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NAMES: Right Honourable Robert Lord Viscount Wicklow aka Robert HOWARD; Esther JACKSON née SHARP of Coolamanna aka Coolmana aka Nashe's Quarters; Joseph BARKER; Sarah BARKER née SHARP; Samuel ALCOCK; Elizabeth ALCOCK née SHARP; Samuel SHARP late of Knockballystine; Benjamin BURTON of Burton Hall; Robert SHARP of Garretstown; James McNAVIN; John WILSON; William SALE or SALL; John PIRIE; John CAHILL; Edward KANE.
Sharon Oddie Brown. September 16, 2013.


Deed 489 163 307720

July 16 1794

NOTE: I have created also a page where I have listed all the known pertinent deeds related to this Memorial, and have also included initial stabs at Family Trees of the JACKSONs & SHARPs mentioned in this deed. SEE: JACKSONs of Nashe's Quarters. There is still much more to unravel. I suspect the eventual outcome will be of interest to a range of JACKSON lines, including those who emigrated to Ontario, Canada from Carlow in the early 1800s.



To the register appointed preregistration deeds conveyances and so forth. Immemorial of an indented deed made by and between the Right Honourable Robert Lord Viscount Wicklow[1] of the Kingdom of Ireland of the one part, and Esther Jackson[2] otherwise Sharp of Coolamana[3] in the County of Carlow widow, Joseph Barker[4] of Coolamana aforesaid farmer, the only son of Sarah Barker[5] otherwise Sharp since deceased and Samuel Alcock[6] of Ardoine[7] in the said County Carlow farmer, the only son of Elizabeth Alcock[8] otherwise Sharp since deceased which said Esther Jackson and Joseph Barker and Samuel Alcock are the coheirs of Samuel Sharp[9] late of Knockballystine[10] in the County of Carlow farmer deceased of the other part reciting that were as by indentured of lease thereunto annexed and bearing date the ninth day of April, 1725 Benjamin Burton[11] then of Burton Hall[12] in the County of Catherlough Esquire did grant demise set unto Robert [Sharp?][13] of Garretstown[14] in c said Thomas Sharp[15] third son of the said Robert Sharp and unto the said Samuel Sharp[16] by the name and additions aforesaid & fourth son of the said Robert Sharp all that part of the lands of Coolamanna formally called an Nashes Quarter in the Lordship of Clonamore in said County & containing by estimation 195 acres 3 rods and 31 perches be same more or less with the appurtenances as thereto and in the deed of which this is a Memorial is partly mentioned excepting and reserved as there in mentioned. To hold to the said Robert[17], Thomas Sharp and Samuel Sharp their heirs and assigns from the 25th day of March then last passed for the lives of the said Thomas Sharp James McNavin[18] and John Wilson[19] therein named and the survivor and survivors of them subject to the yearly rent of £58.15 shillings and 8p Sterling together with 6p in the pound received fees payable half yearly and whereas two of the lives in said original deed named are since dead and William Sale [Sall?][20] life added to said lease by deed of the 30th June, 1749 the only Life now existing and whereas the said Esther Jackson Joseph Barker and Samuel Alcock paid unto the Robert Lord Viscount Wicklow a sum of five hundred and ninety four pounds nineteen shillings and fourpence Sterling renewal since he the said Robert Lord Viscount Wicklow did release and confirm under the said Esther Jackson Joseph Barker Thomas Sharp and Samuel Sharp their heirs and assigns from the 25th day of March then last passed for the lives of the said Thomas Sharp James McNavin and John Wilson therein named and the survivor and survivors of them subject to the yearly rent of £58.15 shillings and 8p sterling with 6p in the pound received fees payable half yearly and were as to of the lives in said original deed named are since dead and William Sale, a life added to said lease by deed of the 30th June, 1749 the only life now existing and whereas the said Esther Jackson Joseph Barker and Samuel Alcock paid unto the said Robert Lord Viscount Wicklow a sum of £594.19 shillings and fourpence Sterling renewal finds he the said Robert Lord Viscount Wicklow did release and confirm under the said Esther Jackson Joseph Barker and Samuel Alcock in their actual possession by virtue of said lease all that part of the lands of Coolamanna formally called Nashes Quarter situate lying and being in the Barony of Clonmore and County of Carlow aforesaid containing by estimation 195 acres 30 perches with the appurtenances for enduring the natural life of the said William Sale the surviving life in the said deed of renewal named as also of the said Joseph Barker and Thomas Jackson and also for and during the natural life and lives of all and singular every such other person or persons as shall by virtue of said covenant for renewal in the said original lease mentioned Subject to the rent fines of renewal reserved and clauses therein mentioned in which said deed there is a Clause of Trust. Nevertheless to and for all and every person and persons whatsoever Claiming or Drawing any Estate or title to said lands and premises by for under said Samuel Sharp hereinbefore named which said deed is witnessed by John Pirie[21] and John Cahill[22], both of the city of Dublin gent’s and this Memorial is witnessed by the said John Cahill and Edward Kane[23] of the city of Dublin gent Esther Jackson seal Joseph Barker seal Samuel Alcock seal. Signed and sealed in presence of John Cahill Edward Kane the above named John Cahill maketh oath and saith that this deponent is a subscribing witness to and saw Robert Howard [24]of the city of Dublin Esquire by virtue of a power of attorney duly sign, seal and execute the name Wicklow to the deed of which the above writing is a Memorial and also saw at the above named Esther Jackson Joseph Barker and Samuel Alcock also duly sign seal and execute said deed and saw the said Esther Jackson Joseph Barker and Samuel Alcock duly sign seal and execute the above Memorial and that the name John Cahill subscribing as witness to said deed and Memorial is this proponents proper name and hand of and that [?] said deed and Memorial to John Moore Esquire deputy registrar at the 16th day of July 1794 at or near half after two of the clock in the afternoon of said day John Cahill sworn before me the 16th day of July 1794. John Moore Deputy Registrar.


[1] Right Honourable Robert Lord Viscount Wicklow aka Robert HOWARD (1757-1815).

[2] Esther SHARP. I had initially thought that her husband was Samuel JACKSON SEE: DEED: 1834 May 1. I am less sure now that I see in 1820, there is a reference to Samuel JACKSON’s last will published 1797, and yet Esther was already a widow by the time of this 1794 deed.

[3] Coolamana aka Coolmana, aka Nashe’s Quarters, Parish of Haroldstown, Barony Rathvilly, Co. Carlow.

[4] Joseph BARKER, son of Sarah SHARP & [probably Abraham] BARKER.

[5] Sarah BARKER, widow of [probably Abraham] BARKER née SHARP. Mother of Joseph BARKER.

[6] Samuel ALCOCK, son of Thomas ALCOCK and Elizabeth SHARP. Born aft 1751.

[7] Ardoine aka Ardoyne, Barony Rathvilly, Co. Carlow.

[8] Elizabeth SHARP. There is a marriage recorded of an Elizabeth SHARP and a Thomas ALCOCK September 25, 1751 in Carlow, married by license by Dr. Johnson. I suspect this is her.

[9] Samuel SHARP late of Knockballystine, Co. Carlow. 4th son of Robert SHARP of Garretstown, and father of Esther, Elizabeth & Sarah SHARP..

[10] Knockballystine, Parish of Clonmore, Barony Rathvilly, Co. Carlow.

[11] Benjamin BURTON. It was a Benjamin BURTON who first purchased the property known as Ballynakelly, and other land in County Carlow in 1712. These were properties confiscated after the Williamite War and sold by the Crown during the reign of Queen Ann (1703-1713). SOURCE: Co. Carlow IGP. The BURTON family Papers are held at the Carlow Library. Benjamin Burton (died 1728) was an Alderman in Biographical history Dublin and served as Lord Mayor in 1706. He represented Dublin as a Member of Parliament (MP) between 1703-1723. He purchased lands in 1712 at Burton Hall (formerly called Ballynakelly) and elsewhere in Carlow from the Trustees for the Sale of Forfeited Estates. He established a ban k in Dublin in the early 1700s but in 1733 the bank collapsed and Parliament passed an Act vesting the real and personal assets of directors in trustees. Several documents in the collection make reference to this Act of Parliament. Apart from Benjamin Burton, several other members of the family are frequently named in documents in the collection. His son, Charles Burton, was knighted in 1750 by the Viceroy and created a baronet in 1758. He was also an MP for Dublin between 1749-1760. Another son of Benjamin Burton, Colonel Robert Burton, was MP for County Carlow between 1727-1760, and for the Borough between 1761- 1765. In all, between 1700-1770, eight members of the Burton family held seats in Parliament for Carlow, Clare, Sligo and Dublin. Charles, the 2 nd Baronet, remodelled Pollacton (or Pollardstown) House circa 1803. He married Catherine Cuffe, daughter of the 2 nd Baron Desart, in 1778. Their son Charles, the 3 rd Baronet, was born in May 1779 and married Susannah, daughter of Joshua Paul Meredith. Their son, Charles, the 4 th Baronet, died unmarried in 1842. The baronetcy created for Charles Burton in 1758 became extinct in 1902 with the death of Sir Charles William Cuffe Burton. He left most of his assets to his niece, Grace Ellen Burton, wife of Sir Francis Charles Edward Denys, who assumed the additional name of Burton, and her sister, Gertrude Mary Burton. Lady Denys Burton’s heir was her third daughter, Georgina Denys Burton. She was the last of the family to live at Pollacton House. She left her property to her nephew who demolished Pollacton House in the early 1970s. The house at Burton Hall was sold in 1927 and demolished around 1930.  

[12] Burton Hall. There is an excellent description with photos at Co. Carlow IGP. AT the time of Samuel Lewis’ Topographical Dictionary, 1837, it was owned by William Fitzwilliam BURTON (1796-1844).

[13] Robert SHARP of Garretstown, father of 4 sons, including Thomas SHARP & Samuel SHARP.

[14] Garretstown,  is 494 acres in the Parish of Rahill, Barony Rathvilly, Co. Carlow.

[15] Thomas SHARP, 3rd son of Robert SHARP

[16] Samuel SHARP, 4th son of Robert SHARP of Garretstown, and father of Esther, Elizabeth & Sarah SHARP.

[17] Robert SHARP. This may be a son of the Robert SHARP sr.

[18] James McNAVIN?

[19] John WILSON?

[20] William SALE aka SALL

[21] John PIRIE (I suspect other spellings of this name are more typical).

[22] John CAHILL

[23] Edward KANE

[24] Robert HOWARD was the Right Honorable Lord Viscount Wicklow.



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