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As of October 24, 2006 there are 215 annotated letters hyperlinked to this page. There are thousands of footnotes and as they have been done at different times, some could benefit from updating. If you spot errors or broken links, please let me know. I will correct them as soon as possible.

June 21, 2006
1735-1739 Letters concerning JACKSON deeds in Co. Down These three letters shed light on the JACKSONs of Co. Down. NAMES: James JACKSON; James BLACKWOOD; Gilbert JACKSON; STEVENSON; Robert BLACKWOOD; Elizabeth HUTCHON; Mr. ECHLIN; PLACES: Ballyleidy; Ballymisca. August 20, 2010
1792 February 27 George Jackson to Elizabeth Bradford The author is a relative by marriage to the recipient and as well as a solicitor in Dublin. The letter concerns lands in Co. Monaghan - possibly Cordevlish - received by Elizabeth BRADFORD prior to marriage (she was a daughter of William BREAKEY). The legal concerns seem related to asserting her rights against her son, Andrew BRADFORD. See 1809 document transcribed and included in an 1827 document November 7, 2003
October 24, 2006
Footnotes added.
1798 November 27 This letter from solicitor and family member George JACKSON of Dublin is instructing his nephew, the teenage John JACKSON on how to proceed with Court challenges to his father's assets after his father's demise. In particular, there had been an issue as to the disposition of the asset of the malt materials left on the land (mentioned in his will). The father, David JACKSON died in1796 when the recipient of the letter was a mere 16 years old. NAMES: John JACKSON of Creggan; Unnamed SMITH aka SMYTH; Samuel BRADFORD; Margaret BRADFORD; Thomas BALL; George JACKSON; George SHEA. PLACES: Dublin. June 30, 2006
1799 February 16 This letter from solicitor and family member George JACKSON of Dublin is instructing his nephew, the teenage John JACKSON on how to proceed with Court challenges to his father's assets after his father's demise. In this case, it concerns Cavananore and involves the COULTER & BRADFORD families (which means it may also involve the OLIVER family too through the Thomas BRADFORD connection). John's father, David JACKSON, died in1796 when his only son was a mere 16 years old. NAMES: John JACKSON; Joseph COULTER; Thomas Ledlie BIRCH; Martha COULTER née COWEN; Samuel BRADFORD; John COULTER; John BRADFORD; Thomas BRADFORD; Elizabeth BRADFORD née BREAKEY; Margaret BRADFORD; Unnamed SMYTH aka SMITH. PLACES: Cavananore. June 30, 2006
April 23, 2010
These 1802 letters concern the fate of Elizabeth JACKSON, the widow of the United Irishman Rev. William JACKSON (abt 1737-1795). He had committed suicide while in the dock of a Dublin Court awaiting sentencing for his “treasonous” acts. His rationale for committing suicide had been to avoid his assets being seized should he be sentenced to capital punishment. These two letters, seven years after his death, concern Elizabeth's so far unsuccessful attempts to secure financial help and support in France for their two children. The wealth which she had previously enjoyed was no more. There is much more to learn. What happened to the properties that Rev. William would most likely have inherited from his JACKSON and GORE ancestors? Were there actually any properties that Elizabeth had rights to? If yes, where were they and who benefited? It always helps to follow the money (or in Ireland's case - follow the land). September 1, 2023
1804 March 3rd George JACKSON to John JACKSON This letter is concerned with HANRATTY's payments due to Margaret JACKSON, widow of David JACKSON. HANRATTY was a tenant. July 19, 2006
1805 April 10 George JACKSON to John JACKSON HANRATTY's payments have not yet been received. Also mention of Captain METGE who is expected to pay John JACKSON on behalf of Lord RODEN. July 19, 2006
1805 August 13 George JACKSON to John JACKSON HANRATTY still has not paid and wants an arrangement that would involve DOYLEs. Also mention of John JACKSON, brother of George JACKSON who "will never do much good for himself or any one Else". July 19, 2006
1806 July 16 George JACKSON to John JACKSON There is a mention of a Mr. SEAWRIGHT who may be an uncle of John JACKSON. Also, HANRATTY still has not paid and the case will come before the Armagh Assizes. George cautions his nephew John against any dealings with him. July 19, 2006
1810 June 4 NAMES: George JACKSON of Dublin and earlier of Urker, Parish of Creggan, Co. Armagh; W. RORKE aka ROURKE; David LONGMORE; Mrs. KELLY; Miss HUTCHISON; Mrs. SHEA. Added KELLY info. July 31, 2009
August 7, 2009
1811 February 27 William Donaldson to Oswald Lawson This William DONALDSON is the Presbyterian husband of Barbara BRADFORD. He expresses his strong political support for the agendas of the Irish Catholics and his opposition to the established clergy. A DONALDSON house was torched by the British in 1798.

November 3, 2004
July 24, 2007
more footnotes.

1812 February 18 William Donaldson to Oswald Lawson This letter is a continuation of the first in terms of themes. NAMES: Oswald LAWSON of Newry, Co. Armagh & Norfolk, Virginia; William DONALDSON of Freeduff, Co. Armagh; General B---VAL (I can't read his name); Dr. Edward SHERIDAN; Thomas KIRWAN of Dublin; Dr. William Steel DICKSON; Mark DEVLIN, Esq.; Rector Dr. Henry STEWART; James ?; Alderman WALMSLEY; Ann SCOTT and Unnamed SCOTT; Barbara DONALDSON. OTHER PLACES: Derry. November 10, 2003
January 5, 2010
1817 February 8 Jane Wilkens to her mother Martha Menary Jane nee MENARY moved to New Haven USA either just before or after she was widowed. June 19, 2005
1818 September 4 Geo JACKSON to James McCULLAGH NAMES: James McCULLAGH; Elizabeth JACKSON née  McCULLAGH; John GILLMER; John WALLACE; David JACKSON; John JACKSON. PLACES: Creggan; Tullyegallahan aka Tullyogallaghan. April 6, 2010

1826 July - Elizabeth Jackson re: rent reassessment

November 9, 2003
1827 June 9 Eliezer Birch Gillmer to Elizabeth Bradford This letter gives a detailed glimpse into the minutae of family financial arrangements. Eliezer is a half brother of Elizabeth. There is mention of Thomas McCULLAGH (probably the one who was the husband of Mary BRADFORD) having settled things with his brother (probably James McCULLAGH of Drummuck who married Eliza WALLACE). This is likely part of the source of the future feud over Cavananore since another sister, Elizabeth BRAFORD married Benjamin OLIVER and the OLIVERs, BRADFORDs and JACKSONs all became involved. November 19, 2003
Comments to left updated
1827 June 11 Elizabeth Jackson to "Sallie" A short domestic letter which also mentions the death of "Bessie" Anne DONALDSON (SEE: Creggan Church records November 19, 2003
October 24, 2006
1828 March 5 David Jackson to Margaretta Jackson This is written by a 14 year old David JACKSON who would grow up and become the father of Sir Thomas JACKSON. Mention of DONALDSONs & McMURRAYs. November 7, 2003
footnotes updated
January 31, 2006
1850 November 2 Barbara Donaldson to Mary Jane Oliver It is hard to make sense of various allusions in the letter. It may have to do with Cavananore business. The "James" mentioned may be James McCULLAGH or James OLIVER. There is much uncertainty here. November 9, 2003
1852 June 10 NAMES: Mary Jane OLIVER of Cavananore; James Birch GILLMER; Thomas McCULLAGH; Margaret BRADFORD; PURCELL; Mr. McAULEY; McALISTER; Eliza Jr.; "Molly" Mary JACKSON; Miss ARNOLD; William BARLOW; Sally aka Sarah McCULLAGH of Derryvalley. October 7, 2009
November 1, 2009
1859 February 13 NAMES: Captain KERR; Alan MARTIN; Mr. KELLUSSON; George Crean MARTIN of Ringfad, Tullycarnen. July 31, 2009
1860 Jan 31 In this letter, Eliza JACKSON writes to her daughter Bessie JACKSON, age 17, of money disagreements between Eliza and her husband, the limits of female power and the need for women to have financial autonomy. March 24, 2022
1862 February 13 Carrie G Evert to "Cousin Jane" Cary is most likely a grand-daughter of Jane (nee MENARY) WILKINS of New Haven (see letter above dated 1817) while Jane is likely Jane (Nee MENARY) CALVERT. There is reference to the American Civil War. June 19, 2005
1863 September 23 This is the earliest letter that we have that was written by the future Sir Thomas JACKSON - all thanks to Christine Wright. At the time of writing, Thomas is 22 years old, and a bank clerk in Belfast. He is writing to a much loved and respected 80 year old great-aunt. Given the political discussion, it is worth revisiting letters from the husband of this aunt which throw light on the DONALDSONs political involvements with key players in the United Irish movement of the late 1700s June 4, 2015
1864 August 30. This letter is to Thomas Jackson from the agent Edward GEOGHEGAN on the day that Thomas left employment in Belfast at the Bank of Ireland. November 20, 2014
1864 September 2. Thomas Jackson had his last day as a clerk at the Belfast branch of the Bank of Ireland on Wednesday August 30th, and this letter was written three days later on Friday. June 4, 2015

1864 December 13. Sent from Bombay. On November 12th, 1864, a month before Thomas Jackson wrote this letter to his sister Mary, he had signed a contract with Agra and Masterman’s Bank to work in Hong Kong. He had received £137.10 for Passage Money and Travelling Expenses.

June 6, 2015
1865 January 14. On this dayThomas Jackson arrived in Hong Kong for the very first time. He was 23 years old, and had a contract to work for the Agra and Masterman's Bank. He started work an hour and a half after first setting foot on shore  
1865 April 15 TJ to Mary JACKSON. Thomas Jackson is writing from Hong Kong, after being in the employ of the Agra Bank for three months. He is twenty-three years old. A friend, Lane, is on the staff and the two of them live at the Agra Bank House with the Manager. The manager is not named, but Henry NOBLE (1833-1866) was the manager of the Agra Bank at this time. His wife, Catherine Isabella Haywood NOBLE, died on November 15th, 1865 in the Agra Bank House, Hong Kong, I presume that she and her husband and their three children: Henry Haywood Noble, Ada Catherine Noble and Edith Isabella (who was born in Hong Kong on October 24, 1864) also lived there. I need to confirm this. June 7, 2015
1865 November 25 William OLIVER to Mary JACKSON. This very brief letter is intriguing in the way that it shows the interdependence of the farming families. I have enclosed a scan of the letter. May 9, 2012
1867 October 29 Joseph DICKIE to Mary Jane OLIVER The solicitor Joseph DICKIE suggests that Mary OLIVER settle with "Mrs. JACKSON" re: "The Jackson Estate". Mr. MENARY of Maghery House is also mentioned. This would be the William MENARY who married Mary JACKSON. The letter is dated 5 months after his father's death. November 18, 2004
1868 February 2 Thomas JACKSON (1841-1915) at Shanghai to Mary JACKSON (1844-1921) at Urker near Crossmaglen, South Armagh, Ireland. June 9, 2015
1870 April 22 Thomas JACKSON is writing from Shanghai to his Aunt Mary Jane OLIVER at Cavananore. He mentions his sisters: Bessie (aka Elizabeth), Mary, Sally (aka Sally) and Margaret (aka Peggy) June 10, 2015
1871 Eliza Jackson to her son, Thomas This is very touching letter written by a mother to her son (who would become Sir Thomas Jackson) on the occasion of his marriage in Yokohama. Wm OLIVER is described as unwell (he died 2 years later); Thompson BROWN has croup (it had killed her son George); Everard William Bouverie of Delapré Abbey has died; potato crops bad & flax a failure. November 7, 2003
1873 July 11 Andrew Bradford McCullagh to "Sal" McCullagh "Andy" is in New York and not having an easy go of it. He wants the address of Nancy ROGERS. June 9, 2005
1873 July 25 Thomas McCullagh to his daughter "Sal" from Derrivalley A newsy letter from a father to his daughter with interesting JACKSON references. A letter from "Andy" was enclosed - likely the one from July 11, 1873 and a request to get an address for Nancy JACKSON (see above - Nancy ROGERS reference).. June 8, 2005
1873 Sept 17 Thomas McCullagh to his daughter "Sal" from Derryvalley A reference to "Sal" possibly stopping off at Cavananore June 8, 2005
1873 Sept 26 Thomas McCullagh to his daughter "Sal" from Derrivalley He seems most anxious that she return home, albeit understanding. She is not yet at Cavananore and her chin is healing. June 8, 2005
1873 October 3 Thomas McCullagh to his daughter "Sal" from Derrivalley There is a mention of Anna BRADFORD a neighbour, which given the BRADFORD connection to Cavananore is also interesting. Sal's injured chin is healing and she is still in Newry.. June 8, 2005
1873 November 12 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is the first of the letters discovered in a bog in Ireland prior to 1960. The news includes: TJs father recovering from operation on lip; TJs first trip home planned for March 1874; William OLIVERs will presents challenges; Thompson BROWN in new place with better health; David JACKSON is working in France. October 6, 2006
1874 Feb 20 Thomas McCullagh to his daughter "Sal" from Derrivalley . This letter is a father pining for the return of his daughter who has been visiting away from home. It is written a month before his death at age 80. Her brother "Jack" is leaving for America. Mention of "Maggie" possibly to be married. June 5, 2005
Cooments to left updated
1874 March 2 Thomas McCullagh to "Sal" from Derrivalley His two sons, Jack & Thomas sailed on rough seas on Wednesday, February 25, 1874 to Liverpool and thence to the USA June 8, 2005
1874 May 7 Eliza Jackson to Thomas This is one of the letters found in the bog. News includes: the birth of the twins; advice about wet nursing; Mary MENARY's legal woes; construction start at Kilteban. October 4, 2006
1874 June 1 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the letters found in a bog prior to 1960. News includes: TJ being urged to have life insurance; Minnie seems to have a post-partum illness; one of the new-born twins has a "pug nose" (probably Emily) ; Elizabeth BROWN is still in Dublin as Kiltybane is being built; advice about baptising the twins in Ireland. October 4, 2006
September 22, 2014
1874 June 8, Eliza Jackson to Thomas This is one of the letters found in the bog prior to 1960. TJ is in London. The news includes: shipping eggs to TJ; a visit to Killynure; reference to land dispute involving uncle OLIVERs; construction starting at Kiltabeen; hopes for David JACKSON to start at HSBC and having worked at JOHNSTONs; Minnie's health after childbirth.NAMES: Rev. REID of Newtownhamilton; Rev. McCLELLAND of Newtownhamilton; John DONALDSON; Andrew Bradford OLIVER; Mary Jane OLIVER; Benjamin OLIVER; David JACKSON; John JOHNSTON; Amelia DARE. Amy Oliver JACKSON & Edith Bradford JACKSON. PLACE: Killynure; Kiltabeen. Updated. October 4, 2006
January 17, 2010
1874 September 13 - Mary Jane Oliver to Miss McCready from Cavananore This is writtten the week of the death of Edith Bradford JACKSON at age 3 1/2 months, daughter of Sir Thomas JACKSON and Amelia Lydia DARE. November 28, 2004
Aug 23, 2008
1874 September 8. This letter was sent to Thomas Jackson the day after the death of his daughter. The theology of the sender, his uncle the Rev. Joseph BARTLEY, was not the kind of theology that Thomas had any respect for in later life. Whether this was true then, I cannot say. February 25, 1874
1874 October probably (going by content) Mary Jane Oliver to Sarah McCullagh from Cavananore There is mention of an aunt's death (possibly Margaret BRADFORD) and of her lying and of resulting complications for Andrew Bradford McCULLAGH but that Sir Thomas JACKSON will help (he was in Dublin and Kilarney at the time). June 11, 2005
1874 October 15 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters found in an Irish bog - some time before 1960. News contains: TJ in Dublin (after death of Emily); a legal tangle with Andrew Bradford OLIVER over his brother William OLIVER's estate and involving his son Benjamin gaining Killynure; the health of Aunt Bess (likely Elizabeth Johanna DONALDSON nee JACKSON) and preparations for construction at Kilteban; George JACKSON's gift to Drogheda to display the JACKSON coats of arms. October 4, 2006
1874 October 19 Mary Jane Oliver to Sarah McCullagh from Cavananore There is mention of Andrew in New York and Thomas & Amelia in Killarny. Also talk of legal dealings with an OLIVER estate and Andrew Bradford OLIVER possibly leasing Killynure. June 11, 2005
1875 August 2 Eliza JACKSON to Thomas JACKSON This is one of the 77 letters found in a bog some time before 1960. News: TJ is sailing back to Far East through Suez; Mary OLIVER is not well; Miss McCREADY gone home; Mr ALLEN & family at Liscalgot; hopes of Thomas returning home to Ireland. October 4, 2006
1875 Eliza Jackson to Mary Jane Oliver A suggestion to lease lands to Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON. The suggestion was not taken up and he moved to Co. Meath. This was the start of Samuel BRADFORD coming into the lands and a long family wrangle that ended with Sir Thomas buying back the land. November 19, 2003
1875 October 27 Robert Hamilton Reed to Sarah McCullagh This is written while Robert Hamilton REED and Margaret JACKSON (sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON) are on their honeymoon - written the day after their marriage! June 11, 2005
1877 April 28 James McCullagh to Sarah McCullagh from Derrivalley The author of the letter is a bit of a guess - probably her brother. Derryvally and Baliaborough are mentioned. June 13, 2005
1877 December 18 NAMES: Eliza JACKSON nèe OLIVER of Urker Lodge; James Birch GILMER aka GILMORE aka GILLMER of Mayfield, Dromore; Elizabeth BRADFORD nèe BREAKEY; John BATES, banker of Crossmaglen. July 31, 2009
1879 November 18 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters found in a bog sometime before 1960. There is a gap of 4 years between this one and the one previous. NEWS: Sir Thomas' & Minnie's children are all well; Minnie's Mother & brother have died in Yokohama of cholera; books are sent for the children; Eliza's childhood reading; concerns about rent payment; David JACKSON to go to Yokohama (Eliza understandably concerned after the recent cholera deaths). October 4, 2006
1880 April 7 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters found in a bog before 1960. NEWS: Eliza reading bank reports; funeral of Elizabeth (McCULLAGH) JACKSON, grandmother to Sir Thomas; local politics, elections & Samuel BRADFORD; new ditches at Liscalgot. October 4, 2006
1880 May 5 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 bog letters. NEWS: Eliza has had a slight attack of "quincy"; good crops and available labour; charity potatoes sold illicitly; sisters Margaret & Sarah nee JACKSON nearing confinement; sending butter & books to London; fear of war in Shanghai; illness amongst McCULLAGHs of Drummuck. October 4, 2006
1880 July 7 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 7 "bog letters". NEWS: description of grandmother's last days and deaths of Mrs. CORR & Mrs. John BAILIE; general health update; William OLIVER's land to be sold July 16; relief meal & needs; Thomas Dare JACKSON's surgery (cleft lip?); John JACKSON & farming; James McCULLAGH ailing. October 4, 2006
March 2, 2010
1880 July 21 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson One of the 77 letters found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: Sale of the OLIVER estate July 16th; alterations at Liscalgot; birth of Sarah & Margaret's children (daughters of Eliza). October 4, 2006
1800 October 6 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 bog letters. NEWS: thanks to Thomas for the support he gives the family and mentions of whom the money has helped; Eliza's theology; Cavananore mention. October 4, 2006
1880 November 2 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson One of the 77 "bog letters". NEWS: Tea & a letter from David JACKSON; James McCULLAGH's sufferings; Andrew at Lionsden (after the family lost Cavananore); Sam BRADFORD & Cavananore ghost; ingratitude of BROWNS (most likely children of Daniel Gunn BROWNE); support to TJ for his decision to stay in Hong Kong; still problems with William OLIVER's estate. October 4, 2006
1880 December 1 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Another of the 77 letters from the bog in Ireland. NEWS: Death of Rev. Joseph BARKLEY (uncle to TJ); Prof. Matthew LEITCH of Belfast; charity report on where TJ's help has gone; Thompson BROWN jr. at HSBC; Thompson BROWN sr. in some sort of "scrape"; James McCULLAGH of Corfad doing well as agent on LESLIE estate; Andy STITT & boils; politics of Land League. Footnotes updated. October 4, 2006
March 13, 2010
1881 - possibly - Drummuck undated Mary McCullagh to cousin Sarah McCullagh I am putting this unedited letter here since it mentions Dr. REID as well as "Maggie" (this would be Margaret JACKSON, sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON) and Dr. Robert Hamilton REID (or REED) who died September 16, 1881 of pneumonia. Much vague talk of romances. Footnotes updated June 13, 2006. June 15, 2005
1881 March 2 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson One of the 77 letters found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: TJs health & blessings; a presentation to TJ; typhoon & Mr. NOBLE's death; mention of DARE-HARTIGAN marriage; world politics; Liscalgot renovation completed. October 5, 2006
1881 June 1 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson One of the 77 letters found in the bog in Ireland. NEWS: TJ has been home with Minnie elsewhere; James McCULLAGH still not well; issues with REID & McCULLAGH over lands and rent; Sam BRADFORD fleeing naked; Cavananore issue; trouble in Ireland, but not South Armagh; improvement in bank fortunes since TJ took over from GRIEG. Footnotes updated March 3, 2010

October 5, 2006

March 3, 2010

1882 April 4 Eliza Jackson to Minnie One of the 77 letters found in an Irish bog. NEWS: Minnie recovering from illness; TJ still entertaining lots of company; TJs generosity; Minnie expected to be in Japan soon; no letters from David JACKSON; death of a Mr. GORDON; recently widowed sister of TJ - Margaret McCULLAGH - gave birth recently and having trouble making her rent; Hartigan baby born; bank doing well. Updated Francis S. GORDON Footnote. October 5, 2006
March 3, 2010
1883 March 28 Robert Johnston to Mary MenaryThis letter is likely connected with ongoing legal issues concerning leases and lands with the McCULLAGHs. NAMES: Mary MENARY; James McCULLAGH; Mary Jane OLIVER; Robert JOHNSTON; PLACES: Ormond Quay, Dublin; Urker. March 30, 2010
1883 June 8 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: The birth of George Julius JACKSON relayed by William Ramsay SCOTT; names of family visiting and description of Killynure; death of Dr. Samuel GILMORE (brother of Eliezer); Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON doing well; suggestions that TJ buy out Sam BRADFORD's Cavananore; John JACKSON not doing well & Eliza takes some responsibility. Footnote updated

October 6, 2006

March 14, 2010

1883 October 3 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters & documents retrieved from a bog in Ireland. NEWS: Concerns about TJs health; counsel re: strategy to purchase Cavananore; Mary McMURRAY ill; John DONALDSON's mental illness; monument to Willie BROWNE set up. October 6, 2006
March 21, 2010
1883 November 7 Eliza Jackson to Thomas One of the 77 letters and documents rescued from a bog in Ireland sometime before 1960. NEWS: James DONALDSON (cousin to TJ) attempted suicide; death of Mary McMURRAY; Rev. Dr. MILLS had a stroke; James McCULLAGH still living; Hugh BROWNE's vision problems; scandal of Mary MENARY (nee JACKSON) & her "affair" with Fred GRIFFIN; Thompson BROWN at school at Coleraine; plans to send meal to Minnie; Dr. WILSON - married to Miss POLLOCK & previously living with Charles POLLOCK - living at Cavananore; TJ's brother John JACKSON is not "steady"; TJ's sister Margaret has added an "office" to her rented property; TJ's brother Jemmie doing well as a farmer. October 6, 2006
March 21, 2010
1884 January 1 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 documents found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: Eliza's financial planning; gifts from TJ; a rant about Mary MENARY (nee JACKSON's) affair with Fred GRIFFIN; mention of Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON & Lionsden & Cavananore. October 6, 2006
March 21, 2010
1884 June 4 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents found in an Irish bog. NEWS: both David JACKSON and brother TJ expected home from Far East at same time; TJ's nephew John GILMORE ill; Jane DICKIE (nee WALLACE) died; Margaret BRADFORD (nee WALLACE) not well; Samuel BRADFORD (cousin) financially strapped; family visits; news of Mary MENARY (nee JACKSON) & Fred GRIFFIN; Creggan church news; theology of Eliza JACKSON & Rev BOSTON; news of TJ's brother John JACKSON. October 6, 2006
March 21, 2010
1884 November 25 David Jackson Sr. to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents that surfaced from a bog in Ireland. It is one of very few from the Father of Sir Thomas JACKSON. In it, he is requesting help for a son of Parker SYNNOT. October 6, 2006
1884 December 3 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters retrieved from a bog in ireland. NEWS; birth of TJs nephew, David JACKSON (also of HSBC); plans for Minnie to come to Ireland in spring of 1885; concerns about TJ's brother John JACKSON (black sheep); farming & financial challenges; LENNON family left; Mary MENARY (nee JACKSON) & her "peacock" lover Fred GRIFFIN; Church news; mention of Robert BROWN. October 6, 2006
March 21, 2010
1884 December 24 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: TJ's father ill, but recovering; affectionate coments about Minnie; TJ's brother David JACKSON to stay in Far East; finances of Creggan Parish; rant about the folly of TJ belonging to the Jockey Club; Minnie & involvment in a Bazaar

October 6, 2006

March 21, 2010

1885 Creggan Church Wardens to David JACKSON This letter is an appeal for David JACKSON to rejoin Creggan Church. From the content of a few other letters and reading between the lines, it seems that the finances of Creggan Church were in disarray at the end of Rev. Dr. Mills tenure (he had a stroke and was unable to do this part of the job). The controversy may also have had to do with some circumstances surrounding the death of the interrim curate Rev. Dr. Thomas CORR. It is curious that his name is not recorded on the list of curates. A letter December 2, 1885 (see beneath) alludes to a Rev. TURNER being ill treated by Creggan Parish. August 16, 2006
1885 January 7 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents discovered in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: TJ's father has been serieously ill; Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON is well; first time that Eliza has had money left over after paying bills; worries of TJ's brother John (drinking problems) & sister Mary (her affair with Fred GRIFFIN); request for Joseph MORRIS & Gordon STITT to serve at HCBS; mention of "Creggan" in Hong Kong.. October 6, 2006
March 21, 2010
1885 December 2 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters & documents found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: Thompson BROWN, Gordon STITT and an unnamed TURNER passed exams and got positions with HSBC; Joseph MORRIS did not succeed in getting a position; Cavananore changes & Sam BRADFORD; suggest that Sir George BOWEN recommend the Lord Lieutenant appoint TJ magistrate for Armagh & Louth; Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON's wife is ill; John JACKSON not doing well; Rev. Thomas CORR dying; David JACKSON about to leave Hong Kong; reference to disagreement to how Rev. AUSTIN was appointed and involvement of TJ's father and Rev TURNER; local elections news; request to hire a son of Parker SYNNOT. October 6, 2006
March 21, 2010
1886 May 5 Frederick Richard Griffin to Mary (Jackson) Menary from Corrinary This is a most exiting find. It is just about all we have of the elusive Frederick Richard GRIFFIN, suitor of Mary MENARY at this time (and husband to be). The references are such that we can reasonably assume the connection to the John Gilmore GRIFFIN family whose descendants ended up in Canada June 18, 2005
1887 March 22 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is another of the 77 letters and documents found in a bog in Ireland. Eliza and David went to settle rent with JOHNSTON; TJ's father in good health; TJ fears he may not see his mother again; debts from John McCULLAGH itemized. October 6, 2006
1887 April 6 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: TJ's advice sought re: proposal of marriage by Andrew Bradford McCULLAGH to Margaret REED (nee JACKSON) sister of TJ; various family news; David JACKSON staying with his brother Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON. October 6, 2006
1887 August 10 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents discovered in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: Birth of Dorothy St. Felix JACKSON; sale of BALL estate and comments on rents and politics; Mary GRIFFIN nee JACKSON sister of TJ has been blacklisted by Eliza; TJ's brother Andrew at Forstertown; crops are good; death of Dr. WOODS; Sam BRADFORD can't pay rent on Cavananore; David JACKSON's leave extended to October. October 6, 2006
March 22, 2010
1887 September 7 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents that were found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: Health news of family; Andrew Bradford McCULLAGH & Margaret JACKSON married at Creggan; Annie REED left for England; Minnie in England missing TJ who is Hong Kong. October 6, 2006
1887 October 31 Eliza Jackson to Minnie This is one of the letters found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: David JACKSON sailing to Far East on "The Wasp"; Mrs. Dr. BROWNE died; Sam BRADFORD puts Cavananore into the Land Courts. October 6, 2006
March 22, 2010
1887 November 29 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents that were found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: Eliza's ear still discharging; birth of Thomas Jackson GILMORE; Slieveroe news; talk of the selling of Urker (JACKSONs still rent); praise of Mr. ROGERS at Crossmaglen Bank; widow of John JACKSON living in Dundalk; Harriet DONALDSON, Jemmie JACKSON & Legmoylin; more unrest about Cavananore & Samuel BRADFORD. October 6, 2006
1887 December 21 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents retrieved from a bog in Ireland. NEWS: cheques from TJ received and distributed; Miss MCCREEDY & Aunt McCULLAGH all right financially; still sour grapes over dealings with MCCULLAGHs and Rev Mrs REID (also a McCULLAGH); Sam BRADFORD & Cavananore; TJ's brother Jemmie & wife Lizzie in Legmoylin. October 6, 2006
March 21, 2010
1887 December 26 Eliza Jackson to mary Menary jr.NAMES: Mary MENARY; David JACKSON; Ellen DONALDSON; Eliza JACKSON of Urker, Crossmaglen. March 30, 2010
1888 February 4 Eliza Jackson to "Minnie" Amelia Lydia Dare This is one of the 77 letters & documents found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: Minnie is expected to visit in the spring with some of the children; Eliza expects TJ to leave HSBC in March 1889; golden wedding anniversary for Eliza & David; David jr. seems to have sustained some damage related to a storm; news expected from Land Commission; health is good- except for Eliza's ear. October 9, 2006 March 21, 2010
1888 February 14 Eliza Jackson to "Minnie" Amelia Lydia Dare This is one of the 77 letters and documents found in a bog in Ireland sometime before 1960. NEWS: TJ's brother "Jemmie" and wife Lizzie are living at Legmoylin; the Land Commission's decision about Cavananore & Sam BRADFORD. October 9, 2006
1888 May 2 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: Eliza to see specialist about her ear; TJ expected home after success with HSBC; news of his children and wife visiting Urker; Kate JACKSON & her children living in Dundalk (her daughter "Mary" called "Daisy" because of TJ's sister Mary GRIFFIN's love affair & the family sense of scandal over it; Sam BRADFORD has paid no rent for two terms & may have to sell Cavananore. October 9, 2006
May 22, 2010
1888 June 4 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of 77 letters & documents unearthed from a bog in Ireland. NEWS: Eliza doubts TJ's commitment to Christianity; news about his children; news about TJ's sisters and brothers; Legmoylin & Harriet DONALDSON; "Bess" DONALDSON & her son James (who is mentally ill) - well enough financially thanks to TJ; Sam BRADFORD a year behind in rent & has cut all the timber on Cavananore; TJ's brother Andrew doing well at Forstertown; a legal tangle involving the BROWNs and OWENs and a will; legal complications surrounding sale of the BALL estate; crops are doing well. October 9, 2006
March 22, 2010
April 8, 2010
1888 October 10 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of 77 letters retrieved from a bog in Ireland. NEWS; Eliza has been at Blackrock having warm baths which have helped her knees; HSBC is doing well; TJ's brother David also doing well; news of TJ's siblings - all doing well; crops doing well; Rachel in Hong Kong; TJ expected to arrive at Dundalk in the early New Year. October 9, 2006
March 22, 2010
1888 October 26 Rutherford to McCullagh from Ballibay Although I haven't footnoted the recipient, I assume it to be Thomas MCCULLAGH in Australia June 8, 2005
1889 January 2 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents that surfaced in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: death of Ellen DONALDSON & one of Dr. MILL's daughters; George STEPHENS in financial need; Sam BRADFORD still behind in rent, but elected an elder in Dundalk church; ten new Commissioners - Thompson BROWN not successful; money from David JACKSON covered Ellen DONALDSON's rent. October 9, 2006
March 22, 2010
1889 January 15 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents rescued from a bog in Ireland prior to 1960. NEWS: TJ expected to arrive. October 9, 2006
1889 March 30 Eliza Jackson to Emily Jackson This letter is concerned with domestic news and the death of Mary DONALDSON. TJ has arrived in San Fransico and will spend some time in America. The Urker family is preparing for his arrival - whitewashing, etc. Death of Mary DONALDSON of Sytrim. Willie SPEIRS fell off a horse & broke his neck. Willie CORR took the temperence pledge. Footnotes updated June 13, 2006. July 14, 2003
March 22, 2010
1889 June 3 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters & documents found in a bog. NEWS: TJs father is ailing; TJ's birthday & odd recollection of the 1848 death of Thomas McCULLAGH - seemingly a non-sequitor. October 9, 2006
1890 February 22 This is another letter from the land agent in Ballybay (RUTHERFORD) to Thomas MCCULLAGH. It seems some McCULLAGH leases are tied up with the GRAY family. June 8, 2005
1890 March 31 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters found in a bog. NEWS: TJ responds to sense of duty & returns to HSBC October 9, 2006
1890 August 3rd William Sherlock Whiteside to Sarah McCullagh Whiteside is at St. Moritz recovering from ill defined ailments which may include depression. He and Sarah McCullagh are not yet married. A mention of "Fairy"(likely Fairy Rogers.) June 12, 2005
1890 November 3 John Coulter to Mary Gardiner This is a sad letter wherein John COULTER is asking his sister for help to have a few things pawned so he can procure new underclothes for his trip to New York to start afresh after a time of dissipation. January 26, 2006
1890 November 15 John Coulter to Mary Gardiner A second letter continues the sad saga of the one twelve days earlier. January 26, 2006
1891 January 19 Eliza Jackson to Andrew Coulter Bradford Jackson This letter is mostly about a great ruckus over land whereby rights to portions of the Townland of Cavananore were lost to the family. NAMES: Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON; James GILLMER; Samuel BRADFORD; Alexander DICKIE; James W. McCULLAGH & James M. McCULLAGH; Eliezer GILMORE; Eliza Emily JACKSON nèe GILMORE; Miss PARKS; Thompson BROWN; Thomas JACKSON; Eliza JACKSON nèe OLIVER and McCOY, KELLY, & MURRAY. OTHER PLACES: Ballybinaby, Co. Louth.. Updated footnotes.

July 14, 2003
July 28, 2009
March 23, 2010

1892 February 6 Rutherford to Thomas McCullagh More land communications from Ballybay. June 8, 2005
1892 August 25 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: theological guidance from Eliza; Eliza to keep TJs vehicle harnesses etc.; unsure of where TJ's brother David is; TJ to arrive in September; ROGERs visiting TJ's brother Andrew at Forstertown & all looks well; Kiltybane & Legmoylen news; requests for funds to keep TJs sister Margaret and brother Andrew's children in school and for David to be the one to give Eliza an allowance. October 9, 2006
March 23, 2010
1892 November 17 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents found in a bog in Ireland pre-1960. NEWS: Money arrangements with Eliza & TJ as well as about Cavananore, as well as Aunt DONALDSON's money; meal shipped to TJ; TJ's horse doing well, being trained by brother-in-law Eliezer; Eliza's concern for the spiritual welfare of her children. October 9, 2006
March 23, 2010
1893 March 4 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: David JACKSON's impending marriage; conundrum of TJ - to return to HSBC in Far East or not; Eliza's knees ailing, but her purse healthy; turmoil over Home Rule; the elderly aunts McCULLAGH & BROWN doing poorly. October 11, 2006
March 23, 2010
1893 April 8 William McKean of Millmount to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside A present from William McKEAN to Sarah (McCULLAGH) WHITESIDE on the occasion of her marriage. June 12, 2005
1893 April 28 Thomas MCCULLAGH to Sarah WHITESIDE News just after Sarah MCCULLAGH's marriage to William WHITESIDE. Mention of William MCCULLAGH in Hong Kong. James McCULLAGH still at Derrivalley with Miss MCCREADY housekeeping. June 8, 2005
Fragment from Document 100 of the McCULLAGH Letters It is difficult to date this fragment. Best guess for date is April-October 1893.

June 15, 2005
June 13, 2006.

Undated - Mary to probably Sarah (McCULLAGH) WHITESIDE from Cavananore Initially, I had guessed that this letter belonged in the late 1890s. I have since reviewed it, and now suspect it was written in 1893.  June 15, 2005
June 26, 2016
1893 May 24 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of 77 letters found in a bog. NEWS: TJ has arrived safely in Hong Kong; Slieveroe well, but fears of Home Rule & calling in the debt; all well in Ballinode (WRIGHT family); John W. JACKSON in London; Sally McCULLAGH married & in New York; death of young Howard REID; TJ's wife lonesome in England & thinking of joining him in Hong Kong; Willie CORR & Mr. JOHNSTON ailing. October 11, 2006
March 25, 2010
1893 July 11 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters & documents found in a bog. NEWS: Eliza is thankful for 4 letters from TJ and is behind in answering - getting frail; Eliza has visited Slieveroe, Killynure & Forstertown; Margaret ROONEY died; Duffy moves into "pigeon house" & John HEARTY & James MacKEE will be housed elsewhere; Hugh BROWNE"s child died; Sarah McCULLAGH's marriage to Rev WHITESIDE & news that she will be going to Eureka, California where her brother John McCULLAGH lives; investing "Aunt DONALDSON's money" & complications with Mary Jane OLIVER's executors; expect that TJ will be encouraged to stay in Hong Kong after May but Eliza counsels that Minnie stay in England with the children; David looks to be successful in Yokohama; J.W. JACKSON in London, still not working. October 12, 2006
March 25, 2010
1893 July 13 Eliza Jackson to "Minnie" Amelia Lydia Dare This is one of the 77 letters & documents found in a bog. NEWS: Eliza counsels Minnie to do what TJ suggests re joining him in Hong Kong (see July 11 letter where she is clear what she thinks); TJ's children have whooping cough; Minnie seems to be about to visit Urker. October 13, 2006
1893 August 9 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This another of the 77 letters & documents found in a bog. NEWS: It seems that TJ will stay in Hong Kong after May; Louisa WRIGHT will sail to Hong Kong with Minnie (prior to marrying David); a fine harvest in Cavananore (which TJ seems to now own); Mary GRIFFIN visiting Legmoylin; Margaret McCULLAGH (JACKSON) to be visiting Urker. October 13, 2006
March 25, 2010
1893 October 4 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents found in a bog. NEWS: Praise for TJ's work at HSBC from Chairman; Eliza warns TJ of his daughters marrying "wicked or ungodly men"; grandchildren excel in examinations; Eliza to send Thomas REED to Monaghan school; praise for TJ's children; Sandymount & Kiltebane news the same. October 13, 2006
March 25, 2010
1893 November 17 Alicia Eleanor McKean to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside There is talk of the new railway expansion as well as the staffing of the Dispensary. Sarah is in Ione, California and her friend "Ellie" is also sending poppy seeds to her for her garden. June 12. 2005
1894 Fragment of a letter from Minnie Willert to Sallie Whiteside Minnie is a step daughter of John "Jack McCULLAGH, brother of Sallie WHITESIDE. She lives in Eureka, California, USA. Includes recipe for hop yeast. June 8, 2005
1894 March 28 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters & documents found in a bog. NEWS: great news in bank reports; Tommy LARKIN has died; birth of Thomas Claire WHITESIDE announced (date given is 3 months after the actual date for the usual reasons); BROWNEs to leave Sandymount to live with Margaret BROWNE at Bird Hill; Urker, Liscalgot & Cavananore flourishing; 3 of TJ's children to visit Urker next week; RAINSFORD & Samuel GILMORE recommended for HSBC. October 13, 2006
1894 April 13 NAMES: Rev. John TURNER; Charles McMAHON; John BAILIE; Samuel COULTER; John Cornwall BAILIE; Alicia BAILIE; Rev. John BAILIE; John BAILIE; Robert BAILIE; A. BAILIE; Rev Lord John de la Poer BERESFORD; Mary BAILIE. Samuel COULTER of Mounthill; John BAILIE of Shortstone. This is part of the research behind a legal case. September 28, 2009
1894 May 14 Rev. William Reid to "Sallie" Whiteside from Cremore, Poyntzpass Willie REID (his son) is back from the Far East - great excitement. A reference to income from BRADFORD estate. Agnes REID got married in April and moved to Belfast. A MR. REID was sent to the asylum. June 8, 2005
1894 June 29 James McCullagh to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside News from Derryvalley including how the crops are doing and the death of the fiddler, Thomas MILLER. June 13, 2005
1894 July 18 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters & documents found in a bog. NEWS: Eliza is writing from Killynure; plague in Hong Kong; Eliza reflects on her own mortality and that Urker should go to David & Mary GRIFFIN live there after Eliza's demise; suggested money help form TJ to Jemmie, Peggie & Andy; hard to make money farming these days; Andrew Bradford McCULLAGH hobbled by debt of his father; Elizabeth Johanna DONALDSON nee JACKSON in poor health; James DONALDSON has not recovered from mental breakdown; road improvements in the area. October 13, 2006
1894 August 2nd M.M. Rutherford to Thomas McCullagh Land payment problems arising with nonpayment by GRAY. June 8, 2005
1894 August 15 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters & documents found in the bog. NEWS: TJ healthy during plague in Hong Kong & David okay during earthquake; Eliza describes Oxford as "hotbed of popery & superstition"; Bessie BROWN & 3 sons visiting from Killynure; Thompson BROWN doing well at HSBC; Rainsford, HSBC & challenges of Bank exams to those outside London. October 13, 2006
1894 October 17 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is another of the letters found in the bog. NEWS: Religious book mailed to TJ & David; Cavananore fourishing & new house is finished & Thomas MURRAY living there; Slieveroe family are well; Eliza reiterates concerns for financing of Urker after she dies; grandchildren doing well; BROWNE family acting with discredit; Mr. NOYES to be new rector at Creggan. October 13, 2006
1894 November 8 Mrs. A.L. Amick to Sarah (McCullagh) Whitside This is a friend from Sarah Whiteside's time spent at Ione Valley, Californai, USA. June 13, 2005
1895 August 31st Cousin Sarah McCullagh to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside from Drummuck Eliza McCULLAGH née WALLACE, wife of James McCullagh of Drummuck and mother of the cousin Sarah McCULLAGH has died. Olivia MCCREADY looks frail; . June 13, 2005
October 24, 2006
updated footnotes
1895 September 21 Bella Branion to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside This is a passionate expression of thanks from a grateful Bella Branion. June 13, 2005
1895 February 6 Eliza Jackson to Thomas This is one of the letters from the bog in Ireland. NEWS: Mary MENARY is visiting Mrs. Joseph COULTER in Dundalk; death of Margaret (JACKSON) BROWNE aunt of TJ; scandal over how the BROWNE children handled the inheritance; HSBC doing well; Minnies health restored; Samuel BRADFORD & Dowdalshill; mention of Samuel BRADFORD's sisters; RAINSFORD to HSBC in London; Kate JACKSON & children moved to Belfast; good crop of corn, but prices low; cattle doing well too; Cavananore struggling; concerns about David in the east; children with whooping cough. October 13, 2006
March 25, 2010
1895 March 13 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the letters found in a bog. NEWS: Eliza's prayers for HSBC & her two sons are answered; Elizabeth (JACKSON) BROWNE's funeral quite grand; her daughter treated badly by others; memories of TJ's grandmother who died 15 years ealier; Mary Menary wrote earlier; TJs sons to visit - survived last visit where ships went down in a storm. October 13, 2006
March 25, 2010
1895 May 15 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents retrieved from a bog in Ireland. NEWS: Eliza celebrates her 80th birthday and is free of debt; Julius (TJ's son) has been ill, but is recovering; Beatrice & Tom (TJ's children) are still visiting; Beatrice BROWN ill with jaundice at Sandymount; Eliza (WALLACE) McCULLAGH and her son John ill with no hope of recovery. October 23, 2006
1895 June 4 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents found in the bog in Ireland. NEWS: 3 grandsons have been ill; mention of plague in the colony; BROWNs of Sandymount are to move to Birdhill & their ill treatment of Lizzie is condemned. October 23, 2006
1895 July 17 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: Eliza WALLACE, wife of James McCULLAGH has died; Bess (JACKSON) DONALDSON and her son James are not well; Beatrice BROWN still suffers from jaundice; Julius (TJ's son) is recovering, but Thomas Dare JACKSON (son of Andrew) is doing less well; Urker farm is doing well; Amelia Lydia (DARE) JACKSON intends to come home before next summer; Eliza hopes the Home Rulers fail in the next election; Thompson BROWN is home from the Far East on leave; Sam GILMORE also doing well. October 23, 2006
March 26, 2010
1895 September 11 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: TJ's wife and children expected back at Easter; death of Aunt McCULLAGH; BROWNS left Sandymount to live with Maggie at Birdhill; McCULLAGH's of Drummuck behind in their payments; Eliezer GILMORE & Thompson BROWN doing well; Jemmie & Peggie less well; Mary MENARY still frail; no change in Kilteban; Francis Gordon JACKSON has job at York St. Mill in Belfast. October 23, 2006
March 26, 2010
1895 October 16 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: Molly MENARY is seriously ill; TJ's health is good; TJ's wife & children expected next spring; a letter was enclosed that had been found in Rev. BARKLEY's Bible (it wasn't in the collection of letters). October 23, 2006
1895 October 23 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters & documents discovered in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: TJ's daughter Dorothy was ill; Mary MENARY is recovering; TJ's children are well & son Tom has joined the army; Beatrice BROWN better in Birdhill; Johnny McCULLAGH still living; James DONALDSON being cared for at home; Kate (WHITING) JACKSON visited. October 23, 2006
1895 November 13 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters & documents discovered in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: TJ's wife & two of the children have had fevers; Mary MENARY is recovering; reports on farms at Urker & Cavananore; John McCULLAGH's death expected; no change in Kilteban; Bessie BROWN from Killynure has been helping out; Andrew JACKSON at St. Andrew's College in Dublin; Eliza wants to make sure Beatrice BROWN is denied any help from TJ. October 23, 2006
March 26, 2010
1895 November 20 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is another of the 77 letters and documents discovered in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: TJ's family has survived sickness & the Bank is doing well; TJ's wife & children leaving Hong Kong as it does not agree with them; Mary MENARY's health is out of danger & Bessie BROWN from Killynure has been helping out; sleeping accomodation for servant men has been moved outside. October 23, 2006
1895 December 4 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: Mary MENARY still recovering; death of John Wallace McCULLAGH; Beatrice & Hugh BROWNE ill; no improvement in Kiltebane. October 23, 2006
March 26, 2010
1896 January 8 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents found in a bog in Ireland before 1960. NEWS: TJ's wife has recovered from some serious illness; Mary MENARY is still recovering; TJ's son Tom has passed his examinations; the bank is doing well; David JACKSON may be able to visit home. October 23, 2006
1896 March 11 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters and documents retrieved from a bog in Ireland. NEWS: All the family are healthy; TJ's son Tom is visiting with his regimental uniform; crops are not planted due to inclement weather; David JACKSON returning for Xmas and not going back to Far East; Eliza advises TJ that David should support the costs of Urker; Derryvalley sold by James McCULLAGH to BOYD; in Eliza's opinion - James McCULLAGH of Corfad is the only successful McCULLAGH; Biddy McCABE is well taken care of; CORR dealt with securities; birth of Mary Ione WHITESIDE.

October 23, 2006
March 26, 2010

1896 April 22"Aunty Bella to Alexander James McCULLAGH I need to refind the reference on this. I think that Wendy JACK once told me that "Aunty Bella" was in the circus in the Far East. His sister "Daisy" was Sarah Elizabeth McCULLAGH. June 8, 2005
1896 May 20 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters & documents from the bog in Ireland. NEWS: According to Eliza, Elizabeth BRADFORD & Sally McCULLAGH had "both wished to die"; TJ honoured by Sir Claude MacDONALD; the Derryvalley auction; J[?] McCULLAGH to Warrenpoint; Derryvalley & Drummuch sold & Shantanaugh burned to the ground; Urker is good; Mary GRIFFIN & Mary MENARY in Dublin; Eva REED with Eliza at Urker; TJ's wife going to Eastbourne; Olivia MCREADY has died; Mary MCCREADY with McCULLAGHs at Drummuck; Cavananore looking good with another "house" on it; Liscalgot people well; Thomas McCullagh BROWNE back from East; reports on finances involving Cavananore, Derryvalley, Tullyvallen & Alexander DICKIE; David JACKSON expected home for Xmas; no change in Kilteban. October 24, 2006
March 26, 2010
1896 May 21 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters discovered in a bog in ireland. NEWS: TJ's daughter Beatrice has been ill; Eliza looks forward to seeing the whole family at Urker (and can accomodate all of them using space at Liscalgot as well; Mary GRIFFIN & Mary MENARY in Dublin; Eva REED at Urker; Julius' cat had kittens. October 24, 2006
1896 August 18 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters & documents discovered in a bog in Ireland sometime before 1960. NEWS: Seven boxes of tea has arrived; TJ's wife visited July 7-30th along with their nanny Al MING; reports on TJ's children; picnic at Cavananore which is doing well; mention of Derryvalley auction; TJ's home called "Creggan" - (built on The Peak in Hong Kong); corn crops looking good, but potato blight has reappeared; new Land Bill has passed & Liscalgot & Legmoylin put in & Urker will be; TJ & children & HSBC returned to good health; David JACKSON expected to return from Yokohama in February or March. October 24, 2006
March 26, 2010
1896 August 26 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters & documents found in the bog in Ireland pre-1960. NEWS: Alexander DICKIE died suddenly and means changes in Eliza's finances concerning the DONALDSON money. October 24, 2006
March 26, 2010
1896 September 18 "Mother" Cready to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside Various news from Mary Anne McCready, the governess for the McCULLAGH family including news of the marriage of Mary Jane GILMORE (1876-1907), daughter of Eliezer GILMORE and Sarah JACKSON (1848-1942). She married Rev Thomas BARTLEY. June 13, 2005
March 26, 2010
1896 September 25 Mary Anne McCready to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside News centered on Drummuck and money matters. June 13, 2005
1896 November 1 Richard Binney Orr This letter was written by Richard to his uncle, George Crean MARTIN of Ardglass, Co. Down. It gives a lot of information abour life and agriculture in Australia at the end of the 18th century. July 14, 2003
1896 November 5 "Mother" McCready to "Sallie" Mary Anne McCREADY was the McCULLAGH governmess, writing to Sarah (McCULLAGH) WHITESIDE reporting on the birth of a WADDELL child and Jane SKELLY having all her teeth out. June 13, 2005
1896 December 9 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the 77 letters & documents from the bog. NEWS: TJ's family has joined him in Hong Kong, except for Julius in school in England; weather was good to get in corn & hay; HSBC not thriving; Thomas McCullagh BROWNE improving in health & recalled to Bangkok; TJ's wife is in Malta; Mary Jane GILMORE's marriage to Rev. Thomas BARTLEY commented on; William BATES new bank manager at Crossmaglen (a relation by marriage). October 24, 2006
March 26, 2010
1896 December 15 Mary (Jackson) Griffin to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside from Drummuck There is news about Derryvalley (improved by new owner BOYD), the death of Mrs. HAMILTON (nee JONES) as well as updates on Sir Thomas JACKSON's children and Thomas McCullagh BROWN(E) having to go to Bankok in response to some legal suit - in delicate health. Miss MCCREADY has bronchitus; TJ's wife and children (except Julius) reached Port Said safely on return to Hong Kong; June 13, 2005
October 24, 2006
updated footnotes.
1897 March 9th M. Harris to Mary Griffin This is followup on the will of Mary Anne McCready and indicates that she had family in Dublin. June 17, 2005
1897 July 22 Mary (Jackson) Griffin to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside from Slieveroe The biggest news concerns the death of Andrew Bradford McCULLAGH, husband of Margaret (nee JACKSON) (1st REID) McCULLAGH, sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON. She is pregnant with her 10th child and has an 8 month old as well. Mention of financial help from Sarah to Mary which has helped Mary to climb out of debt. June 13, 2005
October 24, 2006
footnotes updated
1897 August 3 John McCullagh to his sister Sarah Whiteside John McCullagh lives in Eureka, California, USA. His step daughter Minnie and his daughter Sarah are also mentioned. June 8, 2005
1897 August 4 - Margaret McCullagh to her daughter Eva Reed This is a remarkable letter written two weeks after the death of Margaret's second husband, Andrew Bradford McCULLAGH at Slieveroe. She has financial help from the family. Eva is in Switzerland at school. Andrew McCULLAGH had quarrelled with her before she left - drink is blamed. Mention of being treated badly in the past by "Bessie" (likely her sister Elizabeth BROWN of Killynure). The story of Jane REED (b. 1812) found after two hours up to her neck in water. December 7, 2003
October 24, 2006
updated side comments
1897 August 10 - Rutherford to Thomas McCullagh This letter has news of Andrew Bradford McCULLAGH's death and the sale of properties in Derryvalley and Drummuck by McCULLAGH's; news that James McCULLAGH at Warrenpoint; GRAYs rent unpaid; June 8, 2005
1897 August 23 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is another of the letters found in the bog in Ireland pre-1960. NEWS: Andrew Bradford McCULLAGH has died; his wife Margaret (JACKSON) McCULLAGH & her sister Mary GRIFFIN have gone to Armagh for probate; TJ's son Russell has been ill; mention of McCABE family - likely hired hands at Urker; two of TJ's daughters - Kathleen & Amy - are visiting "David" (likely COULTER) at Warrenpoint (who has recently returned from somewhere); Eliza reiterates her instructions for Urker after her demise; recommends Thomas REED for employment with HSBC (he has been at school in Drogheda); Eliza wishes Julius were at school at Coleraine; Sir Ewen CAMERON sent a brace of grouse. October 24, 2006
March 26, 2010
1897 November 30 Jennie C. to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside This would appear to be a letter from a friend or acquaintance when Sarah and her husband lived in America. I have not tried to find the names mentioned. June 13, 2005
1898 October 25th Mary Reid to Sallie Whiteside from Cremore Manse, Poyntspass Sad news of the death at age 23 of Mary Agnes REID a daughter of William and Mary REID. News of other family members. June 8, 2005
1899 June 8 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is one of the letters found in the bog in Ireland pre-1960. NEWS: TJ has been knighted; TJ's wife and children to be visiting this month. October 24, 2006
1899 August 19. A letter to Thomas Jackson from the Institute of Bankers in Ireland. November 20, 2014
1900 John W. Jackson to Sir Thomas Jackson This is a significant letter, in spite of its brevity. It is the first mention of John W. JACKSON being a cousin of Sir Thomas JACKSON (1841-1915) and it could very well lead to other branches of the family. Thanks to Pat Roberts and John McAnally for their input on various aspects. January 15, 2011
Fragment - probably late 1890s Rebts are due to Sarah (McCULLAGH) WHITESIDE from Mary (McCULLAGH) REID but tenants have yet to pay up. June 8, 2005
Undated - Mary to probably Sarah (McCULLAGH) WHITESIDE from Cavananore Initially, I had guessed that this letter belonged in the late 1890s. I have since reviewed it, and now suspect it was written in 1893.  June 15, 2005
June 26, 2016
An undated letter from Sadie McElmon in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada - daughter of John "Jack" McCULLAGH The brother of Sallie WHITESIDE moved to Eureka, California USA and his children lived in USA and Canada. June 9, 2005
1902 May 6 From Sarah WHITESIDE A description of a trip that Sarah and her husband (Rev. William WHITESIDE) and children made to Santa Maria. June 8, 2005
1902 June 26 Eliza Jackson to Thomas Jackson This is the last of the letters found in the bog sometime before 1960. NEWS: "Fanny" (Frances Oliver BROWN) helps to write this letter as Eliza is getting too frail; TJ has been made a baronet, but is reminded that he is still a farmer's son; the King is ill. October 24, 2006
1903 probably given the content - Ellen McKean to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside This letter centres on the upcoming trip of Sarah to Africa. June 13, 2005
1903 March 3 Annie McKean to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside Another letter dealing with the trip to Africa and offering cautionary advice. June 13, 2005
1903 March 12 Hannah McKean to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside This letter concerns the upcoming trip to Africa. Hannah & Ellen McKEAN are sisters. June 13, 2005
1903 June 4 Postcard. This card was addressed to Stanstead, and then forwarded to Forstertown, Co. Meath, Ireland – the home of TJ’s brother Andrew Jackson. TJ was likely visiting, not long after he had retired from Hong Kong. I do not yet know who M.F.J. at 160 The Bluffs, Yokohama was. I assume there is either a familial or HSBC connection – or both. I suspect that the G. M. [Dare] is George Mildmay Dare, TJ’s brother-in-law.  
1903 December 2. Sarah Elizabeth McCULLAGH to "Sallie" WHITESIDE from Carleton, Melbourne Refers to Eliza JACKSON's death a couple of months earlier. She had never recovered from son David's death. June 8, 2005
1903 December 4 William Reid to "Sally" Whiteside from Castle Park, Belfast This mentions the sale of properties at Dungody, Tullyvalley and Drumault as well as Urcher going to Sir Thomas JACKSON after the death of his mother. It also describes various land quandries for landlords at this time. Implications of the Land Act. A bad year for farmers and rents reduced. June 8, 2005
1904 November 28 Rutherford to Thomas McCullagh Note the many professions that now are attached to the name of R.R. Rutherford & Co. June 8, 2005
1906 August 11 Mary Reid to her sister Sarah Whiteside from Kingston Park, Knock, Belfast Reporting on the death of Mary REID's husband, "Willie" as well as the death of William McKEAN of Millmount, Keady, Co. Armagh. Property at Dromault? June 8, 2005
1906 August 21 Alicia McKean to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside from Millmount , Keady Announding the death of William McKEAN (1822- Aug 21, 1906), father of Alicia McKEAN June 13, 2005
1906 September 6 Mary (Jackson) Griffin to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside from Urker Lodge NEWS: the death of banker William BATES, a typhoon in Hong Kong & fears for Mollie's safety, Andrew REID going to America, Sir Thomas JACKSON's impending visit, and the McKEANs moving from Millmount.William Scott McBRIDE & Ethel GILMORE to marry; TJ expected to visit early October; Many other family visitors. June 13, 2005
1908 August 29 Mr. Henry to Mary Griffin This letter includes effusive praise of Sir Thomas JACKSON June 18, 2005
1908 November 19 Rutherford to McCullagh Rents paid and James wanting news from Thomas. It seems that they don't connect directly. June 8, 2005
1909 November 14 "Sallie" WHITESIDE to her brother Tom MCCULLAGH Reporting on the death of their brother John MCCULLAGH in Eureka, California, USA. June 8, 2005
1910 January 27 - Rutherford to Thomas McCullagh Rents being paid. June 8, 2005
1910 September 26 Sir Thomas Jackson to Mary Griffin This letter conveys the concerns of Sir Thomas over his daughter Kathleen's engagement. May 30, 2005
1911 June 2 Sir Thomas Jackson to Mary Griffin This letter shows the depth of connection and generosity that Sir Thomas Jackson still felt towards the people of Crossmaglen and his concern over their various misfortunes. It also mentions Sir Thomas's son-in-law, Raymond Marker, having surgery as well as his son "Pat" (Claude Stewart JACKSON). May 30, 2005
1911 Postcard from Zurich of Alice "Brownie" McCULLAGH & two friends
This Postcard has a photo of "Brownie" and mentions that she and her friends just climbed Mt. Rigi in Switzerland.
September 4, 2006
1911, August 31 Mattie to an unknown sister
This postcard has a group photo of the family of Margaret McCULLAGH, nee JACKSON - the sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON
September 4, 2006
1911 October 27 Essie (McCullagh) Wade to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside “Essie” Esther (née McCULLAGH) WADE (1827-1911) was the daughter of James McCULLAGH of Corfad and Sarah MURDOCH. She died December 25, 1911. June 13, 2005
1912 September 21 - Mollie McCULLAGH to brother George McCULLAGHInitially I thought this letter was dated 1918 - but that made no sense. I am now guessing to to be 1912 (but with this most idiosyncratic handwriting when it comes to numerals, I could be wrong). The Killykeeragh connection is interesting. September 7, 2006
1912 December 6 Sir Thomas Jackson to Mary Griffin This letter illustrates the nature of Sir Thomas's political convictions with regards to social policies and the interpreatation of history. NOTE: I have transcribed and inserted the attached news article. June 18, 2005
March 29, 2010
1913 July 10 Rutherford to Thomas McCullagh News of the death of James McCullagh, brother of Thomas. NOTE: Thomas seemed to have cut off direct communication with James some years earlier and is now cut out of his will. June 8, 2005
1914 September 25 Sir Thomas Jackson to Mary Griffin News of two of Sir Thomas' sons being wounded early in WWI. May 30, 2005
1914, October 2 Sir Thomas JACKSON to Eliza Emily JACKSON nee GILMORE News of the sons of Sir Thomas JACKSON, their recovery from war injuries as well as a brief comment on his nephew, Tanty, giving up the study of Law. September 3, 2006
1914 November 7 Sir Thomas Jackson to Mary Griffin Sir Thomas's son Julius is recovering from wounds and his son in law Raymond Marker has been seriously injured. May 30, 2005
1914 November 14 Sir Thomas Jackson to Mary Griffin News of Raymond Marker's death. May 30, 2005
1915 Feb 27 - David Jackson to his mother Eliza Emily GILMORE This is written from Hong Kong while David JACKSON, a nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON was in the employ of HSBC. January 11, 2005
1915 March 30 Sir Thomas Jackson to Frances Oliver Brown Sir Thomas's sons are all either in the theatre of war or recuperating from injuries. Francis is his niece, the daughter of Thompson Brown and Elizabeth "Bessie" Jackson. He sends her and her sister "Blin" Sarah Margaret Jackson, a gift of $50.00. May 30, 2005
1915 May 11 A brief note from Sir Thomas JACKSON to a niece - notable primarily as another indicator of how connected he was to his far flung family and how attentive he was to particulars. September 7, 2006
1915 Oct 26 Elizabeth "Bessie" Brown to Thomas Jackson Brown This letter was written by Bessie to her son who was resident and working in Canada for the CPR at the time of his father's death. July 14, 2003
1915 December 20 Sir Thomas Jackson to "Bessie" Brown Sir Thomas died the day after writing this letter. As so often was the case, he has enclosed a cheque, although he seems to feel that his means are more limited than usual. He ends with his concern for the poor in a cold winter. May 30, 2005
1915 December 25. This letter gives a touching description of the funeral of Sir Thomas Jackson. It is part of the family news from Alfred Markham TOWNSEND (1847-1939) to his daughter Effie STABB. September 24, 2014
1916 March 15 Mary (Jackson) Griffin to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside Sir Thomas JACKSON has left everyone £500 each, but it will take a while to come and people are missing the support they had from him. Bessie & Sam GILMORE are heading out for Tientsin, Sir Thomas daughter Kathleen has broken her leg and the WRIGHTs of Gilford are coming back to Ireland from Hong Kong. June 13, 2005
1916 July 26. This letter is from Andrew Hugh Gilmore JACKSON, a nephew of Sir Thomas. There are several letters of condolence posted concerning his untimely death. March 15, 2014
1917 January 2 Mary (Jackson) Griffin to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside A brief mention of Clair WHITESIDEs visit, comments on aging, missing Sir Thomas JACKSONs annual Xmas boxes, the WRIGHT family buying Gilford and the death of Miss M.A. BRADFORD and Sarah McCALLA - the link to Roachdale DICKIE/McCULLAGH family and possibly the key to other names. June 14, 2005
1917 January 18 Robert Lewers to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside A letter of bereavment after the death of William Sherlock WHITESIDE, husband of Sarah. June 13, 2005
1917 January 27 Mary (Jackson) GRIFFIN to Sarah (McCULLAGH) Whiteside Includes reference to the death of WIlliam WHITESIDE, the death of Victor GRIFFIN a WWI casualty, and the fates of other family members at the front: David BATES, George David McCULLAGH, 3 of Sir Thomas JACKSONs sons, Charles Andrew MOORHEAD and Mollie McCLELLAND's son,. Also mention of David JACKSON in Calcutta, Andrew Hugh Gilmore JACKSON in Hong Kong and Bessie (BROWN) GILMORE in Tientsin after a hard birth that resulted in the loss of her child. June 14, 2005
1917 March 30 Mary (Jackson) Griffin to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside Mention of Eric GILMORE and money matters as well as a visit to Gilford and Glenbanna. Also, Pat GRIFFIN injured in war. June 14, 2005
1918 February 1st - David JACKSON to his Eliza Emily JACKSON - his mother This is one of a collection of letters of condolence upon the death in Hong Kong of "Tanty" Andrew Hugh Gilmore JACKSON, a nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON. September 3, 2006
1918 - Notes of various letters of condolence concerning Tanty These notes from these letters are of special interest, not only for their individual content, but also for what we learn when they are taken together as a grouping of letters. September 3, 2006
1918, February 2nd Bessie BROWN to Eliza Emily JACKSON This is one of a collection of letters of condolence upon the death in Hong Kong of "Tanty" Andrew Hugh Gilmore JACKSON, a nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON. September 3, 2006
1918 February 2 Margaret JACKSON to Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON This letter concerns the recent death of Andrew's son - Andrew Hugh Gilmore JACKSON. He was working as a stockbroker in Hong Kong . He was the second of Sir Thomas JACKSON's nephews to die while working in the Far East. August 16, 2003
1918, February 5th "Mollie" WRIGHT to Elizabeth Oliver Muriel JACKSONThis is one of a collection of letters of condolence upon the death in Hong Kong of "Tanty" Andrew Hugh Gilmore JACKSON, a nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON. September 5, 2006
1918, February 5th - Mary GRIFFIN to Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSONThis is one of a collection of letters of condolence upon the death in Hong Kong of "Tanty" Andrew Hugh Gilmore JACKSON, a nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON. September 3, 2006
1918, February 21 - David JACKSON to his mother This is one of a collection of letters of condolence upon the death in Hong Kong of "Tanty" Andrew Hugh Gilmore JACKSON, a nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON. September 3, 2006
1918, February 22nd - Ethel Mary STABB to David JACKSON (brother of Tanty) This is one of a collection of letters of condolence upon the death in Hong Kong of "Tanty" Andrew Hugh Gilmore JACKSON, a nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON.The writer is the wife of the Chief Manager of HSBC, a woman like so many such wives was very much a den mother to all the young batchelors. September 3, 2006
1918 July 17 Mary (Jackson) Griffin to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside News of money complications relating to Dungooley, the death in WWI of George McCULLAGH (nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON), mentions of other family members at the front, and health issues of the aging family members. June 14, 2005
1918, April 9 David JACKSON to his Mother This is one of a collection of letters of condolence upon the death in Hong Kong of "Tanty" Andrew Hugh Gilmore JACKSON, a nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON. September 3, 2006
1918, November 8th - Archie CREW to David JACKSON This is one of a collection of letters of condolence upon the death in Hong Kong of "Tanty" Andrew Hugh Gilmore JACKSON, a nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON. Archie CREW was a very close friend of Tanty. September 3, 2006
1920 May 4 Mary (Jackson) Griffin to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside The indignities of aging as well as mention of John Andrew McCullagh, nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON leaving for 6 years in Singapore. Another HSBC connection? June 14, 2005
1921 February 22 William Reid to Mary Griffin Business matters concerning Dungooley & Tullyvallen, properties first in the hands of the 1700s Coulter family members. December 30, 2003
1921 February 22 William Reid to Unnamed Aunt Business matters concerning Dungooley & Tullyvallen, properties first in the hands of the 1700s Coulter family members. December 30, 2003
1921 February 24 Bessie Brown to Mary Griffin Business matters concerning Dungooley & Tullyvallen, properties first in the hands of the 1700s Coulter family members. December 30, 2003
1921 March 21 Mary (Jackson) Griffin to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside Mary is 76 years old and she and her friends in failing health and anxious over lack of peace in Ireland. June 15, 2005
1922 Bessie Brown to Thomas Jackson Brown This was written when Thomas Jackson Brown had taken a leave from the CPR to join his wife in Ardglass during the care of her mother and aunt until their deaths and the death of Bessie Brown. July 14, 2003
1922, April 19 - Andrew JACKSON to Mollie WRIGHT This letter shows once again, another family conflict over property - but what property is it? Is it Urker? Cavananore? Or somewhere else altogether? And who is old "Anne" who is getting short shrift? September 5, 2006
1923 lawyers re: Jane Martin & Ballee This letter established the link between Robert Binney Orr and my great-grandmother and leads me to look more carefully at Ballee, Co. Down. NAMES: H. Wallace; Mary ORR nee MARTIN; Jane MARTIN nee CLARKE; Richard Binney ORR; Letitia Atherton; Mrs. T. Jackson BROWN. PLACES: Ballee. Footnotes added. July 14, 2003
1925, May 31 - "Brownie" to her sisters "Mollie" & "Lizaba". A chatty letter from "Brownie" a niece of Sir Thomas JACKSON who was living in New Zealand, the wife of a Presbyterian Minister, to her two sisters at Slieveroe, Co. Monaghan. September 5, 2006
1928 September 18 Nellie Griffin to Molly Wright She has settled in Canada and has news of her children and Ireland family connections. January 1, 2003
1929 July 28 "Cousin Minnie" - Mary Wilson CALVERT to Mary Wright This page also includes two photos which were in with the letter. Written from Dublin. December 31, 2003
June 30, 2005
Undated letter This letter from Nancy MENARY to Mrs. CALVERT was likely part of the CALVERT family work on assembling their family tree. June 30, 2005
1932 October 27 Emily (Unknown) to "Mollie" - Mary Wright

December 17, 2003
September 5, 2006

1938 July 21 Margaret (Jackson) (Reid) McCullagh to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside Margaret's son "Jack" is back, presumably from Singapore. News also of Liscalgot, Urcher and Killynure. June 15, 2005
1938 October 19 Margaret (Jackson) (Reid) McCullagh to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside News on crops, concerns about Hitler, Bessie & Sam in Tientsin, Gilmores and other family and brief reflections on Irish politics June 15, 2005
1938 November 29 Blin Brown to "Jack" A breezy letter concerning family genealogy & Dobbins, Olivers, Waddells and more. June 13, 2004
1938 December 5 Anne Jane Menary to Mary Wright August 1, 2005
1939 March 29 Edna Sherk to Mary Wright August 1, 2005
Undated - likely late 1930s Elizabeth C. Menary to Mary Wright August 1, 2005
1940 July 11 James M. Carroll to Alan E. Skuce Genealogy questions re: Gilmores. Two of the brothers from the CARROLL family (Catholic) married two of the GILMORE daughters (Protestant). I don't know specifics. December 30, 2003
September 6, 2006
1940 August 10 James M.Carroll to Mary Wright Genealogy questions re: Gilmores December 30, 2003
September 6, 2006
1940 November 20 Elizabeth C. Menary to Mary Wright August 1, 2005
1944 July 16 Mrs. Marshall WRIGHT to "Mollie" Mary WRIGHT of Gilford Castle. This letter also relates to the letter sent by Marshall WRIGHT (see beneath). They are part of the WRIGHTs of Gilford Castle exploration of their roots which took place in the mid-1900s and for which I remain eternally grateful. January 31, 2006
1944 July 17 Marshall WRIGHT to James Francis WRIGHT. This letter includes results from genealogical reseach done at Tednavet and transcribed by Marshall WRIGHT. It is part of the work done by the WRIGHTs of Gilford Castle.I have included a photo of Mill View at Ballinode. January 31, 2006
March 30, 2009
1951 October 11 Kathleen JACKSON to Thomas Dare JACKSON This letter explains the way that the letters that we have from Eliza JACKSON (1815-1903) were selected for posterity by her children. NAMES: Thomas Dare JACKSON; Kathleen McCullagh JACKSON; Amy Oliver JACKSON; Beatrice Minnie Shrieve JACKSON. PLACES: Herringfleet, Sussex. March 29, 2010
1952 February 18 June Edgar Browne to BROWNE family researcher This is the first bit of news that pointed me towards the Sligo BROWNE connection. August 4, 2004
1953 February 1 "Lizaba" (McCullagh) Graham to Thomas Claire Whiteside News of Slieveroe, McCULLAGHs and ALEXANDERS. June 15, 2005
1959 June 6 Aiken McClelland to James Francis Wright Genealogical information included.

December 17, 2003

1960 July 8 - Aiken McClelland to James Francis Wright December 17, 2003
1960 November 1 - Aiken McClelland to James Francis Wright December 17, 2003
2009 August 25 NAMES: David Woods KENNEDY; Mary CULTRA aka COULTER; Henry Leslie KENNEDY; Emily Jane KENNEDY; William James Wallace KENNEDY; David Cultra KENNEDY; Samuel Woods KENNEDY; Edward Ambrose KENNEDY; Walter Howe KENNEDY; Mary Woods KENNEDY; William COULTER; Anne (Rea) COULTER. PLACES: Newtownards; Castledawson; Cavan, Clay City, Illinois, USA. August 25, 2009

The McCullagh letters have been transcribed by Wendy Jack of Australia. Together, she and I have annotated them to the best of our ability. The frequency of similar or identical names for different people can be daunting. At least in the form that they are now, it is possible to use a browser and follow both nicknames and proper names. Many of the letters are the property of Betty Whiteside; others are in the colletcion of Wendy Jack.
The footnotes are all hyperlinked. Click once in the text and you will arrive at the footnote, click in the footnote and you will arrive back at the text. (NOTE This last bit may be obvious to some, but not all of us are all techno-wizards!).
Sharon Oddie Brown, July 11, 2003

.The McCullagh Letters #15-29 August 15, 2003
The McCullagh Letters #49-65 August 15, 2003
The McCullagh Letters #66-77 August 15, 2003
The McCullagh Letters # 78-87 August 16, 2003
The McCullagh Letters #87-97 August 15, 2003
The McCullagh Letters #98-132
NOTE: Document 132 is an extended part of a diary kept by Sarah McCullagh who would become Whiteside
August 15, 2003


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