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Margaret Bradford, the author of this will
Barbara Donaldson, sister to Margaret Bradford & a witness to this will.
Joseph Dickie, Solicitor at Dundalk
& witness to this will.
Mary Jane Oliver, niece to Margaret
& one of two executors to the will.

[May 4 1859]

In the name of God Amen I Margaret Bradford [1] of Cavananore in the County of Louth Spinster do hereby make and publish this to be my last Will and testament – I give and bequeath unto my Nephew Thomas Oliver [2] and to my niece Mary Jane Oliver [3] whom I have hereafter appointed Executor and Executrix of this my Last will and testament the sum of Three hundred pounds due me by Mr. Thomas McCullagh [4] of Derryvally in the County of Monaghan in trust to pay over the same together with such interest as may be received there-from to and amongst the children of the said Thomas McCullagh as and when they shall respectively attain the full age of Twenty one years in the following shares and proportions namely. To George McCullagh [5] son of the said Thomas McCullagh and each of his three sisters namely Mary [6] Jane [7] and Sarah [8] the sum of fifty pounds sterling and to each of his brothers namely James [9] John [10] Andrew [11] and Thomas [12] McCullagh the sum of twenty five pounds and in case any of the said children of the said Thomas McCullagh should die before he or she shall attain the full age of Twenty one years my Will then is that the sum hereby bequeathed to him or her respectively shall be divided evenly amongst his or her surviving brother and sister upon he or she attaining the full age of Twenty one years – and until the said bequests shall become due and payable respectively my Will is that the interest payable for the said sum of Three hundred pounds so lent as aforesaid be received by my said Trustees and placed in the Savings Bank to the account of said Trustees and that the same be paid over to and amongst the said children of the said Thomas McCullagh at the time and in proportion to the sum hereby bequeathed to each subject to the contingencies aforesaid – I give and bequeath unto my said Trustees the sum of three hundred and forty five pounds sterling to be applied by them in the following manner namely To my niece Eliza Jackson [13] wife of David Jackson [14] the sum of fifty pounds, this sum not to be subject in any way to the debts control or engagements of said David Jackson and to be applied by my said Trustees to the use of the said Eliza Jackson in such a way and at such time or times as they may think right. The receipt of the said Eliza Jackson to be a sufficient discharge and acquittance to them for the due and proper application of said money without the concurrance in such receipt of the said David Jackson. And in further trust to apply one hundred pounds of the residue of said sum of Three hundred and forty five pounds to and amongst the children of the said Eliza Jackson in the following proportions upon their respectively attaining the full age of Twenty one years namely. To each of her daughters Elizabeth [15] , Mary [16] , Sarah [17] , and Margaret [18] Jackson the sum of Twenty five pounds, and to his son James Jackson [19] the sum of Twenty five pounds, and to each of his other sons [20] , Andrew [21] , David [22] and George [23] the sum of Sixteen pounds thirteen shillings and fourpence and in case any of the children of the said Eliza Jackson should die before he or she respectively attains the full age of Twenty one years my will then is that the proportion of said sum of One hundred pounds hereby bequeathed to him or her respectively shall be divided to and amongst his or her surviving brother and sisters hereinbefore named but should my said Trustees think it would be more for the advantage of all or any of the children of said Eliza Jackson that the sum or sums hereby bequeathed to all or any of such said children could be more advantageously disposed of to their or any of their advancement in life ~ My Will is then that it shall be lawful for my said Trustees to apply all or any the shares of said sum of One hundred pounds to and amongst the children of said Eliza Jackson in the proportions bequeathed to each in such a way and at such a time as they may think right without being liable to be called to an account hereafter for such exercise of the power so vested in them ~ I give and bequeath unto my said Trustees a further sum of One hundred and twenty pounds to be applied by them in the following manner – To Anne Oliver wife of Andrew Oliver [24] the sum of twenty pounds, this sum no subject in any way to the debts controls and engagements of Andrew Oliver husband of said Anne Oliver [25] , and to be applied by my said Trustees to the use of the said Anne Oliver in such a way and at such time as my said Trustees may think right. The receipt of the said Anne Oliver for said sum of Twenty pounds to be a sufficient acquittance and discharge to them for the due and proper application of said money without the concurrence in such receipt of the said Andrew Oliver. And as to the residue and remainder of said sum of One hundred pounds upon further trust to pay and apply the same to and amongst the five children of the said Andrew Oliver in equal shares and proportions at the time or times and subject in all respects to the like directions and trusts as are hereinbefore named and expressed with reference to the sum hereinbefore bequeathed for the use of the children of said Elizabeth Jackson ~ I give and bequeath unto my said Nephew Thomas Oliver, the sum of Fifty pounds sterling for his own use and benefit as some slight recompense for the trouble he will have in carrying out the trusts of this Will ~ and I give devise and bequeath unto my said niece Mary Jane Oliver the rest residue and remainder of my Estate real and personal whether in possession reversion remainder or expectancy for her own sole use and benefit and I hereby appoint my said Nephew Thomas Oliver and my said niece Mary Jane Oliver Executor and Executrix of this my last will and testament.

In Witness whereof I the said Margaret Bradford have hereto set my hand this Fourth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty nine ~

Signed published and declared by ~ Margaret Bradford.

The said Testatrix as and for her
Last will and Testament in the presence
Of us present at the same time, who in
Her presence at her request and in the presence
of each other have hereunto subscribed
our names as Witnesses, the words “or” and
“disposed of” being interlined between the Twenty
fourth and twenty fifth and between the tenth
and eleventh lines of this will on the first and
third sheets respectively ~
Barbara Donaldson [26]
Joseph Dickie [27] Solicitor, Dundalk.

[1] Margaret Bradford, 1786- August 17 1874, sister of Barbara Donaldson, Elizabeth Oliver and Mary McCullagh - all daughters of Thomas Bradford & Elizabeth Breakey
[2] Thomas Oliver, son of Benjamin Oliver & Elizabeth Bradford (sister of Margaret Bradford)
[3] Mary Jane Oliver 1821-1875, daughter of Benjamin Oliver & Elizabeth Bradford
[4] Thomas McCullagh, husband of Margaret Bradford’s sister, Mary Bradford
[5] George McCullagh – no info as yet – perhaps I have muddled some McCullagh lines.
[6] Mary McCullagh – no info as yet
[7] Jane McCullagh – no info as yet
[8] Sarah McCullagh – no info as yet
[9] James McCullagh – no info as yet
[10] John McCullagh – no info as yet
[11] Andrew McCullagh – no info as yet
[12] Thomas McCullagh – no info as yet
[13] Elizabeth Jackson, 1815-1903, daughter of Benjamin Oliver & Elizabeth Bradford & mother of ten children including Sir Thomas Jackson.
[14] David Jackson, 1814-1899, son of John Jackson & Elizabeth McCullagh
[15] Elizabeth Jackson, 1843-1923, wife of  Thompson Brown
[16] Mary Jackson, 1844-1921, wife of William Menary & then of  Frederick Richard Griffin
[17] Sarah Jackson, 1848-1942, wife of Eliezer Gilmore (half second cousin, once removed)
[18] Margaret Jackson, 1853-1944, wife of Robert Reid & then of Andrew Bradford McCullagh (her second cousin)
[19] James Jackson, 1850-1925, married Elizabeth Sarah Browne (his first cousin)
[20] Note: The two older Jackson sons, John and Thomas (later “Sir Thomas”) were both omitted from this list of children. I have no idea why.
[21] Andrew Coulter Bradford Jackson, 1846-1929 married Eliza Emily Gilmore (half second cousin once removed)
[22] David Jackson, 1855-1903, worked at HSBC Yokohama, married Margaret Louisa Wright
[23] George Jackson, August 1858 – November 1859, died of croup, the baby of the family.
[24] Andrew Bradford OLIVER. (1818-1877)
[25] Anne HANNA (abt 1822-1891)
[26] Barbara Donaldson, sister of Margaret Bradford, wife of William Donaldson
[27] Joseph Dickie


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