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NOTE: According to the official document beneath which accompanied this will, the will was proved December 27, 1775.
Thanks to Christine Wright for sharing the deed (SEE: CD 4) and to Wendy Jack for the transcription. The footnotes - warts and all - are mine,
Sharon Oddie Brown, January 5, 2004

NAMES: Andrew COULTER of Cavananore, Co. Louth; Rev. Robert DURMOND of Ballymascanlon [AKA DRUMMOND];Robert DICKIE of Clonaleenan; Samuel BRADFORD & Thomas BRADFORD of Cavananore & Carnbeg; Andrew JELLY; John JELLY of Maddock; Anne COULTER; John LEDLIE; Adam LEDLIE of Mullaghglass; Elizabeth LEDLIE née COULTER; Mary TIPPING nèe COULTER; Susanna MURROW, née COULTER; Margaret JACKSON nèe BRADFORD (1739-1820); Barbara BRADFORD nèe COULTER; Nathanial COULTER; Robert BAILLEY of Shortstone; Robert DICKIE of Clunaleenon; OTHER PLACES: Kane Graveyard; Dungooley, Co. Louth; Tullyvallen, Co. Armagh; Moybane, Co. Armagh; Thielle or Thistle.
Updated footnotes - October 1, 2008
Updated footnotes - November 17, 2009 re; John JELLY.

By the Tenor of these Presents, We the Revd William Lodge Clk Master of Arts Surrogate of the Worshipfull Thomas Radcliff Esqr Vicar General, Official Principal Commissary and Chancellor, in and throughout the whole Diocese of Armagh lawfully constituted and astablished, do make known unto all men that the last Will and Testament (hereunto annexed) of Andrew Coulter of Cavananore in the County of Louth and Diocess of Armagh was proved and approved in common Form of Law, and the Validity thereof decreed for, and registered in the said Court, on the Twenty Seventh Day of December in the Year of our Lord one Thousand, seven Hundred and Seventy five And that the Burthen of the Execution thereof, and Administration of all and singular the Goods, Rights, Credits, and Chattels, of the said Deceased, were and are granted by theses Presents, By Us, to Samuel Bradford and Thomas Bradford the Executors named in Said Will being first sworn on the holy Evandelists, well and failthfully to adinister and dispose of all and singular the Goods, Rights, Credits, and Chattels of the said Deceased; and to perform the said Will, and to pay the Debts and Legacies of the said Deceased; as also to make a true, full, and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods, Rights, Credits and Chattels of the said Deceased; and to exhibit the same into the Registry of the Diocese of Armagh on or before the last Day of February next ensuing: And also to render a true, full and perfect Account thereof unto the said Court, when they shall be thereunto lawfully required (saving the Rights of every Person whatsoever.) In Faith and Testimony whereof We have caused the Consistorial Seal of Armagh to be affixed to these Presents. Dated the Day and Year above written.
Jas Maculla D Reg


1775 Will of Andrew COULTER


In the name of God, Amen, I Andrew Coulter[1] of Cavananore[2] in the County of Louth being sound in mind but infirm in Body do make and publish this my last Will & Testament. First, I deliver my soul to God & my Body to be interred in Kean Graveyard[3]. I appoint the Reverend Robert Durmond[4] of the Lordship of Ballymascanlon[5] and Mr. Robert Dickie[6] of Clunalmon[7] to be my Trustees to see the particulars of this my last Will duly Executed. In the First Place I leave and Bequeath unto my Nephews Samuel[8] and Thomas Bradford[9] my Freehold Leases & Profit Rents viz in Dungooley[10] in the County of Louth In Tullyvallan[11] in ye County of Armagh both for ever & Also in Maubaan[12] in ye Co. Of Armagh for lives now in Being to them & to their Issue lawfully begotten. In case of failure of such Issue I Leave & Bequeath the above Leases & profits to Andrew Jelly[13], eldest son of John Jelly[14] of Maddock[15] in y County of Armagh by his present Wife Ann Coulter[16] my niece & to his lawfull Issue In failure of Which I leave and Bequeath the Above Leases and Profits to John Ledlie[17] son to Adam Ledlie[18] of Mullaghglass[19] in y County of Armagh by his present wife Elizabeth Coulter[20] my sister and to his Lawful Issue In Failure of such Lawful Issue I leave the Above Leases to my next lawful heir to whatever to whatever I leave and devise to my sister Mary Tipping[21] Ten pounds sterling the one half to be paid immediately after my Decease the other half at the Expiration of Twelve Months I Leave and Devise to my sister Elizabeth Ledlie[22] forty pounds sterling for her own use and to be at her own Disposal ten pounds of which to be paid soon after my Decease fifteen pounds at the End of one year after my Decease the remaining fifteen pounds to be paid at the End of the second Year. I Leave and Bequeath to my sister Susanna Murrow[23] for her own use and to be at her Disposal forty pounds Sterling ten pounds of which are to be paid soon after my Decease fifteen pounds at the end of a Year the other half fifteen pounds at the End of the next year. I leave and bequeath to my niece Margaret Bradford[24] fifty pounds sterling twenty five of which to be paid soon after my Death the other half at the end of year. I leave and bequeath to my niece Ann Jelly (otherwise Coulter)[25] ten pounds to be paid soon after my Decease And to her son Andrew Jelly[26] ten pounds sterling to be deposited in the hands of his father John Jelly[27] for the use and benefit of the Child and in Case of his death to be at the Disposal of his mother Ann Jelly. I leave and Bequeath to my Niece Ann Murrow[28] Daughter to George Murrow[29] ten pounds sterling to be paid within two years after my Decease. I leave and bequeath to my Sister Barbara Bradford[30] three pounds sterling to be paid her Yearly during her life out of my freehold Leases & Thereby Empower her to levy the same in Whatever manner law directs I leave and Devise one pound two shillings and ninepence sterling to be Distributed Among the poor at the discretion of the Rev Robert Durmond It is my Will & Desire that all my Legacies be paid as I have Directed & That none of them shall bear or yield any interest. I leave my Cattle and Crop to my said Nephew Samuel & Thomas Bradford except two milk cows to my sister Barbara I leave my Household furniture to be divided Among my nephews Sam & Thomas Bradford & my sister Barbara Bradford as they & my Trustees shall see proper I leave and bequeath to my niece Mary Coulter[31] Daughter to my brother Nathanial Coulter[32] five pounds sterling to be paid her soon After my Decease leave and Bequeath to the Rev. Robert Durmond of the Lordship of Ballymascanlon four pounds eleven shillings to be paid him soon After my Decease.. Thereby nominate & Appoint my Nephews Samuel Bradford & Thomas Bradford to be the Executor of this my Last Will and Testament The Writing upon this & the preceding page I declare to be my last Will & Testament. In Writing Whereof I have put my hand & seal at Cavananore this seventeenth day of August one thousand seven hundred and seventy five. In presence of the Rev Robert Durmmond of Thielle[33]


Robert Bailey[34] of _____lone Robert Dickie[35] of Clunalimon 

Robert Drummond Witness

Robert Bailey [29] Witness

Robert Dickie [30] Witness

[1] Andrew COULTER. He died without issue between the time of his will August 17, 1775 and the proving on December 27, 1775. His parents, as yet unknown, had six known children: Barbara (m. John BRADFORD), Andrew, Elizabeth (m. Adam LEDLIE), Mary (m. Samuel TIPPING), Nathanial (m. Unnamed), Susanna (m. George MURROW).

[2] Cavananore, 219 acres in Co. Louth, Upper Dundalk. In 1768, there were agreements on August 4th between John Coulter, farmer of Cavananore, and Andrew Coulter of Cavananore, re lands in Maghban, Dungooley and Anaghavackey held in joint lease; witnessed by Nathaniel Coulter & Thomas Bradford. According to Amy Oliver (Jackson) Lloyd: Cavananore (Round Hill of Gold) was granted to the Coulters after the Battle of the Boyne - from there to twin Bradfords, and then to Sir Thomas Jackson.SEE: Cavananore

[3] Kean GRAVEYARD AKA Kane Graveyard.

[4] Reverend Robert DURMOND. On July 3, 1778, the Rev. Mr. DRUMMOND died and was interred at Ballymascanlon. SOURCE: A History of Dundalk and its Environs, John D'Alton Esq & J.R. O'Flanagan. Published by Tempest, 1864. p.311. The Ballymascanlon connection makes me want to learn more about him. There are many COULTER_BRADFORD connections and we do know that a William Bradford who married Ann (no last name known, but not impossible that it might be COULTER) died at Ravensdale, Ballymascanlon, Co. Louth. Also, a Launcelot COULTER died at Ballymascanlon on Sept 28, 1873 age 60 (hence b.1813).

DURMOND was responsible in the Recits of Lagacies to distibute ₤1,,2,,9 among the poor of the Congregation as a legacy from Coulter. He was also willed ₤4,,1,,0 for his own uses.

[5] Ballymascanlan, 210 acres in Co. Louth, Lower Dundalk. It is a small village 4km NE of Dundalk, on the road to Carlingford.

[6] Robert DICKIE (Abt 1740-abt 1820). This is probably the Robert DICKIE who married Mary REID (NOTE: In the Family tree of the DICKIE family, 1993 at Dundalk library. her name is given as "Grizzell REID"). He died before 1825 at age 80 and was buried in the Kane Graveyard – but unfortunately, the date of his death was illegible. According to Statement of John Dickie of Casino: " he was... brought up to the linen business being what was then known as a linen draper supplying weavers with yard and buying and bleaching the linen cloth when woven. After some time, Lord Moyne's estate was sold and my grandfather [Robert] bought his portion becoming owner in fee simple." According to the family tree of the DICKIE family, 1993 at Dundalk library, he was "Of Clonaneenan (granted the freedom of the City of Dundalk 1782)" He had 9 known children.

[7] Clunalmon AKA Clonaleenan, Co. Louth

[8] Samuel BRADFORD (Abt 1739-1818)  Son of John BRADFORD & Mary COULTER. A brother of the Margaret BRADFORD who married David JACKSON and who was the great-grandmother of Sir Thomas JACKSON.

[9] Thomas BRADFORD (Abt 1739-1790)  Son of John BRADFORD & Mary COULTER A brother of the Margaret BRADFORD who married David JACKSON and who was the great-grandmother of Sir Thomas JACKSON.

[10] Dungooley, 609 acres in Co. Louth, Upper Dundalk. These lands were referred to in future family business dealings, for example: 1921 Bessie BROWN letter to M. GRIFFIN.

[11] Tullyvallan, 4,655 acres in Co. Armagh, Fews Upper, Newtonhamilton. In Freeholder Records, 1817, a John BRADFORD has a 40s holding there.

[12] Maubaan – My best guess is Moybane, Parish of Creggan, Co. Armagh. This guess is bolstered by the fact that a townland of Mybane is mentioned in 1832 Freeholders List as being owned by Andrew Coulter BRADFORD and valued at the princely sum of £50.

[13] Andrew JELLY. I note that the name JELLY is associated with Linen drapers in Portadown in the 1820 Newry Directory. I know nothing more – except this name shows up in Ontario, Canada – so they may have emigrated.

[14] John JELLY of Maddock.NOTE: In the list of Marriage Licence Bonds WW25: Diocese of Armagh, there is a marriage of Anne COULTER and John JELLY in 1773.

[15] Maddock. I wonder if this might be Maddoxland, Parish of Carlingford in Co. Louth (Bearing in mind that much of Co. Louth was administered under Co. Armagh at this time). Otherwise, I don`t have a clue where it might be.

[16] Anne COULTER. She is identified as a niece, but is the only one whose relationship is not given. She would be on paternal side (unless her mother's name was also COULTER) and so on a hunch, I have placed her as a daughter of Nathanial COULTER. Unfortunately, we do not have the name of Andrew COULTER`s mother to rule out the possibility that she is a niece on the maternal side.

[17] John LEDLIE, Son of Adam Ledlie & Elizabeth Coulter

[18] Adam LEDLIE, husband of Elizabeth Coulter. I do not yet know how the families connect, but a Jane LEDLIE (1715-1791) married John BIRCH (1711-1773) and they tie into the family tree.

In 1836, an Adam LEDLIE of Canal Street subscribed £1 to the workhouse in Newry Parish. SOURCE: Ros Davies.


He is quite possibly the same Adam LEDLIE that Ros Davies has more information on: of 4 Canal St, Newry; a stone cutter, grocer & spirit dealer in 1824; sworn as Grand Juror in Ballybot Petty Sessions 16 Jan 1828; corn merchant & grocer & spirit merchant in 1846; will probated 1848. A William LEDLIE of Mullaglass who had a flax mill that burnt February 3, 1849 is also likely connected to this family. As is Edward LEDLIE, soap-boiler and chandler, Canal St. (listed in 1820 Newry Directory).

[19] There are two Townlands called Mullaghglass, one of 700 acres in Parish of Ballymore, Co. Armagh, Barony of Orior Lower, PLU of Banbridge. The other of 682 acres in Parish of Killevy, Co. Armagh in the Barony of Orior Upper, PLU of Newry.

[20] Elizabeth LEDLIE née COULTER Her parents are unknown as is any other information about her.

[21] Mary TIPPING nèe COULTER, sister of Andrew COULTER who married Samuel Tipping. (His first name is included in the Recites and Lagacies.)

[22] Elizabeth LEDLIE née COULTER, sister to Andrew

[23] Susanna MURROW, née COULTER, sister to Andrew

[24] Margaret JACKSON nèe BRADFORD (1739-1820) Daughter of John BRADFORD & Barbara COULTER (sister of Andrew COULTER). She married David JACKSON.

[25] Anne JELLY, nèe COULTER

[26] Andrew JELLY, son of Anne JELLY, nèe COULTER

[27] John JELLY, husband of Anne COULTER. NOTE: In the list of Marriage Licence Bonds WW25: Diocese of Armagh, there is a marriage of Anne COULTER and John JELLY in 1773

[28] Anne MURROW daughter of George MURROW and Susannah MURROW nèe COULTER

[29] George MURROW, husband of Susanna Coulter

[30] Barbara BRADFORD nèe COULTER, mother of Samuel & Thomas BRADFORD, the nephews of Andrew COULTER who were appointed executors.

[31] Mary COULTER, daughter of Nathanial COULTER. Her mother is currently unknown.

[32] Nathanial COULTER, brother to Andrew COULTER. He had a daughter, but the name of her mother  is unknown.

[33] Thielle? This might be "Thistle". The handwriting is not clear.

[34] Robert BAILLEY – probably of Shortstone - the hand writing is not conclusive. The subscribers list to A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by Samuel Lewis includes"Bailie, Robert, Esq., Shortstone, Dundalk, co. Louth". Possibly a son of John BAILIE & Dorothy SMITH, hence a brother of Catherine BAILIE.

[35] Robert DICKIE of Clunalimon  – probably the Robert DICKIE (1740-1825) of Clonaleenon, son of Samuel James DICKIE & Mary BAILIE as well as husband to Mary REID (1744-1827).



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