrickhill in County
of Dublin spinster niece to the said Enoch of the third part. Whereby the
said Michael in Consideration of a marriage intended to be had between him
and the said Mary and of a marriage portion he is to receive with her doth
Grant Bargain and Sell unto the said Enoch that new house with the Garden
Backside and appurtenances wherein the said Michael now lives situate in St.
Thomas Court in a lane leading from Pimlicoe to the Tenterfields … SEE: JACKSONs
of St. Catherine Parish BMDs. |
11 |
136 |
4185 |
1713 Aug 18 |
See ROD 9-447- 4184 for similar
Btw. Enoch PALMER of
City of Dublin Founder of the 1 pt & Michael JACKSON of same City Clothier of the other pt. In consid of
Marriage between the said Michael JACKSON and Mary McCRACKEN niece to said ENOCH … 5
shillings…Tenement with appurtenances demised to Francis GREDELL on east side
of Boot Lane Dublin for 91 years from May 1 1703 at 8 pounds per annum during
life of William PALMER father of said Enoch and one peppercorn.
… assigns that new brick house
with the appurtenances demised to Brigadier Fairfax situate on the west side
of Boot Lane Oxmantown Dublin… term of 91 years. NOTE: Boot La. (The
N. part of what is now Arran Str. E.) 1697. From an inn, with the sign of the
Boot. SOURCE: Dublin Street
Names. |
13 |
105 |
5341 |
Michael |
1714 Jul 30 |
John BILLOP’s Will
John BILLOP of Pimlico in
Liberties of Thomas Court & Donore City of Dublin Merch will dated June
12 1713, wife Katherine BILLOP... 25 pounds for her natural life... son
Josiah BILLOP Witness: Michael JACKSON Weaver Dublin City NOTE: Michael JACKSON subsequently married the widow. |
14 |
186 |
6033 |
Adam |
1714 Feb 25 |
1708-1738 Book Index 1708-1729
Adam JACKSON of Pimlicoe in the Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore
and Co. Of Dublin, weaver of one part & Nicholas SCOTT, City of Dublin,
victualler … lives of George BOWLES of Ballycrean son of John BOWLES of the
same, farmer, Samuel WATSON son of John WATTSON Co Carlow, &George
ROOKE jr son of George ROOKE of Meath, baker. WITNESSES: Moses CHEATHAM,
William SUMNER clk to Thomas COOKE Publick Notary in sd City. [ see deed
23-5-12243 for more details on land:
1718 Nov 19 Adam JACKSON of Pimlicoe in the Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore
and Co. Of Dublin, weaver. & John BONYNGE of Cabaragh of said Co. Esq.
Rect. Joseph BILLOP, late of the City of Dublin merchant dec’d by his lease
1713 Sept 23 demised all that piece of ground lying in alley on the west
side of Pimlico aforesaid leading to the tenter fields of Joseph Thomas
bounded on the east with backsides of two houses belonging to the said John
Thomas, on the south to the holding of John Buckley on the west to the
holding of Michael JACKSON... NOTE: Michael JACKSON marriage to BILLOP. Also see: ROD: 7-165-2032 for same
lives mentioned. |
15 |
376 |
7821 |
Michael |
1716 Jul 24 |
Katherine Billop Widow Dublin
1717 Michael JACKSON clothier Pimlico – thanks to a Linde Lunney find.
Btw Katherine BILLOP of City of
Dublin Widow & relict of John BILLOP her late husband and sole executrix
and devisee of Josiah BILLOP her deceased son of the 1 pt; and Michael JACKSON of the same, clothier all that piece or parcel of land
situate on the west side of Pimlico bounding on the east to the watercourse
running by Pimlico on the west partly to the late holding of the widow
EASTWOOD and partly to the Tenter fields now or lately belonging to Joseph
THOMAS of Mill Street Miller on the North to the Watercourse of Trippiloe and
on the south to a new lane leading from Pimlico to the the said Tenter
Fields with equal benefit of the said lane, also that piece or parcel of ground
situate in an Alley on the West side of Pimlico leading to the Tenter fields
of the same Joseph THOMAS on the south to the holding of on the West to the
holding of the said Michael JACKSON and on the North to the alley aforesaid 34 feet in front
to the said Alley and 38 feet deep or thereabouts be it more or less with
all the walls enclosing the said ground and all buildings and improvements
erected.. to hold to Michael JACKSON for the lives of George BOWLES, Samuel WATSON George
BROOKE jr named in certain indentures Also see: ROD: 7-165-2032 for
same lives mentioned. |
16 |
403 |
7822 |
Michael |
1716 Jul 19&20 |
JACKSON-BILLOP NOTES in 2009 diary Book Index 1708-1738
Marriage between Michael JACKSON of City of Dublin, Clothier of 1st part &
Katherine BILLOP of same city the widow & relict of John BILLOP her late
deceased husband & sole executrix of Josiah BILLOP her deceased son.
Michael JACKSON to
Katherine BILLOP land on the west side of Pimlicoe bounding on the east to
the Watercourse running by Pimlicoe on the west to the [?]ale holding of the
widow EASTWOOD & partly to the Tenter Fields lately belonging to Joseph
THOMAS of Mill street, Miller on the North (more description). WITNESS:
Patricia WARREN & Bartholomew RIVERS, City of Dublin Merchants &
William SUMNER Clerk to Thomas COOKE, Dublin Notary Public. |
18 |
186 |
8809 |
Joseph |
1716 Mar 11 |
Richard RUCKMAN to Joseph JACKSON, weaver of Cork St. also Dolphins barn Lane Dublin, of
corner house on Cork street next to Magpye House [aka Magpie House], Ropers
Rest house, Lime Kill House and pipe makers wall from 29 Sep last past during
lives of Henry PERCY, Esq. , Robert PERCY, brother to Henry & John WARD,
Brewer & survivors at ster p.a. renewable on payment of 20s fine. Thanks to Mike of Vancouver. |
18 |
193 |
8822 |
Joseph |
1716 Mar 15 |
[or SAGG] NOTES in 2009 diary Book Index 1708-1738
Between Joseph JACKSON of Cork St. & Dolphins Barn Lane, Co. Dublin, weaver
of 1st part & John TAGG of Meath St. In Liberty of Thomas
Court & Donore in said Co. Weaver ... description including Magpie House,
Ropers Rest House Limekill House ... term 500 years at a peppercorn &
annual rent. WITNESS: Benjamin JOHNSTON Clerk to Edward DALTON, notary. |
18 |
193 |
8822 |
Joseph |
1713 Mar 15 |
for £10 in mtg Joseph JACKSON, weaver of Cork St. also Dolphinsbarn Lane Dublin, to
John TAGG, weaver of Cork St. also Dolphinsbarn Lane Dublin, of corner house
in Cork st als Dolphins Barn Lane over against "Magpye house"
leading to Ropers Rest House on west side of sd lane, together with backside
and little house in backside "Limekilnhouse", even with Limekill
house on east, adjoining Pipemakers wall on west, for 500 yrs at 1
peppercorn, subject to repayment of £10 + int. [Marginal note: Mtg satis 15
March 1717 No 220] Thanks to
Mike of Vancouver. |
19 |
313 |
10250 |
Michael |
1717 Mar 29 |
The will of Catherine BILLOP,
city of Dublin, widow. Executors Richard HANNA, Dublin, butcher, Michael JACKSON, Patrick WARRREN, Patrick WARREN, Tenant in High St.,
Dublin. Rev. Joseph BOYCE’s son. William and James sons of Michael JACKSON, Clothier. A legacy to her old servant Rebecca LAMBERT
without the intermingling of her husband. Witnesses: Roger PARKER, gent,
Samuel COOPER, Shoemaker, and John SMITH, public notary, all of Dublin.
Memorial witnessed by: John SMITH, Luke WALL. Patrick WARREN seal. Michael JACKSON seal. NOTE: After the death of husband John BILLOP, Catherine
married Michael JACKSON. |
21 |
42 |
10720 |
McCULLAGH, William |
1717 Mar 15 |
Joseph JACKSON to McCULLAGH Book Index 1708-1729
Lease between Richard RUCKMAN of
Cork Street at Dolphins Barn Lane – Co. Dublin and Joseph JACKSON (same address) weaver. House signed over to JACKSON. William McCULLAGH of Dublin, Merchant of “Magpie
House”? “All that the Corner House in Cork Street over against the house
called the Magpie House [aka Magpye] leading from the Street to Ropers Rest
Home on the North Side the said lane with the Backside behind the said house
and the little house in the Backside called the Limekilnhouse … lives of
& Charles MEARES clerks to Edward DALTON Public Notary in Dublin. |
23 |
5 |
Adam |
1718 Oct 10 |
Book Index 1708-1729
1718 Nov 19 Adam JACKSON of Pimlicoe in the Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore
and Co. Of Dublin, weaver. & John BONYNGE of Cabaragh of said Co. Esq.
Rect. Joseph BILLOP, late of the City of Dublin merchant dec’d by his lease
1713 Sept 23 demised all that piece of ground lying in alley on the west
side of Pimlico aforesaid leading to the tenter fields of Joseph Thomas
bounded on the east with backsides of two houses belonging to the said John
Thomas, on the south to the holding of John Buckley on the west to the
holding of Michael JACKSON... NOTE: earlier
Michael JACKSON marriage to BILLOP |
26 |
422 |
15954 |
Adam |
1719 Feb 29 |
Book Index 1708-1729
Adam JACKSON of Mount Down in the Parish of Tallow and Co. of Dublin,
clothier of the one part & Thomas PILKINGTON of Dolphins Barn, Co.
Dublin, Miller, lease of tuck mill or Fulling [Tulling?] Mill on the lands of
Mountdown in the possession of said Adam JACKSON with the Dam and Banks thereof... with 4 ft of ground on
each side of the stream that runs on the south side of the banks ...term of
36 years from March 26th
Additional parts thanks
to Michael Stewart:
Adam JACKSON of Mount Down in the Parish of Tallow and Co. Of Dublin,
clothier to Thomas PILKINGTON Miller of Dolphins Barn, Dublin of tuck or
fulling mill on Mountdown, then in poss of Adam JACKSON, with dam, banks + 4ft on both sides of stream + cabbin
& piece of ground + use of road & grazing of 1 horse for 36 yrs form
25 Mar next at £28; As mill is to be demolished under Act of Parliament for
cleansing & repairing the watercourse from River Dodeer [aka River
Dodder] to Dublin, Adam JACKSON to make a corn mill in replacement + within 2 yrs a 2nd
mill. NOTE:
Mountdown or Mount Down, Parish of Tallow is in the townland of Templeogue,
Parish Tallaght, Co. Dublin. It is just north of the River Poddle, and abt 8
km. south west of central Dublin. There were mills there. |
27 |
111 |
15779 |
Adam |
1720 May 6 |
Book Index 1708-1729
Between Adam JACKSON of Pimlico in the Liberty of Thomas Court & Donore,
Co. Dublin, clothier of the one part & Gideon HUME City of Dublin Gent of
the other. Reciting lease Aug 6, 1718 by Peter SHARPE jr. of Templeoge, Co.
Dublin, farmer to the said Adam JACKSON all that part of the Lands of Templeoge formerly in the
possession of Richard SCOTT incl abt 20 acres... between the water course and
the great ditch. NOTE: Templeogue, Parish Tallaght, Co. Dublin. It is just
north of the River Poddle, and abt 8 km. south west of central Dublin. There
were mills there. |
29 |
68 |
16038 |
Michael |
1720 June 23 |
Book Index 1708-1738
Btw Michael JACKSON City of Dublin Clothier & Thomas DUNLOP of same City
Gent. House on west side of Pimlicoe in Liberties of Thomas Court &
Donore, City of Dublin |
32 |
240 |
19510 |
Adam |
1718 Aug 6 |
Book Index 1708-1729
Btw Peter Sharp jr of Templogue,
Co of Dublin, FARMER & Adam JACKSON of Pimlico in the Liberty of Thomas & Donore, City
of Dublin clothier .... lands of Templogue that Adam JACKSON had demised to Hugh LEESON of City of Dublin, abt 20
acres. |
32 |
347 |
19927 |
1721 Jan 21 |
Will of Enoch PALMER, City of
Dublin, Founder.
Registry of Deeds, Abstracts of
Wills mention of Samuel OATS. Enoch PALMER. Mary JACKSON, wife of Michael JACKSON & niece of Enoch PALMER 4 children Transcribed thanks to Dawn Lowe
NAMES: Enoch PALMER of Dublin; Sarah BOYTON; Mary JACKSON; Elizabeth MAKINGS; Enoch MAKINGS; Josia(s) JONES; Mt
Peter CILLARD; Michael BOYTON; James CLARK; Samuel OATES; John SMITH;
Alexander McPHERSON; William PARRY. PLACES: St.
Mary's Abbey, Dublin & Mary’s Lane.
http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/1721Jan2Will-EnochPALMER.html |
32 |
466 |
20481 |
Michael |
1722 Apr 21 |
Michael BOYTON Feltmaker &
Michael JACKSON Clothier demised coach house house & stable in Oxmantown then in possession of Mrs. MARTIN … see other related deeds. NOTE:
Boot La. (The N. part of what is now Arran Str. E.) 1697. From an inn, with
the sign of the Boot. SOURCE: Dublin Street
Names. |
33 |
238 |
20190 |
Michael |
1721 Feb 27 |
JACKSON-SWAN Book Index 1708-1738
Michael JACKSON clothier Dublin, exor of Enoch PALMER indented lease
house in Brooke [Rooke? Or Boot Lane – I suspect the latter] Lane
Dublin nickred
Enoch PALMER paying £480 and
Michael JACKSON, a
clothier & executor of Enoch PALMER making over annuity of £60 chargeable
on properties in Cos Lowth, Meath, Westmeath & Dublin, including
Rathmullen, Sheepgrange, Donore, various impropriate tythes, etc. Annuity for
life of Enoch PALMER. Sworn 23 Dec 1721 |
34 |
463 |
22376 |
1722 Jan 10 |
piece of ground on Cork Street,
Liberty of Donore, bound on east by other grounds to Jacob POOLE by Thomas
WESTON; on north by garden of George CULLEN, from 29 Sept then last, for life
of [Widow] SMITH; Hannah SMITH, daughter of widow SMITH; Michael SMITH, son
of widow SMITH at £2 ster yrly rent, forever, £2 fine on fall of every life.
Joseph JACKSON of
Cork Street, Liberty of Donor, Dublin is the second party along with Jacob
Thanks to Mike Stewart. |
35 |
10 |
20480 |
Michael & wife |
1722 Apr 18 |
Book Index 1708-1729
Michael JACKSON of Pimlicoe in the Liberty of Thomas Court & Donore
Co Dublin, Clothier & Mary JACKSON als MEEKING [MEEKINGS or MECKINGS?] his wife of the 1st part; Michael BOYTON of the City of Dublin Feltmaker of the other. leased
house late in the possession of Enoch PALMER late of the City Founder, dec’d
and then in possession of Samuel SWAN Tallow Chandler... incl malthouse
situate in Boot lane Oxmantown, Dublin
The following is added
thanks to Michael Stewart:
Michael JACKSON of Pimlicoe in the Liberty of Thomas Court & Donore
Co Dublin, Clothier & Mary JACKSON als MEEKING [or MECKIN?] his wife to Michael BOYTON of
the City of Dublin Feltmaker [or Slatmaker?] of one undivided 3rd pt of house
late in poss. of Enoch PALMER late of the City Founder, dec’d now in poss. of
Samuel SWAN Tallow Chandler with backside, garden formerly in poss of Francis
GEOGHEGAN, then in poss. of CHAMBERS + malt house maltroom & backrooms
with piece of ground being pt of Eunoch PALMER's garden, situate behind house
built by Enoch PALMER & in poss of Richard FERRAL + Stable & coach
house in poss of Mr. MARTIN, all in Boot Lane in Oxmantown,
Dublin, subj to £30 being 2/3 rent & subj to £12 or 2/3 rent to J during
his life. NOTE: Other deeds have Mary McCRACKEN as a wife to Michael JACKSON. Did she marry more than once? NOTE:
Boot La. (The N. part of what is now Arran Str. E.) 1697. From an inn, with
the sign of the Boot. SOURCE: Dublin Street
Names. |
37 |
16 |
21244 |
Michael |
1722 Jul 4 |
John WHINREY, Stone Cutter of
Dublin City to Michael JACKSON,
Gent of Dublin City of piece of ground in possession of Michael JACKSON 13 feet in breadth on back of Abby street lying
contiguous to ground of John WHINREY, from 25 Mar then last past, for 51 and
a half yrs at 7 shillings 6 pence yrly rent. William PARRY, Registrar.
WITNESSES: John BRIGGS, Stonecutter of Dublin City & John SMITH, Public
Notary of Dublin City. Alexander McPHERSON, clerk to John SMITH. NOTE:
This is a year after the death of Enoch PALMER
Notes thanks to Michael
Stewart. |
37 |
189 |
22377 |
Joseph |
1722 Jan 11 |
Book Index 1708-1729
Joseph JACKSON, Cork Street, Liberty of Donore, Dublin, weaver
NAMES: Joseph JACKSON; Joseph GILL; Mr. POWER; Thomas WESTON; Jacob POOLE;
George CULLIN; Rebecca SMITH; Michael SMITH; Michael SMITH jr.; Hannah SMITH;
Cork St, & Earl St. both in the Liberty of Donore, Co. Dublin. http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/1722Jan11JACKSON.html |
39 |
53 |
23984 |
Michael |
1723 Jul 31 |
Jacob POOL, Clothier of Dublin
City, Grantor to Michael JACKSON, Clothier of Dublin City of parcel of ground on north
side of Mill Race or water course in Marrowlane in Liberty of Thomas Court,
Co & city of Dublin, bound on north by land to be called Roberts Street,
on east by land let by Isaac ROBERTS to Jacob POOL, with privileges as
granted Jacob POOL by Isaac ROBERTS, for ever, from 24 June last for lives of
Isaac, Mary & Lydia ROBERTS at £7 12s with £3 16s. fine on renewal. NOTE:
This is likely Marrowbone Lane. Thanks to Mike Stewart. |
40 |
85 |
24387 |
Joseph |
1723 Oct 3 |
Book Index 1708-1729
Joseph JACKSON, Cork St., Liberty of Donore, Dublin, weaver
Land from Cork Street leading to
Dolphins Barn
POOLE; George CULLIN; Rebecca SMITH; Michael SMITH; Michael SMITH jr.; Hannah
SMITH; Matthew PAGEITT; Patrick HAMILTON; Edward DALTON; William PARRY. PLACES: Cork St, in the Liberty of Donore, Co. Dublin. http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/1723Oct3JACKSON.html |
41 |
472 |
26929 |
Michael |
1724 Sept 12 |
Book Index 1708-1729
Michael JACKSON of Dublin Clothier to Josua THOMAS City of Dublin
Clothier “All that new House or tenement with the large backside behind the
same situate on the north side of the Mill Race or watercourse in Marrowbone
Lane in the Liberty of Thomas Court Co. Dublin. |
43 |
75 |
27425 |
1724 Nov 17 |
An unnamed JACKSON lived at Liberties of Thomas Court & Donore on lands
owned by William MASON, merchant of Dublin. |
47 |
67 |
29546 |
Michael |
1725 Aug 11 |
Book Index 1708-1729
Michael JACKSON of Pimlicoe in the Liberties of Thomas Court and Donore
and Co of Dublin did demise to Abraham ROBINSON of Marrowbone Lane in the
Liberty aforesaid, linen weaver all that Large Corner House & tenement being in Marrowbone lane aforesaid with the
backsides behind of same containing in breadth in the rear 20’ … and
in depth and in depth from front to rear 123’ mearing and bounding as
follows: on the west to Roberts St, on the East to Jonathon Carr’s holding,
on the south to the mill race, and on the north to a Piece of ground now in
possession of Mr. Joshua THOMAS with the appurtenances for the term of 99
years from the 29th day of September next yearly rent of £13
WITNESSED Wm. DEVALL and William JACKSON son of Michael JACKSON. |
63 |
144 |
42992 |
Michael |
1730 Apr 4 |
WRIGHTSON Book Index 1730-45
BTW Michael JACKSON Clothier of City of Dublin & Edward WRIGHTSON of
same City Carpenter… property on Boot Lane in Parish of Michan in the suburbs
of City of Dublin for 41 years….. NOTE: Boot La. (The N. part of what
is now Arran Str. E.) 1697. From an inn, with the sign of the Boot. SOURCE: Dublin Street
Names. |
67 |
121 |
45529 |
Michael |
1730 Mar 31 |
GAMBLE Book Index 1730-45
Michael JACKSON of Plimlicoe Clothier demised to Thomas GAMBLE of Cork
St Co Dublin, Linnen Weaver land on the north side of Mill race in Marrow
Lane in Liberty of Thomas Court and County of said city of Dublin south to
the Mill race fronting Marrowbone Lane and the other fronting Tenter Lane for
lives of Isaac ROBERTS son of Roger ROBERTS of Thomas Court and Donore farmer
Mary ROBERTS granddaughter Roger ROBERTS & Lydie ROBERTS 2nd daughter of the said Isaac ROBERTS…. |
79 |
451 |
56858 |
Michael |
1735 Oct 16 |
CUSACK Book Index 1730-45
Btw Michael JACKSON of Pimlico, Co Dublin Clothier of the 1 pt & Edward
CUSACK of City of Dublin Gent of the other. In consid of 25 pounds sterling JACKSON sold to CUSACK for a yearly fee farm rent of 14 pounds
sterling house or tenement formerly known by the sign Hen & Chickens and
now by the sign of Three Kings situate on the south side of High Street, City
of Dublin. WITNESSES: James CONCANNEN Merchant & John CARTER notary
public. |
86 |
343 |
60685 |
Michael |
1736 Mar 12 |
LUTRIDGE Book Index 1730-45
Lease and release between Michael JACKSON of Plimlicoe, City of Dublin, Clothier of the 1 pt &
Thomas LUDWIDGE of Whitehave, Great Britain, merchant of the other part…
house and tenement known by the sign of the Hen and the Chickens in High
Street, City of Dublin. With the backside house of ease and appurtenances
to hold unto Thomas LUTWIDGE… yearly lease of 14 pounds WITNESS: James
CONCANEN; of City of Dublin, Merchant. & James CONCANEN jr. of same
city son of James CONCANEN merchant. |
89 |
458 |
64066 |
Michael |
1738 Jul 3 |
BOND Book Index 1730-45
Lease – Michael JACKSON of City of Dublin, Clothier for 20 pounds sterling pd by
Edward BOND of Bonderill, Co. Armagh demised Coach house & stable in
Bootlane in Oxmantown, City of Dublin... for 52 years. NOTE:
Boot La. (The N. part of what is now Arran Str. E.) 1697. From an inn, with
the sign of the Boot. SOURCE: Dublin Street
Names. |
92 |
112 |
64065 |
Michael |
1738 Jul 3 |
Book Index 1730-45
Michael JACKSON of City of Dublin clothier for 130 pounds pd by Edward
BOND of Bondville, Co. Armagh Esq made over tenement situate at Boot Lane,
Dublin... term of 91 years. NOTE: Boot La. (The N. part of what is now Arran Str. E.)
1697. From an inn, with the sign of the Boot. SOURCE: Dublin Street
Names. |
98 |
208 |
68135 |
William |
1737 Oct 8 |
JACKSON-JACKSON Book Index 1730-45
Deed dated Aug 14, 1713 from
Enoch PALMER to Michael JACKSON of all that new brick house Messuage or tenement then
lately built by the said Enoch PALMER situated on the West side of Boot Lane
in the said city [Dublin]... term 99 years assignment to Michael JACKSON of the City of Dublin, Gent in consideration of 10
pounds sterling did assign and make over to James JACKSON of the said city Tapeweaver the aforesaid premises..
witnessed by Elizabeth MATTHEWs wife of John MATTHEWS of the City of Dublin
Cordwainer [Susan ?] BOWLES, of the City of Dublin spinster. Memorial is
witnessed by said John MATTHEWS; John DEVALL of the City of Dublin, Gent.
Will JACKSON [SEAL] signed Feb 14 1739. NOTE:
There is a good chance that this is James JACKSON (1715-?) son of Michael JACKSON and Mary McCRACKEN. Boot La. (The N. part of what is now
Arran Str. E.) 1697. From an inn, with the sign of the Boot. SOURCE: Dublin Street
Names. |
103 |
147 |
70983 |
Adam & Christopher & ors |
1741 Mar 31 |
Book Index 1730-45
Assignment from Thomas KENNAN of
Diswelstown, Co Dublin Gent to Adam and Christopher JACKSON of Lackwood als Castagobb, Co Dublin, clothiers all that
part of the land of Astagobb commonly called Guns Island and also all that
part of the land of Lackwood als Castagobb aforesaid with the two tuck of
fulling mills with the four stocks and four houses there namely the dwelling
house Corning House Stove and Composition House and also all that part of
Diswelstown aforesaid commonly called the Mill Island ... make over to
Barthomew DELANDRE of the City of Dublin Gent for tem of 25 years.... |
104 |
267 |
72946 |
Elizabeth & ors |
1741 Dec 23 |
John MATTHEWS of City of Dublin
Cordwainer & Elizabeth MATTHEWS otherwise JACKSON his wife... did sign to Nicholas GIBTON of the same City
Currier all that brick house & tenement built by Enoch PALMER Founder and
situate of the west side of Boote Lane [Boot Lane] in said City... NOTE:
Boot La. (The N. part of what is now Arran Str. E.) 1697. From an inn, with
the sign of the Boot. SOURCE: Dublin Street
Names. |
107 |
531 |
75264 |
Ann & Elizabeth & William |
1742 June 3 |
JACKSON-JACKSON Notes in 2009 diary Book
Index 1730-1745
Anne JACKSON of City of Dublin spinster made over to William JACKSON of same City merchant ... dwelling house & tenement
on West side of Boot lane Dublin late in possession of Gen FAIRFAX & also
memorial of assignment 20 Nov 1745 whereby said William JACKSON did make over to his father Michael JACKSON. WITNESSS: Susan BOWLES, City of Dublin, spinster; John
DEVALL of Dublin, Gent. NOTE: Boot La. (The N. part of what is now Arran Str. E.)
1697. From an inn, with the sign of the Boot. SOURCE: Dublin Street
Names. |
107 |
531 |
75265 |
Elizabeth |
1742 Oct 9 |
MATTHEWS-JACKSON Notes in 2009 diary
Between Enoch PALMER of City of
Dublin of one part & Michael JACKSON of same city clothier of the other part for house lately
built by Enoch PALMER on West side of Boot lane, Dublin ... 91 year lease
yearly rent 40s ... by which assignment John MATTHEWS of City of Dublin [?]
& Elizabeth MATHEWS otherwise JACKSON his wife did make over their title to said Michael JACKSON [NOTE: Elizabeth MATTHEWS was the daughter of Michael JACKSON] WITNESS: Susannah BOWLES City of Dublin, spinster; John
DEVALL of Dublin, Gent & John MATHEWS. NOTE: Boot La. (The
N. part of what is now Arran Str. E.) 1697. From an inn, with the sign of the
Boot. SOURCE: Dublin Street
Names. |
107 |
531 |
75266 |
Michael |
1742 Nov 20 |
JACKSON-GIBSON Notes in 2009 diary
Michael JACKSON of City of Dublin, clothier to Nicholas GIBSON [much
detail echoes two earlier deeds] WITNESS: Mary DALTON of Cabbragh Lane,
Dublin, spinster; John DEVALL, City of Dublin, Gent. |
110 |
481 |
78879 |
William |
1743 Dec 1 |
Book Index 1730-45
Between William JACKSON of City of Dublin Gent of 1 pt & Patrick RORKE of
same City Clothier of other part in consid of rents, JACKSON demised to RORKE house or tenement situate on the
West side of Pimlicoe with the backside behind the same and Dye House in said
backside and being on the Court and Liberty of the Court and Donore and
County of the City of Dublin bounded on the last to the Kings
pavement on the West to Mr. Martin holding on the north to Mr Harvey holding
on the south to Mr Dunlops holding.... term of thirty one years... said lease
is witnessed by Michael JACKSON of Pinlicoe afiresaid Gent and Francis Nugent of
Rasevaugh County of Westmeath. |
117 |
89 |
79754 |
William |
1743 Oct 3 |
Book Index 1730-45
Wm JACKSON of City of Dublin, Gent for 100 pounds made over to [Startup]
THURGOOOD of same city Upholder land in Abbey St in City of Dublin... and
also piece of land late in possession of Michael JACKSON father of William at the back of Abbey ST. Demised to
the sd William JACKSON by Michael JACKSON ... NOTE:
Michael JACKSON had
inherited Abbey St land from Enoch PALMER in 1721. |
117 |
185 |
80248 |
James & William |
1744 Dec 7 |
Book Index 1730-45
Deed – James JACKSON of City of Dublin Tapewinder [could this be tydewaiter
or tidewaiter?] for 30 pounds conveyed to his brother William JACKSON of the same City Gent... holdings on or near Pimlico in
the Liberties of Thomas Court & Donore, City of Dublin.. annuity was
devised by Michael JACKSON father of James late of the City of Dublin, Clothier bearing date 1740. NOTE:
This is James JACKSON (1715-?) son of Michael JACKSON and Mary McCRACKEN. |
120 |
71 |
81166 |
William |
1745 Jul 31 |
ROBINSON Book Index 1730-45
Indenture of a lease btw William JACKSON of the City of Dublin Gent eldest son and heir of Michael JACKSON late of said City Clothier deceased and devisee of the last will and
Testament of the said Michael JACKSON of the 1 pt & George ROBINSON of Earl St in the
Liberty of St. Thomas Court & Donore & County & City of Dublin
Tape weaver of the other part… JACKSON let to ROBINSON the messuage or tenement late in the
possession of John COGHLAN on the north side of Tapilloin in the Liberty of
Thomas Court & Donore with the backside behind the said house which said
premes are meared and bounded as follows: on the East to the holding of
Francis BYRNES; on the west to Michael KINDLEY’s holding; on the north to
Tripillo aforesaid & on the south to JACKSON’s alley together with all rights ways easements…
WITNESSES: John BLAND John SMYTH & Arthur CRAWFORD all of the City of
Dublin. Memorial witness John SMYTHE & James KIDD. |
132 |
11 |
88231 |
William |
1747 May |
John ESPINASSE, Sheriff of Dublin
city; Esq. +Andrew MURRAY Sheriff of Dublin city; Esq. to Albert NESBITT,
Rev. Clerk Dublin City, grantor [William JACKSON, grantee] of 4 houses in JACKSON's Alley, Lib of Thomas Court Dublin city in possess'n of
John MARTIN, George ROBINSON, Widow KINLY, + 4 houses in Marrowbone Lane in
same place on possess'n of Abraham ROBINSON & Thomas GAMBLE + 1 house on
St Mary's Abby in Dublin city in possess'n of Henry MEREDYTH Esq. + 2 houses
in Petticoat lane in Dublin city in possess'n of Walter RUSSELL and William
HERON. Registrar: James SAUNDERS. Witnesses: John BYRNE, Gent of Dublin City
& Charles MEARES, Notary Public of Dublin City.
Notes thanks to Mike
NOTE: JACKSON’s Alley was in Parish of St. Catherine. It intersected
the northern end of Pimlico and was an extension of Cole Alley. SEE: http://dublin1798.com/dublin15.htm |
132 |
12 |
88232 |
William and Michael |
1748 Apr 28 |
William JACKSON, Gent of Dublin City, for consids assigned William REED,
Gent of Dublin City, plot of ground in Abbey St in lib of Dublin city (24x82
ft] next to house built by John WHINERY late in possess'n of Samuel BAKER and
of ground of Christopher TAYLOR + piece of ground back of Abby street
formerly in possess'n of Michael JACKSON from 25 March last past for remainder of terms of 75
& 51 one half yrs, freed of mortgages recited. Deputy Registrar: James
SAUNDERS. WITNESSES: John BYRNE, Gent of Dublin City and Charles MEARES,
Notary Public of Dublin City. NOTE: Michael JACKSON may have inherited Abbey St land from Enoch PALMER in
Notes thanks to Mike
Stewart |
137 |
459 |
94057 |
William |
1749 Mar 6 |
William JONES of Dolphins Barn,
Co Dublin, Ale draper & William JACKSON of the same place grocer. Land to JACKSON bounded on the east by James ANDERSONs holding, on the
west and north to Christopher KERNANNs holding and on the South by Kings Rd.
for 99 years for rent of 4 pounds. |
197 |
39 |
129535 |
JACKSON, Thomas |
1758 Sep 6 |
ROCHFORT-BARRE Book Index 1758-1768 Btw George ROCHFORD & Theobald WOLFE of City of Dublin Esq. & Robert CLIBBORN of City of Dublin Merchant assignees appointed by act of parliament for the relief of creditors of the bank lately kept by John WILCOCKS & John DAWSON and so forth and Thomas JACKSON of Marrowbone Lane in Co & City of Dublin, Linen weaver of 1st pt... ground fronting Robert Street in Liberty of Thomas Court & Donore... John DAWSON oldest son of Benjamin DAWSON ...complex...NOTE: Robert Street tees into Marrowbone Lane where it turns from a westward to a southward direction in a right angle at the Tenter Fields. |
200 |
347 |
133444 |
JACKSON, William |
1759 Sep 9 |
Jacob POOLE, Brewer of Blackpitts, Dublin of 1st part to William JACKSON, Clothier of Upper Comb in Liberties of Thomas Court & Donore Dublin Dwelling House Out Houses Backside Back House Garden Crane Loft wherein Jacob POOLE formerly dwelt & lately in occupation of William WHITLING, on s. side of said Upper Comb st. with liberty of sewer running in premises from other holdings of Jacob POOLE and of Jacob POOLE's rights of adjoining properties unto Jacob POOLE, from 29 inst Sept, 41 years, £34 ster. WITNESSES: Joseph DOYLE, Carpenter of Cole Alley, Dublin; Arthur SHEPHEARD, Public Notary of Dublin City; Michael CARROLL, Joyner of Dublin City. Thanks to Mike Stewart.
315 |
257 |
210670 |
ROBINSON Names Index: 1777-1785
John JACKSON demised to George ROBINSON (see other lease re: Pimlico lands – same descry] |
303 |
299 |
201176 |
JACKSON, Thomas |
1774 Jul 1 |
JOHNSTON Book Index 1768-1776
Lease btw Thomas
JACKSON of Mary’s Alley in City of
Dublin Taylor of one pt & Richard JACKSON of Capel Street in sd City Brushmaker of the
other…demised stables in back of Thomas JACKSONs House in Mary’s Abbey cont in front to Bootlane 18 ft
from front to rere 18 ft in Parish of St Mary’s Abbey City of Dublin |
325 |
327 |
220706 |
1779 Aug 4 |
ROBINSON Names Index: 1777-1785
City of Dublin Gent 1 pt & George ROBINSON of Tripilo of the Liberties of
Thomas Court & Donore of the other pt. … house on west side of Pimlicoe
… lives of John JACKSON & Michael
JACKSON son of John
JACKSON. [description of land] |
309 |
340 |
205928 |
1775 Oct 12 |
ROBINSON Book Index 1768-1776
Deed made by John
JACKSON of Beggars Bridge Co Westmeath
gent of the one part; George ROBINSON of [Tripilo?] in the liberty of Thomas
Court and Donore gent of the other part… JACKSON granted to ROBINSON parcel
of round situate in Jackson’s Alley in the Liberty of Thomas Court &
Donore bounded on the East to the backsides of two houses which belonged to
Joshua THOMAS deceased and on the south to the holding of John BUCKLEY
deceased; on the west to the holding of Michael JACKSON deceased and on the north to Jackson Alley afsd
containing in front 35 feet and in depth 38 feet or thereabouts with all the
wall houses Buildings and Appurtenances to George ROBINSON for the lives of
King George III, John JACKSON party to the deed, and & Michael JACKSON his son…
renewal fine of five shillings or one sugar loaf in lieu thereof on the fall
of each life WITNESS: Samuel JUSTIN of Tripilo in the Liberty of Thomas Court
& Donore and John CONROY of the City of Dublin, gent; |
311 |
363 |
210667 |
1777 Jan 1 |
Index: 1777-1785
Lands in possession of John
JACKSON in Liberty of Court of Thomas
& Donore, City of Dublin... indenture of lease to Michael
JACKSON... George ROBINSON of City of
Dublin. NOTE: He may be the Michael JACKSON 1740-1803 of Graigue,
Queens Co. |
270 |
436 |
173413 |
JACKSON, Thomas |
1768 Dec 10 |
ROBINSON Book Index 1768-1776
Lease whereby William JACKSON of
the City of Dublin Gent demised to George ROBINSON of said City weaver two
houses late in the occupation of Mr. Patrick RORKE and his undertenants
situate on the East side of Pimlico in the Liberties of Thomas Court and
Donore City of Dublin to hold from 24 June then last for 99 years at the
yearly rent of 12 pounds sterling. Witnessed by Mary
JACKSON wife of said William
315 |
257 |
210670 |
ROBINSON Names Index: 1777-1785
John JACKSON demised to George
ROBINSON (see other lease re: Pimlico lands – same descry] |
303 |
299 |
201176 |
JACKSON, Thomas |
1774 Jul 1 |
JOHNSTON Book Index 1768-1776
Lease btw Thomas
JACKSON of Mary’s Alley in City of
Dublin Taylor of one pt & Richard JACKSON of Capel Street in sd City Brushmaker of the
other…demised stables in back of Thomas JACKSONs House in Mary’s Abbey cont
in front to Bootlane 18 ft from front to rere 18 ft in Parish of St Mary’s
Abbey City of Dublin |
325 |
327 |
220706 |
1779 Aug 4 |
ROBINSON Names Index: 1777-1785
John JACKSON of City of Dublin
Gent 1 pt & George ROBINSON of Tripilo of the Liberties of Thomas Court
& Donore of the other pt. … house on west side of Pimlicoe … lives of John
JACKSON & Michael
JACKSON son of John
JACKSON. [description of land] |
309 |
340 |
205928 |
1775 Oct 12 |
ROBINSON Book Index 1768-1776
Deed made by John
JACKSON of Beggars Bridge Co Westmeath
gent of the one part; George ROBINSON of [Tripilo?] in the liberty of Thomas
Court and Donore gent of the other part… JACKSON granted to ROBINSON parcel
of round situate in Jackson’s Alley in the Liberty of Thomas Court & Donore bounded on
the East to the backsides of two houses which belonged to Joshua Thomas
deceased and on the south to the holding of John BUCKLEY deceased; on the
west to the holding of Michael JACKSON deceased and on the north to Jackson Alley afsd
containing in front 35 feet and in depth 38 feet or thereabouts with all the
wall houses Buildings and Appurtenances to George ROBINSON for the lives of
King George III, John JACKSON party to the deed, and & Michael
JACKSON his son… renewal fine of five
shillings or one sugar loaf in lieu thereof on the fall of each life WITNESS:
Samuel JUSTIN of Tripilo in the Liberty of Thomas Court & Donore and John
CONROY of the City of Dublin, gent; |
311 |
363 |
210667 |
1777 Jan 1 |
Index: 1777-1785
Lands in possession of John
JACKSON in Liberty of Court of Thomas
& Donore, City of Dublin... indenture of lease to Michael JACKSON...
George ROBINSON of City of Dublin. NOTE: He may be the Michael
JACKSON 1740-1803 of Graigue, Queens Co. |
270 |
436 |
173413 |
JACKSON, Thomas |
1768 Dec 10 |
ROBINSON Book Index 1768-1776
Lease whereby William JACKSON of
the City of Dublin Gent demised to George ROBINSON of said City weaver two
houses late in the occupation of Mr. Patrick RORKE and his undertenants
situate on the East side of Pimlico in the Liberties of Thomas Court and
Donore City of Dublin to hold from 24 June then last for 99 years at the
yearly rent of 12 pounds sterling. Witnessed by Mary
JACKSON wife of said William