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LINKS To Documents on The Silver Bowl. SEE ALSO: Links to other sites.  
Far East & Hongkong Shanghai Bank Connections The story of HSBC and Hong Kong as well as Yokohama and other cities in the region are all connected to Sir Thomas Jackson in one way or another.
March 7, 2014
Assorted Photo Albums This links to several pages of photos organized by family groupings. December 3, 2003
Deeds, Indentures, Wills and Will Abstracts This link includes other links to a number of wills which I have transcribed in their entirety as well as some wills from which notes have merely been made and finally, wills printed as Abstracts only. June 30, 2006
Links to tables of Deeds Research The Deeds Registry in Dublin is a wonderful resource, albeit daunting at the start. I have posted my notes on at least 4,500 memorials of deeds done so far.

June 8, 2013

Newsclippings This page is just starting, but there are clippings that shed a great deal of light on the family background. December 9, 2004
Tables of Research (including those relating to family names) This section includes disparate tables of references to Births, Marriages, Deaths, Deeds, Wills, and the like. There is a Coroner's Casebook as well as some Hearth Money Rolls. Geographical tables will continue to be found under Maps. July 24, 2006
Sharon Oddie Brown's Blog. The table on this page includes links to all my blog pieces that are connected in one way or another to the research on The Silver Bowl. That way, you don't have to troll through recipes for cocktails and other irrelevant pieces. April 7, 2014
INDIVIDUAL DOCUMENTS - NOTE: Some documents listed under one surname have import for another. For example, under Moorhead, the Birthday Book of Jeanne Moorhead has references to all sorts of known family links.  
BAILIE- Annotated Prerog Chart This annotated chart of BAILIEs (and other variants of the surname) is to help find links to the BAILIEs of Co. Louth - in part by the process of elimination. December 3, 2014
BAILIE - Probate abstracts. An annotated chart of BAILIEs who seem to tie into the BAILIEs of Co. Louth - wills noted at PRONI. December 3, 2014
The Memoirs of Thomas Cathcart Breakey. The annotated index that I have prepared to these Memoirs is over 100 pages long, so I have broken them into a dozen pieces. This Memoir was written during the latter part of the 1800s and the early 1900s when the author (1834-1914) was in his 60s and 70s at the time of writing it. His is a unique voice and his record includes mention and anecdotes concerning some 500 people living close to Co. Monaghan in the 19th Century.
December 4, 2005
1922 Whos Who entry for Edgar Monteagle Browne November 4, 2003

1951 Amy Lloyd's History- Part 1 Amy Lloyd was a daughter of Sir Thomas Jackson and Amelia Lydia Dare (born Amy Oliver JACKSON). In 1951 she wrote a very entertaining collection of bits which regrettably do not have many of its sources identified.
Amy Lloyd's History - Part 2 This section focuses on the DARE family
Amy Lloyd's History - Part 3
This section focusses on the JULIUS family
Amy Lloyd's History - Part 4 This section focusses on the PARKE family
Amy Lloyd's History Transcriptions from her Notebook. This includes a lengthy section which is a transcription from her grandmother's father's generation - hence dating back to the mid-1800s.
Amy Oliver LLOYD Diary Notes from 1900-1914. This starts with the day of her marriage.
Diary #1 - kept by Amy Oliver LLOYD née JACKSON (1874-1962) tracing the genealogy of the DARE-PARKE side of her family
Amy Oliver LLOYD Diary - Notes on DARE family History.
Diary kept by Amy Oliver LLOYD née JACKSON (1874-1962) tracing the genealogy of the TOLLAMACHE-DARE side of her family.

November 4, 2003

December 10, 2018

Recollections written about 1951 This history was written by Amy Oliver JACKSON, one of the daughters of Sir Thomas JACKSON (1841-1915). May 17, 2010
The TOLLEMACHE-PARKE-DARE family connections - based on research compiled by Amy Oliver LLOYD from materials collected in the early 1900s - as they relate to Amelia Lydia DARE (1851-1944). I have also done an updated family tree based on the research that I have done so far relating to this document. See:MURRAY-TOLLEMACHE-PARKE July 13, 2015
RECOLLECTIONS OF SIR THOMAS JACKSON These recollections were written by Mrs. Kathleen MAJOR, a niece of Sir Thomas JACKSON (daughter of his older brother John). February 1, 2006
1900 May 8 This is an account of a dinner hosted by The American Asiatic Society held in New York in honour of Sir Thomas JACKSON January 13, 2006
1854 & 1857 School reports Elizabeth JACKSON (1843-1923) attended Newry District Model School. I do not know whether others of her family also attended there, but it is likely. March 29, 2010
Charles Andrews Moorhead's Album This page describes the contents. This album is owned by Mim Moorhead and contains more than three dozen records relating to the military career of Charles Andrews Moorhead. It covers his South Africa and WWI experiences as well as a little bit of his post WWI life. September 9, 2003
Birthday Text Book of Jeannie (Jackson) Moorhead This document is owned by Mim Moorhead and contains the signatures of close to 300 people who were important to Jeannie Moorhead in the late 1800s. July 12, 2003
August 5, 2014 update
1703 An account by Thomas Ashe Esq. This is the earliest reference that I have to the OLIVER family in Armagh. December 11, 2004
1925 to 1931 Trustees of A.C. Bradford Distribution This is interesting because of the financial linkages of various family names. November 9, 2003
Royal School of Armagh Register July 8, 2003
Family tree done by Blin BROWN of Killynure. Blin BROWN was the only member of her generation that I recall meeting. My Grandfather, her brother, died before I was born. Ironically, I first encountered most of this document thanks to Wendy JACK of Australia. Then I was given the original by Gika JACKSON. I have only footnoted a few entries as most of it is covered off elsewhere on this web site. Entries on OLIVER, JACKSON, McCULLAGH, BRADFORD and more. January 25, 2007


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