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NAMES: William McCULLAGH of Tullygalone; Alexander McCULLAGH of Tullyallen; John McCULLAGH; Patrick GIBSON of Crunagh; Robert McCALL; Joseph McGOWN of Keadybeg; Robert McCALLA; John SCOTT; William MOLINEUX; Thomas McCANN.
Sharon Oddie Brown. July 4, 2009
Update: I had an incorrect Deed #. It was: 261-610-175298.

1766 June 10

DEED: 265-158-174029


NOTE: I have created a table of the various McCULLAGH Freeholders available in the PRONI records on-line and it is worth consulting in conjunction with this particular deed. There are some fascinating convergences that may speak of inter-relationships. My work on this deed is incomplete, but I will be working on a range of deeds over the next two months, so will add more as I progress. As well, I expect to learn more from the kindness of others who take the time to contribute to such postings.


  • Starting with what we know from this deed: By 1766, William McCULLAGH not only had a son, Alexander McCULLAGH, but also a grandson John McCULLAGH.
  • In the freeholder records, there are a number of references both to Tullyallen being leased by various McCULLAGHs and M’CULLAs as well as references to the townland in conjunction with Carnavanghan.
  • When looking at the freehold leases document sorted by parish (which I added to the PRONI info – any errors are mine)  most of the 1820s freeholds held by McCULLAGHs and M’CALLAs were connected to the adjacent parishes of Kilclooney & Loughgilly. I would suspect that these McCULLAGHs and M’CALLAs and M’CULLAs are all interrelated. Perhaps someone else has already done the work on this.


A Memorial of certain Deeds of Lease and release bearing date respectively the Lease of the ninth and the release the 10th day of June in the Year of our Lord 1766 and made between William McCULLAGH[1] of Tullygallone[2] in the County of Armagh farmer of the one part and Alexander McCULLAGH[3] of Tullyallen[4] aforesaid County aforesaid farmer of the other part by which said deed of lease the said William McCULLAGH in consideration of five shillings sterling to him in hand paid by the said Alexander McCULLAGH at and before the perfection of the said deed of lease did grant bargain sell assign transfer and make over unto the said Alexander McCULLAGH his heirs and assigns all that part of the lands of Tullyallen aforesaid with the turf bog thereto belonging then in the possession of the said Alexander McCULLAGH containing by estimation 35 acres two roods English measure. To hold to the said granted and demise premises unto the said Alexander McCULLAGH his heirs and assigns for the term of one whole year commencing from the first day of May preceding the date of said lease yielding and paying for the same on the first day of November then next to come one peppercorn if demanded and the said William McCULLAGH did by the said Deed of Release demise grant set and to farm let unto the said Alexander McCULLAGH his heirs and assigns for the natural love and affection on which he bore to his son the said Alexander McCULLAGH and his grandchildren and in consideration of five shillings to him in hand paid all that part of the lands of Tullyallen aforesaid with the turf bog thereunto belonging and as then meared and bounded and in the possession of the said Alexander McCULLAGH containing by estimation 35 acres and two roods English measure situate in the parish of Loghilly[5] Barony of Orier and County of Armagh aforesaid to hold the said granted and released land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Alexander McCULLAGH his heirs and assigns from the first day of May preceding the date of said deed of release for and during the natural lives of the said William McCULLAGH and John McCULLAGH[6] his son and the longest liver of them yielding and paying to the said William McCULLAGH his heirs and assigns during the continuance of said lives the clear yearly rent of 6 pounds four shillings and £10 as by the said Deeds of Lease and Release relation being hereunto had, may now at large appear which said Deed of Lease and Release now executed by the said William McCULLAGH and Alexander McCULLAGH in the presence of Patrick GIBSON[7] of Cr[?]agh[8] also Robert McCALL[9] of Tullyallen and Joseph McGOWN[10] of Keadybeg[11] -- -- all in the said County of Armagh farmers and this Memorial was executed by the said Alexander McCULLAGH in the presence of the said Robert McCALLA[12] and John SCOTT[13] of the town and County of Armagh gent. Alexander McCULLAGH [seal]. Signed sealed and executed in the presence of Robert McCALLA John SCOTT County of Armagh to witness the above named Robert McCALLA this day maketh oath before me that he is a subscribing witness to the Deed of Lease and Release above mentioned and of which the above writing is a Memorial and saw the above named William McCULLAGH and Alexander McCULLAGH duly seal and execute the same and is also a subscribing witness to this Memorial and saw the above named Alexander McCULLAGH duly sign seal and execute the same and says that the same Robert McCULLAGH subscribed as witness to the said Deed of Lease and Release and this Memorial is his just deponent’s proper name and hand writing Robert McCULLA sworn before me at Armagh in the County of Armagh the second day of October 1768 a commission for taking affidavits in the County John SCOTT present Will MOLINEUX[14] Thomas McCANN[15] Justice of the Peace for said County.


[1] William McCULLAGH, father of Alexander McCULLAGH.

·         A will was probated for a William McCULLAGH of Armagh in 1768. A possible fit.

·         A William McCULLAGH married a Sarah LUCAS July 7, 1709 – another possibility, SOURCE: 1st Armagh Presbyterian.

·         It may be significant that there is also an Alexander McCULLAGH & a William McCULLAGH at Ballinahonebeg in 1747. They were likely involved in the linen trade. SEE: http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/1747Nov14_WALKER-McCULLAGH.html

·         Another McCULLAGH who is likely relates is the Alexander McCULLAGH of Tullyallen who had a will probated in 1745

[2] Tullygallone. NOTE: I don’t know what this is. Tullybrone is a possibility in the Parish of Lisnadill.

[3] Alexander McCULLAGH son of William McCULLAGH and father of John McCULLAGH. A will was probated for an Alexander McCULLAGH in 1824. A possible fit.

[4] Tullyallen, 251 acres in the Parish of Loughgilly, Barony of Orier, Co. Armagh.

[5] Loghilly aka Loughgilly. This parish is right beside the parish of Kilclooney where there is a substantial number of McCULLAGHs holding freehold leases in the 1820s.

[6] John McCULLAGH, son of William McCULLAGH.

[7] Patrick GIBSON

[8] Cr[?]agh. This was hard to read. One good possibility is Crunagh, Parish of Loughilly, Barony of Orier, Co. Armagh. A Robert M’CULLA had a will probated there in 1756.

[9] Robert McCALL

[10] Joseph McGOWN

[11] Keadybeg. 321 acres in the Parish of Loughilly, Barony of Orier, Co. Armagh.

[12] Robert McCALLA

[13] John SCOTT

[14] William MOLINEUX. NOTE: A General MOLINEUX leased lands in 1832 to both a Robert & an Alexander McCULLAGH.

[15] Thomas McCANN



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