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This deed links Andrew TODD with several JACKSONs and Hugh REA. A couple more deeds in this vicinity and timeframe would be helpful. Until then, this is the best that I can do. See also The Jacksons of County Down, as well as 1711 February 18.

Sharon Oddie Brown. August 5, 2014


ROD 141 429 96062 TODD to JACKSON


To the Registry appointed for Registering Deeds Conveyances and so forth, a Memorial of one assignment bearing date the 20th day of February, 1748. Indexed on the back of a release bearing date the 22nd day of May, 1747, by which release after reciting as there in recited said Andrew Todd[1] of Carricknaveagh otherwise Todds Town[2] in the parish of Killaney in the County of Down Linnen Draper did for the consideration therein mentioned release and confirm to John Gibson[3] Ballymacarrett[4] in the County of Down farmer all that parcel of land within the townland of Ballyregan[5] in the parish of Dundonald and County of Down, formerly possessed by John Denham[6] aforesaid all that parcel with in the said townland of Ballyregan, formerly possessed by Robert Jackson[7] with the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents and Service of the same which said lands by indenture Bearing date the first day of November, 1677 were demised by James Ross[8] of Portavoe[9] in the County of Down to John Jackson[10] of Ballyregan aforesaid forever at the rent of £18 yearly besides Duties and Relief Money, and several recitals in said release contained, it appears the said lands were conveyed by the said John Jackson to Thomas Jackson[11] and by said Thomas Jackson reconveyed to said John Jackson and by said John Jackson afterwards conveyed to his son Joseph Jackson[12] and to said Joseph conveyed to Robert Magee[13] in trust for said Joseph’s wife Grizel[14], daughter of said Robert Magee and her Children, and afterwards by the said Joseph Jackson and his said wife Grizel   John Jackson their son, Hugh Rea[15] and Elizabeth[16], his wife, daughter of the said Joseph & Grizel and James Hutcheson[17] one of the executors of the said Robert Magee conveyed to the said Andrew Todd. And by an assignment bearing date the 24th day of February, 1748 Indorsed also on the back of said release the said John Gibson did for the consideration there in mentioned reconvey his right, title and interest in said lands and premises to the said Andrew Todd and by said first mentioned indenture of the said 25th day of February, 1748 the said Andrew Todd for £82.10 shillings did Convey the said Deed of Release and premises thereto belonging or in any ways appertaining unto James Jackson for the proper use & Behoof of him the said James Jackson his heirs aforesaid forever – which last mentioned Indorsement is witnessed by John Henderson[18] of Belfast in the County of Antrim merchant, John Lowers[19] of the parish of Ballee in the County of Down farmer and Thomas Jackson[20] of Ballyregan in the County farmer and this Memorial is also witnessed by the said John Henderson and Andrew McKee[21] of the parish and County aforesaid.


James Jackson.


Signed sealed by the above named James Jackson in presence of

John Henderson,

Andrew McKee.


The above named John Henderson maketh oath that he saw the above named Andrew McKee duly execute the endorsement whereof the above writing is a Memorial and also saw the above named James Jackson duly sign at the above Memorial that he the deponent is a subscribing witness and endorsement by Memorial that the name John Henderson subscribed as witness to said indenture and Memorial is the deponent’s own proper handwriting: sworn before me this 28 day of August 1750 at Belfast in the County of Antrim, by Virtue of a commission to me, directed [??] Deponent

Robert Wills[22]

[1] Andrew TODD. There is a strong likelihood that this Andrew TODD is related – likely the father – of the Andrew TODD (1748-1805) who married the 3rd daughter of James BIRCH and Mary JACKSON. A paper by Richard McMurtry showing the mapping of TODDs in Ireland states: The Todds were in Carricknaveagh as early as 1625 when it was called Toddstown. Andrew Todd participated in the 1798 uprising of the United Irishmen and the family lands were confiscated by the Crown. The Thomas Ledlie BIRCH of the United Irishmen would be a relation.

[2] Todds Town is the townland of Carricknaveagh, Parish of Killaney. From Ros Davies site: 5 km S Loughbrickland; possibly named after Rev. Todd farm ; 4km NW of Saintfield on the Lisburn road; named for John Todd's holding in 1663 in Carricknaveagh townland ; residence of Andrew Todd in 1748 & Richard Walker Esq. in 1806.

[3] John GIBSON of Ballymacarrett. It is possible that he was the one mentioned in 1718 in the Ballynahinch Presbyterian Testimonials.

[4] Ballymacarrett, Parish of Knockbreda, Co. Down

[5] Ballyregan Parish of Knockbreda, Co. Down. The JACKSON tenancy here dates back at least to the late 1600s.

[6] John DENHAM

[7] Robert JACKSON (d. 1679). He is the earliest known (to me) JACKSON in the line of Co. Down Jacksons.

[8] Capt. James ROSS (1652-1734). Gravestone inscriptions in Church of Ireland graveyard in Donaghadee, Co. Down, Ireland: Here lyeth the body of Mr James Ross who died on 11th day of Feb 1734 aged 82. NOTE: It would be worth following up on ROSS-related deeds and pedigrees in the archives at the National Archives in Dublin. I suspect that he was a relation of the George ROSS who married Ursula Hamilton of Carnesure. I also suspect that his ancestors were originally from Irvine in Ayrshire, Scotland, and were part of James Hamilton's plantation before 1617. See also: Robert Ross. It also seems that in 1732 – two years before he died, that lands were sold to pay debts. See also Ros Davies page with lots of ROSS notes indicating that a James ROSS was a major landowner in 1653 in Dundonald Parish..

·        PRONI LPC/1174 2 April 1694 Lease (copy) of Killeen, Co. Down from James Ross, Portavoe, Co. Down to David Martin, Killeen, Co. Down

·        PRONI LPC/1175 2 May 1695 Lease (copy) of Ballymiscaw, Co. Down from James Ross, Portavoe, Co. Down to Henry Jackson, Ballymiscaw, Co. Down. NOTE: I need to see this.

·       PRONI LPC/509 31 March 1747 Lease of Gilnahirk, Co. Down from James Ross, Portavoe, Co. Down, to Thomas Hill, Gilnahirk, Co. Down. NOTE: This is after the death of this James ROSS.

·        PRONI: LPC/655 2 June 1673 Lease of Ballykeel, Co. Down from James Ross, Portavoe, Co. Down, to John Orr, Co. Down.

·        PRONI LPC/508 9 January 1693 Lease of Gilnahirk, Co. Down from James Ross, Portavoe, Co. Down, to Adam Watson, Gilnahirk, Co. Down

·        PRONI .MIC92/1. 11 July 1815. Copy of letter from William Todd Jones to John Bingham of Rosstrevor relating to the genealogy of the Ross family of Portavoe, etc.

·        Registry of Deeds, Dublin (book 25, p57, deed 13497

·        ROD 116 341 80724 1744 Feb 22. 1st pt James Ross merchant of Belfast; 2nd pt Jas McCulloch Esq of Piedmount, Co Antrim; 3rd pt Rev Hugh Hill of Mounthill Co Antrim (with ref to an indenture  dated 29 Aug 1744(!) between James McCulloch, Dorothy Beresford Shaw otherwise McCulloch & James Ross). Ballygrogan, Co Antrim.

·        Registry of Deeds, Dublin Vol 111 282

[9] Portavoe, Parish of Bangor, Barony Ards Lower.

[10] John JACKSON of Ballyreagan. This John JACKSON may be the father of Robert JACKSON (d. 1679), or the John JACKSON (1639-1716) who married Jennet JACKSON daughter of Robert JACKSON (d. 1679), or the John JACKSON (1667-1725) – husband of Katherine McKINNEY. Some of these early generations may be bit muddled. My guess is that Robert JACKSON may have had two wives, hence the spread in the ages of his children. Also, it would be likely that the husband of his daughter Jennet was also a relation.

[11] Thomas JACKSON. One possibility is Thomas JACKSON (1679-1713) brother of John JACKSON (1667-1725)

[12] Joseph JACKSON. One possibility is Dr. Joseph JACKSON, son of John JACKSON (1667-1725) and Katherine McKINNEY. The oral history claims 3 wives for him, but we only have documentation for two, so Grizel could be the 3rd.

[13] Robert MAGEE father of Grizel JACKSON

[14] Grizel MAGEE

[15] Hugh REA (1717-1759) son of David REA (1672-1754) SEE Saintfield Gravemarker transcribed by R.J.S. Clarke: [Horizontal stone on the ground in modern REA railed enclosure]. Here lyeth the body of David REA of Maharynock [aka Magheraknock] Hill who departed this life 16 0f March 1754 aged 82 years. & also his son Hugh REA of said place who departed this life ye 2 of June 1759 aged 42 years. Likewise the body of his son David REA who departed this life Janry 3rd 1770 aged 13 years. Also the remains of Elizabeth REA otherwise JACKSON wife to ye above Hugh REA, who died Octbr ye 8th 1779 aged 62 years. Here lyeth ye body of Catherine REA otherwise BARNETT wife to Matthew REA who departed ye life ye 2nd of January 1781 aged 68 years.

[16] Elizabeth REA née JACKSON

[17] James HUTCHESON. NOTE: An Elizabeth HUTCHESON married a James JACKSON (1702-1738), son of Gilbert JACKSON (1677-1723)

[18] John HENDERSON of Antrim

[19] John LOWERS of Ballee, Co. Down. NOTE: The name LOWEY is in the Ballee area in this time frame.

[20] Thomas JACKSON of Ballyregan. This is possibly the Dr. Thomas JACKSON (1700-1779) of Ballyreagon.

[21] Andrew McKEE.

[22] Robert WILLS



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