Blackrock Dundalk 8th June 1883
My dear Tom
I yesterday received a very kind letter from Mr Scott [1] , containing the most joyful intelligence of the birth of your young Son [2] . May God Almighty bless him; and make him as great a comfort to his Parents, as they have been to me; and above all, make him his own Son and servant. Of course you will send me fuller accounts by letter; and I hope that before this reaches you Minnie [3] will be as well as ever. We have got our wish now, another boy. He must have been either a birthday present to you, or very nearly so.
I have not been very well of late and am spending a few days at Blackrock. Mary [4] took a house here for a month in order to be near the Bazaar in Dundalk, which is to commence on the 13th inst. She is at home this week making preparations for the refreshment tables, at which she and Sally [5] are to preside and I am staying here till she returns. Thompson Brown [6] is with me, and little Mary Menary [7] and Sammy [8] and Jeannie Gilmore [9] . Also I expect Father [10] up tomorrow. I had a bad bilious attack yesterday and am scarcely able to write today; but though it was severe at the time, I hope to be better after it. I spent a fortnight in Killynure [11] lately, and was greatly pleased with the new house; it is both handsome and comfortable. They have a Governess [12] now for the children, which is much better than sending them to Armagh every day. They have every appearance of prosperity about the place. So has Eliezer Gilmore [13] ; and so has Peggy [14] , in her own way which we know is not so large as theirs.
Poor Dr Gilmore [15] was laid in his last house in Creggan last Monday. Every one who knew him regrets him. Andy [16] was down [for] the funeral. I went to the Church to [small snippet of document cut out] it; and I did not see the like of Andy there; though there was an immense assemblage. He looks uncommonly well; and is doing well. He has made a pretty favourable arrangement with his Landlord and has purchased another piece of land – adjoining his own; which leaves him a good large farm. He is in good spirits. His enemies Sam Bradford [17] and Co did him a good turn; though they did not intend it. Sam is not making a fortune in Cavananore [18] ; and I think will get it handy enough, when you come home; at least, at would not be surprised if you would, but I would not hint this to any one. To do so would only make him hold more closely by it. I appear to be quite careless about it. It is best to let the offer come from himself. Urker [19] business is still in status quo; but do not be the least uneasy about it. The fault is not ours; and I have plenty of money in the Belfast Bank; and could pay the rent before eight if called on.
I have not heard from Johnny [20] very lately; but the last accounts were not good. Ah dear Tom, take warning by me and tell your wife to do so too - never make a favourite of one child above the rest. I did that; and see how I am punished for it.
I believe I have not much more to write and did not think to have written so much when I began.
With love and blessing to you and Minnie and your Sons and Daughters. I am your ever affectionate Mother, Eliza Jackson
[1] Most likely: William Ramsay SCOTT (1838-1908) husband of Blanche Emily DARE - hence a brother-in-law of Sir Thomas JACKSON. He was likely living in England at the time as his three youngest children were born in the Hamstead Registration District. [2] George Julius JACKSON b. June 4, 1883 NOTE: I am guessing he was born in England. [3] “Minnie” Amelia Lydia DARE – wife of Sir Thomas JACKSON [4] Mary JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [5] “Sally” Sarah (JACKSON) GILMORE of Liscalgot – sister to Sir Thomas JACKSON [6] Her grandson Thompson BROWN (1869-1942) son of Thompson Brown & Elizabeth JACKSON- sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [7] Mary MENARY, daughter of Mary (JACKSON) MENARY – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [8] Samuel GILMORE (1878-1942) who would later work for HSBC. [9] “Jeannie” Mary Jane GILMORE (1876-1907) [10] David JACKSON (1814-1899) father of Sir Thomas JACKSON [11] Killynure, Co. Armagh, home of Thompson BROWN & wife Elizabeth JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON. SEE: Killynure
I don’t yet know the name of the governess.
[13] Eliezer GILMORE, husband of Sarah JACKSON – sister of Thomas JACKSON [14] “Peggy” Margaret (JACKSON) REID widowed sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON.
Dr. Samuel GILMORE d. June 1, 1883 age 52. late of Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan.
& Physician who d. June 1883 at same place. Will was proved
at Armagh by Eliezer GILMORE of Liscalgot (Crossmaglen) Co. Armagh.
Gentleman & Georgina GILMORE of Castleblayney aforesaid widow
the executors. Effects of 1,706 9s 8d. His wife was Georgina Victoria
Wilhelmina HENRY. He was buried June 5th at Creggan
Church, Co. Armagh.
[16] Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON (1846-1929) – brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [17] Samuel BRADFORD(1846-1915) "cousin".
Cavananore was a property over which the JACKSONs and the BRADFORDs
had a dispute. It had been leased by Mary OLIVER (1821-1875) who
seems to have inherited from her father Benjamin OLIVER SEE:.Cavananore
[19] Urker was the townland in Co. Armagh near Crossmaglen where the JACKSONS had lived since the mid-1700s. [20] John JACKSON, (1839-1886) older brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON
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