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This is a fascinating document with many, many references to both JACKSONs and also MAULEVERERs (another family that had roots in Northern Ireland). There is also quite a bit about the context of Quakers, Presbyterians and the Established church in the mid-1600s in Westmorland.
Sharon Oddie Brown. August 2, 2010
See Also: The Ejected of 1662 in Cumberland and Westmorland : Their Predecessors and Successors,Vol 1. B. Nightingale, M.A. Manchester, 1911 SEE: My Notes on Vol 1.


The Ejected of 1662 in Cumberland and Westmoreland: Their Predecessors and Successors, Vol 2. B. Nightingale, M.A. Manchester, 1911.

NOTE: The Jackson MSS. is in the Jackson Library, Carlisle - in the North of England (North of the Lake District).  I know very little about the history of the region nor yet how to do research in that part of England. Perhaps others can add to this and help me better situate some of these JACKSONs – in particular Richard JACKSON, vicar of Whittington (and seemingly elsewhere).






He was instituted August 24th, 1705 on the removal of Stainton, being at the time Head Master of the St. Bees Grammar School. He was the son of Thomas Jackson of Swithindale, Westmorland, and matriculated at Queen's College, July 3rd, 1679, at the age of 19 years.[1] So says Foster, and he would appear to be correct, the following being corroborative :

On June 5th, 1686, Sir John Lowther, writing to Sir Daniel Fleming about the Head Mastership of St. Bees School, says that "' one Mr. Richard Jackson, a physician near Kendal, who left Queen's College a year since, would do very well, if no ill habits be since contracted. "[2] A month later he says : " I think well of Mr. Jackson on the whole ; " and on April 23rd, 1687, he says that he is " doing extraordinarily well," and that " the School has doubled." On July 24th, 1690, Jackson writes to Sir Daniel Fleming respecting an inscription near Beckermet " at the foot of a hill called Carnarvon Castle."[3] 

In his early years, at least, it would appear that his sympathies were strongly Jacobite ; hence the following :  CCLXIX. Mr. Richard Jackson For Seditious Words. Aug. 4. 1689. Before Richard Patrickson Esq. Mr. John Stevin, quarter-Master in Lt. Cll. Levyson's troope of dragoons in the Queen's regiment, saith that, on Friday, being in Company with Mr. Richard Jackson, Schoolmaster of St. Beese, the said Mr. Jackson did suddenly rise upp from his seate, and askte him who he was for. He replyed he was for King William, but Mr. Jackson said he was for King James. And being askte by his ext. if he knew what he said, Mr. Jackson answered he did, and clapeing his hand on the table said he woo'd stand by it soe longe as he had a drope of blood in his body. And he further said itt was noe treason to drinke King James health[4].

The following testimony to his fitness and character for the ministry is interesting :

These are to Certifie all Persons whom it may concern more especially the Right Reverend Father in God, Nicholas Lord Bishop of Chester that we know Mr. Richard Jackson Master of the Free Gramar Schoole of St. Bees to be a Person of a pious sober, and regular Life, and well affected to the presnt Government in Church and State as by Law Established, In witness whereof we have here- unto Set our Hands

July the 22

Lancelot Teasdel


Rector of Distington

Wm. Pennington

Ra : Calvert Rector

Jos : Pennington

of Moresby  

John Ponsonby

Tho : Orfeur Rector 

Joh Stanley

of Harrington 

Ant. Patrickson

Tho : Robinson Rector  of Egremond  Chr. Denton Rector  of Gosford  Ri Stainton  late Curat at St Bees  Robt. Mawson Rector of Waberthwaite[5]

 In 1734, in addition to his other two appointments, he obtained the living at Barton in Westmorland ; but he enjoyed it only a short time. He died in 1738, and was buried at St. Bees where a monument, thus inscribed, perpetuates his memory :

Here lies the body of the Rev. Mr. Richard Jackson, Vicar of Barton, Minister of this Church 33 years, and 52 years schoolmaster of the Free Grammar School of Saint Bees. He, with unwearied diligence, uncommon success, and .deserved applause, discharged the important duties of an industrious master, a faithful pastor, and a good Christian. He died July 28th, 1738, aged 80 years. Memento Mori. [6]1

An interesting feature of the Registers is the insertion of the baptisms of children in the Dissenting Meeting House at Whitehaven.


In her Will, Eliz. Tickell, widow of Thorn. Tickell, late of Whitehaven, dated August 30th, 1694, speaks of her grandsons Richard, Thomas, Patricius, and William Tickell; and of her sons-in-law as being Mr. Ebenezer Gale, Mr. Richard Jackson, and Mr. John Gale. Sir John Lowther, July 5th, 1692, says that he intends " to give the living of Distington to the Master of St. Bees School, so that the school endowments may be used to provide more masters. "[7]4 This, however, was not done.


The old chapel had been the School, and its ministers the School- masters of the little Community, yet when separate buildings were erected the religious office of the teacher did not altogether cease, for the minister of the new church paid the Schoolmaster to read prayers. Richard Cooper, Schoolmaster, was buried Sept. 9th 1694. After him I believe one Jackson held the office, then Peter Parish and he was succeeded by James Farish. The latter is stated to have officiated at Burials. The Registers by their writing indicate that Francis Yates was waxing old and assistance had become necessary. Christopher Bowerbank M.A. was admitted May. 14. 1718; and his brief Curacy closed shortly after July 22. 1719. James Farish, named as School- master, was licensed to officiate as Deacon at Whitehaven Oct. 3. 1718. I believe he was intended to officiate at Moresby so far as his orders would allow, to still further relieve the dying man, who had also held that living from 1711 and to him at that place Farish succeeded when he died. He was buried in the old Churchyard June 18. 1720.


RICHARD JACKSON, 1702. He signs as Minister in this year [of Cleator – a few miles east of Whitehaven], and is probably the St. Bees Schoolmaster[8]. 2 He was appointed on Benn's resignation. 3
C[harles]. NOBLE, 1705. He was appointed on the resignation of Jackson.


R. JACKSON, 1702-5. [Haile – 4 mi south east of Egremont] Doubtless the person of that name who was at St. Bees, &c. * JOHN PARKER, 1705. On the resignation of R. Jackson. He signs as Curate in this year. A person of this name was at Raughton Head in 1732. 2


Gosforth 837 Curates appear to have been:- John Bewes who buried his wife Margaret, June 8, 1597, and married Janeta Jackson vid " Dec. 21 of the same year;


JAMES THOMPSON, 1637. The Registers have : Klerikos Jacobus Thompson & Agneta Jackson Conjugati 13 die Maij Ao Dnj 1637 Kl.


These 2 lines may certifie yu yt we have in our parish one John Pirt & his wife Isabell yt are Comon Sabbath-breakers the bake ther bread upon the Lords day as will Appear by the evidence of one Richard Jackson in Corney who was an eye witness to yt action Isabell the wife of the above named Pirt did bring forth her full born Son within 20 weeks after the were married, we did at yor Court at Ravenglass present one Wm. Jackson for not receiveing the Sacrament of the lords supper & pirt did advise him to come to you & Mr. Trotter & Inform you concerning all the defamation yt ever were heard agst me & you would sett him at liberty & he should be free I pray you be not slow to punish this man who is admitted of all his neighbours for impiety you may by a citation (if you please) wch you may send by this bearer call him to Kendall the next Court, he is a man of noe courage but rich enough therefore cause him to pay for his Roguery the bearer will confirm what I averr If you enquire of him; wt I have here writte I pray yu doe not discover for if he knew he would scarce faile to doe my cattell a mischief this is all from him who is Corney Maij llth 1692 Sr.             yr humble Servt ffor              Wm. Benson. Mr. Josiah Lambert att his office in Kendall.


WILLIAM JACKSON, 1724 1727. He was instituted in 1724 [Whitbeck – 2 miles north of Whicham] on the removal of Daniel Steele. DANIEL NOBLE, 17271735. Entered upon "ye cure of Whitbeck 8br ye 10th 1725." So the Registers; but the Act Book gives 1727 as the date, the cause of vacancy being the death of Jackson.


At the Bishop's Visitation June 30, 1674, Muncaster is- given as vacant. Admission to the Curacy here was given to William Grainger August 31, 1686, by " Tobias Wickham S.T.P. Dec. et cap. Ebor." From this point Muncaster and Waberthwaite appear to be joined in the same person and information about other occupants of the living must be sought under Waberthwaite. 4 The Waberthwaite Registers give the burial of Robert Mawson, Minister of Muncaster, on February 24, 1707. He was instituted in 1704 and possibly served as
Curate for Henry Holmes, who held both Waberthwaite and Muncaster. It is, however, not easy to fix Mawson, for, in 1705, he signs Richard Jackson's Certificate as "Rector of Waberthwaite."


WILLIAM BENSON, B.A., 16771738.

He was ordained Deacon by Henry Sodor, January, 18, 1675; Priest by Nicholas of Chester, May 21, 1676; and instituted July 31, 1677, on the Presentation of Miles Pennington. Doubtless this is the person who was at Drigg.3

The following interesting letter is from his pen :


These 2 lines may certifie yu yt we have in our parish one John Pirt & his wife Isabell yt are Comon Sabbath -breakers the bake ther bread upon the Lords day as will Appear by the evidence of one Richard Jackson in Corney who was an eye witness to yt action Isabell the wife of the above named Pirt did bring forth her full born Son within 20 weeks after the were married, we did at yor Court at Ravenglass present one Wm. Jackson for not receiveing the Sacrament of the lords supper & pirt did advise him to come to you & Mr. Trotter & Inform you concerning all the defamation yt ever were heard agst me & you would sett him at
liberty & he should be free I pray you be not slow to punish this man who is admitted of all his neighbours for impiety you may by a citation (if you please) wch you may send by this bearer call him to Kendall the next Court, he is a man of noe courage but rich enough therefore cause him to pay for his Roguery the bearer will confirm what I averr If you enquire of him; wt I have here writte I pray yu doe not discover for if he knew he would scarce faile to doe my cattell a mischief this is all from him

 who is Corney Maij llth 1692 Sr. yr humble Servt

 ffor Wm. Benson.

Mr. Josiah Lambert att his office in Kendall.


Right Honrable Col. Benson returned home to Kendal Wednesday last, he reports of yor Lorps favour towards him & greate paynes yor Lorp take for effecting his desires in his busynes. he is vry thankefull & so am I his friend to God in rayssing up yor Lorp for the many Noble favours you did for him & I prsume he shall evr testyfy it in any service (to his powr) that yor Lorp shall comand. I am intreated by two speaciall friends to the cause to write to yor Lorp in ther behalfe. I make bold to do it knoweing yor Lorps readynes & noble disposition to here & help honest men, in any lawfull & faiseable mattr. First one Mr. Jackson ministr of Whittingham neare Kyrby Lonsdall, a vry pious & honest able man haveing heretofore entred
bond as surety wth a popish recusant (I psume it was wth hopes to gayne him to or Church) principall for the sume of 100£, this was donne before these troubles, & the popish gentleman proveing a Delinquent all his lands & meanes beinge sequestred, is utterly disabled to satisfy that debt, whereuppon honest Mr. Jackson is like to beare the burden, but I feare it will breake his backe & the creditours (now tyme begineing to be open (?) in Lancashire where Mr. Jackson lives that suites may be tryed) doth labour to pursue Mr. Jackson & recovr his 100£ of him wch indeed is easyly done for the bond is cleere. Yet if lawe pceede agaynst Mr. Jackson & compell him to pay it as it will do, he will "be undone, and not able to subsist
haveing wife & many children, 14 children he hath & the 15th (is by this tyme borne for every houre his wife lookes for it) this is this honest ministrs desire & I earnestly desire the same, that yor Lorp be pleased to advise his friend (that will repaire to yor Lorp) what course may be taken that Mr. Jackson may have satisfaction, if any be to be had out of the delinquents estate of lands or woods, or any way whereby himselfe & the publike be not priudiced, we leave it to yor Lorps wisdome, & information of any that shall be imployed to come to yor Lorp. I am sure if yor


Lorp can help him you shall not neede repent of it he is so honest a ministr. My other friend is Capteyne Bippon of Lancastr, I assure yor Lorp he is a vry deserveing mam and hath done vry valliantly in this service it seemes, tho it is arreares behynde. I desire yor Lorp to direct him and helpe him, himselfe can best informe yor Lorp the case how it stands, & what he shall relate to yor Lorp concearneing his desires yor Lorp may credite him for he is godly & honest & such men deserve to be respected encouraged thus hopeing yor Lorps favours will further him & finish his busynes I humbly desire pdon for my boldnes wth my continuall prayrs
for yor Lorp I rest Yor most faythfull servant in the Lord Jesus

Henrie Masy Kendall the 28th of ffebr

 1645 [Endorsement cannot be seen except :]

 about Capt Bippon

 Mr. Jackson a minister. Mr. Jackson a minister.  

Right Honrable Yor Lorp wished me to take notice what lands or rents ar in Westmrland belongeing to the Bisp of Chester. I have formrly certifyed yor Lorp ther ar none, & therefore if yor Lorp please to pcure any addition of meanes to my poore Vicaradge of Kendall, I desire yor Lorp (I am resolved of yor Noble favours) that you thinke of Durham or any othr bysh [Bishop] estates for this purpose. Colonell Benson at his returne, putt me in mynde of anothr way ; the Earle of Worcester & the Lord Herbert now Earle of Glamorgan (Worcestrs Sonne) have land in Kendall parke, neere or towne to the value of lOOli or sixcore pounds p annu that is undr Sequestration (yor Lorp knowes what there conditions ar) & likely to be (by the pliament) disposed of wch if yor Lorp shall add to my income I shall take as a greate blessing from god & yor Lorp & shall endeavour to be really thankefull. beggars must not be choosers therefore I submitt & leave all to yor Lorps disposall, whether here or there, so it be done, I had almost sayd it must be done. I desire yor Lorp let me be bold to say something concearneing ye Kirby Stephen. When I was in London last o more) to independent side. I
confesse the inclination is towards many godly & worthy mens opinions, if ther opinions do terminate in what is knowne at psent, if discipline were all they stand on it were no greate mattr, but I feare (I have reade some thing that ther doctrine wch now is orthodoxey & they declare nones els) wilbe found otherwise, before yor Lorp step further into that streame, I desire yor Lorp to be sure there is footeing towarde safety for assure yor selfe they have not as yet declared themselves & many engredients must be of othr opinions now extant to make up a


miscellanious worke, I am weake I know yor Lorp is wise, the pducte of the pmisses is following : if yor Lorp should too much dote on and adore that way, it may be pbable yor Lorp will send a ministr of that make to Kyrby Stephen wch would be vry inconvenient ptly in regard novelty yet disputable in or Country though I hope he & my selfe should well accorde in affections though not in opinions & ptly in regard of yor Lorps outward content as thus yor Lorp must pay him yearely so much, & gathr the tythes, for they deny & will not accept of tithes. & if yor Lorp should afford him (as I psume you will) a sufficient meanes, yet aftr
a short tyme he shall undrstand that tithes be payd to yor Lorps servant he canot forbeare (by ther owne principles) but must preach agaynst the pishioners for paying & yor Lorp for takeing tithes wch I knowe will come to passe experience in some place this side Trent proves the truth of the pmisses wherefore if yor Lorp please to suspend the disposall of that liveing but a little I shall god willing shortly aftr Eastr waite on yor Lorp in London aboute my pticular above mentioned & then I doubt not (though I am unworthy to prsume) but I shall (if yor Lorp please to afford me that favour) fitt yor Lorp wth a vry able, honest &
godly ministr, for that people must be pounded in a mortar & made up a newe, if yor Lorp please to hearken to me one of yor Lorps most faythfull devoted servants. I hope God shall have glory that people comfort, & yor Lorp full content for I knowe the mystry. I humbly desire yor Lorp pdon my boldnes 1 am yor Lorps sincere friend & shall remayne

 Yor Lorps faythfull Servant in the Lord Jesus

 Appleby the 3th of March 1645. Henrie Masy.


Midsummer 1696. The Association. Whereas there has been A horrid & detestable Conspiracy formed and Carryed on by Papists and other Traterous persons for Assassinating his Majesties Royall pson in order to incurrage an Invation from ffrance to subvert our Religious Lawes and Liberty. Wee whose names are hereunto Subscribed Doe heartily Sincearly and Solemnly pfes [profess] testifie and declare that his psent Majesty King William is Rightfull and lawfull King of these Realmes and wee doe Mutually pmis [promise] and engage to stand by & assist each other to the utmost of our power in the Support and defence of his Majesties Most Sacred person & Government against the late King James, and all his adherents And in case his Majestie come to any violent or Untimely death (which God forbid) Wee doe hereby further freely & unanimously oblige our Selves to Unite Associate and Stand by each other in Revengeing the same upon his Enimies & their adherents and in Supporting & defending the Succession of the Crowne according to an Act made in the ffirst year of the Raigne of King William & Queen Mary entituled an Act declaring the Rights & libertyes of the Subject & Settling the Succession of the Crowne.

A Register of the names and Sirnames of all such persons as have Subscribed the Association aforesaid at the Quarter Sessions of the peace aforesaid according to A late Act of Parliament intituled An Act for the better Security of his Maties Royall pson & Governmt.

William Berkhead Edward Nicholson John Jefferson Curate of Old Hutton. Schoolmr of Kendall John ffirbank Joseph Heath Gangr Schoolmaster of K. Lonsdale. Anthony Saul Benjamin Johnson Joseph Ward Richard Baynes Willm Jackson Viccr Charles Saul de Beathom Sam :Green Wm. Slater Curate Robt Heblethwaite of Killington Robert Cooke John Proctr Curate John Barker of Middleton Robert Philipson …


... John Jackson


[following General Assemblies and signatories to petition concerning safety of King William & Mary on p 951] Appleby last day of July John Jackson

Appleby Aug 1st 1696 Thomas Jackson Scholae


In all probability John Myriell was appointed, for he was here in January 1653-4. 2 His removal to Torpenhow as Minister led to a vacancy which was filled by Richard Jackson, as the following shows :

Kendall. November the 22th 1655. Whereas the Comrs for the propagating the Gospell in the ffoure Northerne Countyes have setled the yearely Summe of Three pounds Six shillings and Eight pence out of the tithes of Thirnbye the further yearely sume of Three pounds & six shillings and eight pence out of the tithes of Sleagill the further yearely Sume of ffoure pounds out of the tithes of Great Strickland and the further yearely Sume of Two pounds thirteene Shillings and ffoure pence out of the tithes of Little Strickland all within the County of Westmorland parcell of the possessions of the late Deane & Chapter of Carlisle upon the Schoolmaster of Kendall in ye said County It is ordered that the same bee continued from time to time unto Mr. Richard Jackson Schoolmr of the said Schoole and to bee from time to time continued unto him for such time as hee shall descharge the duty of Schoolmr there or untill further Order of the said Trustees And that Mr. Edmund Branthwaite Receiver doe pay the same unto him accordingly.

 John Thorowgood Edw. Cressett Ri Sydenham Ra. Hall John Humfrey. 3

1. Lambeth MSS. (Plund. Mm.), 1006.
2. Vide pp. 128, 936.
3 Lambeth MSS. (Plund. Min.), 977.



This place is not to be confused with Crosthwaite near Keswick. It lies some six miles south west of Kendal, and about the same distance north of the mother Church at Heversham. From Kendal the road leads through the interesting little village of Underbarrow, already named in connection with the Quaker movement. Crosthwaite served as a Chapel of Ease for Heversham, and the Registers say :  

Ecclesia Crosthwaitiensis santificata fuit 7 Julij Anno Dom 1557.

The Church is dedicated to St. Mary. The first Register Book is of paper and much dilapidated ; but it has been carefully transcribed by the present Vicar. Whellan says the Registers begin in 1600, being therein incorrect, as he frequently is. The first half dozen pages are mere fragments but the following has been deciphered


WILLIAM JACKSON, B.A., 16831709. He was ordained Deacon by John of Chester September 22, 1672; Priest by the same, September 21, 1673; instituted April 13, 1683, and inducted the same day by the Bishop ; and obtained a Faculty to teach the School in the Parish, September 22, 1673. 2 He was the son of Richard Jackson[9], Rector of Whittington, Lancashire, and was educated partly at Sedbergh and partly at Kirkby
Lonsdale. He entered St. John's College, Cambridge, in 1644. 3 The following Jackson entries are taken from the Registers :


Gulielmus Jackson clericus et Dorothea Salkeld Juncti sunt in corwmbio octavo die Januarij A.D. 1674.  

Tho. films Gulielmi Jackson Vicarii baptizatus fuit sexto die mensia Octobris Anno Dom. 1675.  

Judeth filia G. Jackson vicar baptizata fuit quinto die mensis Decembris Anno Dom. 1676.

 Elizabetha filia Gulielmi Jackson Clerici baptizata fuit nono die Junii A.D. 1679.

 Maria filia Gulielmi Jackson Clerici baptizata fuit duodecimo die Octobris Anno Dom. 1681.

 All these follow in immediate succession, and they seem to indicate that Jackson had already charge of the living at an early date. The Act Book, however, gives his Instition both under April 13 and 30, 1683, on the Presentation of the King " per lapsum." Doubtless the explanation is that he was serving as Curate for Brockbank until 1683, and that that date marks Brockbank's relinquishment of the living. He died in 1709, the following being his burial entry :  

1. Al. Ox. 2. The Act Book (Chester Registry). 3. Sedbergh School Register, p. 80.


Gulielmus Jackson qui fuit hujus Ecclesiae Pastor fidelissimus sepultus erat decimo quarto die Septembris 1709 in hac Parochia annos ferme quadraginta curam animarum habuit obiit Aetat. 68 et nunc requiescit in Domino.

 This district was early affected by the Quaker movement, and that it long found considerable 'support here the following items testify :

 In 1651. I find Chr. Bisbrown of Arnside a Churchwarden but he turned Quaker & wou'd not act. The Court fin'd Him 5s. [This of course is Hutton's entry in the Registers.] Marriages 1664.  

Thomas Preston et Agmeta, Pie de Overthwaite not married by me but taken one another being Quakers. 1

 Appeale. Easter .1699.

 James Whereas it appears to this Court upon the Appeale of Kellett James Kellett that there hath been Judgement Granted agt the said James by 2 of his Maties Justices of the peace at the Complaint of William Jackson Cl. Viccor of the parish & parish Church of Bethome for some ptended arreares of Tyeth & small dues & the said Wm. Jackson not defending the said appeale according to notice given It is therefore ordered by this Court yt ye said Judgemt be Sett aside & made void &c. 2  It may be added that in the vestry of the Church is quite an interesting collection of important documents, together with a considerable library of old books, which would probably repay careful examination. 

1. Beetham Registers.
2. The Kendal Order Book


1652 Richard Jackson of Whittingham


Certificate to F. Jackson, Schoolmaster of Kirkby Lonsdale, on his appointment to Warton, near Lancaster, in Aug. 1655


Richard Jackson, Rector of Whittingham, and Leonard Jackson, " de eod. Church.


At the General Sessions, April 18, 1656, " before Robert Jackson, Mayor of Kendall,


1646 petition signed by Robert Jackson


Unlike Henry Masy of Kendal Higginson did not unduly trouble his Patron with letters, and Lord Wharton reminded him of the fact. This drew from him the following valuable communication. Unfortunately it bears no date, but it must have been written about 1655 or 1656:-  

Right Honourable. The true reason why I write so seldome is, because I see almost nothing of such Importance or pertinency as to invite me to sett my pen on work to your Lordship. Sir If it might please God so to setle the greatest affaires of the Kingdome, that you might have liberty to come downe into these Northerne parts, to stay some while, I am verily persuaded, your presence would do a great deale of good here, both to encourage all the well-affected, & to discountenance the contrary party wch excells (I hope) only in number The Inhabitant* of our Parish are yet stiff e in retaining their old though groundlesse- Customes : & they have I think the worse opinion of me reporting me to be an Independent because I endeavour sometimes when a necessity" lyes upon me to persuade them to forsake them. But they are
not words that will persuade them, that have not either reason or witt enough to understand them. It must be Authority ; that only will be a Convincing Argument to refractory men. There appears to be a great want indeed of an established Government in the Church. It yet seems almost strange (me thinks) that it hath pleased God to bring me downe into Westmorland to be married Shee that is now mine in the relation of a wife is Sheriffe Branthwaits Eldest Daughter. One She is, thank God, of a very good repute, Nature, & inclination to Religion. I hope I shall have cause to be thankfull to God, & under him to your Lordship (who sent me down into this Country where God had provided this happiness for me) all my dayes for
this mercy. I must acknowledge, it hath been my intention, & my promise to God & my self since my last arrivall in England from East India, not to delay the first opportunity of a suitable marriage wch divine Providence should offer me. And now I have obtained this favour of the Lord ; Blessed be his name. The Augmentation


that was made to Mallerstang Chappell failing Mr. Jackson is lately removed from thence to Grayrigg (another village in this County. Some of the best of the dale desire Mr. Preston to be their Preacher. I think it is better he be there then that they should be utterly destitute or have a worse. I have promised them tenne pounds p ann, while It pleases God to continue me here, untill there may be some Augmentation obtained & setled upon that Chappell.

The Schoolemaster at Kirkby Stephen is about to remove to a benefice in Cumbrland ; & so the Schole is like to be void within a litle while. There are diverse that seek to obtain the place ; & among the rest one Mr. Kiplin hath gott the grant of diverse of the Feoffees of whom I am none (they say) till I be elected. heare many of the parish & some others report, that according to Queen Eliz. Grant, your Lordship hath nothing to doe, either for the Nomination or Approbacon of a man for the place, whereof I desire to give your Lordship notice Sir, my earnest prayer to God for your Lordship is, that it would please him long to preserve you, to be a great Instrument for his glory the good of his Church & for the setlement of this
destracted nation : & my hearty desire is that according to my bounden duty I may ever approve my self
Your Honours  

Most obliged & (however weak, yet) faith full Servant, especially in the Ministry of the Gospell


Francis Higginson.


1639 July 10. Elleonar daughter of Mr. Edmund Mauleverer. 1642, March 9 Wilyam sonn of Edmund Mauleverer Rhector Ibid. 1645 March 26. Philippe sonn of Edmund Mauleverer.

 Whether after his Sequestration he modified somewhat his views does not appear, but soon after he obtained a living at Marske, in the West Riding of Yorkshire. The following gives the date of his appointment :  

6 Feb. 1646-7. Ordered &c. That Doctor Aylett or his lawfull Deputy are hereby authorized and required, upon sight of this Order, to give Institution and Induction unto Edm. Maleverer Clerk Master of Arts to the Rectory of Marsk in Com. Richmond, void by the Death of John Jackson Clerk, the late Incumbent, Salvo, the said Mr. Maleverer taking the National Covenant, and producing his Presentation thereunto under the Hand and Seal of Jo. Hutton Esquire, the lawful Patron, pleno Jure.



Calamy gives the following account of this interesting man, retaining the old name of Crosby-on-the-Hill for Crosby Garrett :

Mr. Christopher Jackson. Born at Leeds in Yorkshire, and design'd for a Trade, and put out an Apprentice : But his Friends observing his Bookishness, took him from his Trade, and sent him to Magdalen College in Cambridge, where he studied under Mr. Joseph Hill. He was a very Pious Man, and of competent Learning, He was first turn'd out somewhere in Yorkshire, and afterwards in this Place. He liv'd a Mean but yet an Holy Life having a little Estate in the Parish of Ravistondale. He sometimes preach'd occasionally. Some Ministers that had Conform'd once telling him that he had a bare Coat, he made Answer that if it was bare,
it was not turn'd. 2 Further research makes it possible to supplement that account considerably. The Tutor of Magdalen College in supplying an extract from the Matriculation Register says :  

"Junii 22. 1652 Christopherus Jackson films Thomae de Leedes in comitatu Eboracensi annum agens vigesimum primum e schola ibidem Leodiensi admissus est Pensionarius Tutore Mro. Hill." There is however no further trace of his having been admitted to a Scholarship or Fellowship at Magdalen. The University Registrar informs me that a Christopher Jackson of Magdalen College took his B.A. in 1655, but does not appear to have proceeded to any higher degree. 3

1. Add. MSS., Brit. Mus., 15671.
2. Calamy, vol. ii, p. 753.
3. Ravenstonedale Registers, vol. iii, Intro., p. xvii.


All this is confirmatory of Calamy; but there is some difficulty in reference to the statement that he " was first turn'd out somewhere in Yorkshire." It is quite true that the position of any holder of a living Royalist and Cromwellian alike was considerably affected by local influences, consequently an Ejection of a Commonwealth man was possible, but it would be exceedingly rare between the years 1650 and 1660 ; and the reader is referred to the account of Dalston where the point is discussed. 1 It is curious to find about this time a Christopher Jackson at Mallerstang Chapel as witness the following :

Novembr 21. 1646. Malerstang Chapel.

Whereas this cotee have the third of June last ordered that the yearelie sume of ffiftie pounds should be paid out of such of the tithes of the Impropriate Rectory of Kerkby Stephen in the Countie of Westmerland as are Sequestred from Sr Phillipp Musgrave & Sr Wm. Dalston Delinquents to & for increase of ye maintennoe of the Minister of the Chappell of alerstange annexed to but distant from the Church of Kerkby Stephen aforesaid about 4 miles the pnte maintennce belonging to the sd Chappell beinge but 61i 13s 4d p Ann It is ordered that the sd yearlie Sume of 501i be paid to & for increase of the maintennce of Christopher Jackson the psnte Minister of the. d Chappell. And the Sequestrators of the pmisses are required to paie the same unto him accordinglie at such tymes & seasons of the yeare as the said tithes shall grow due & payable- 2

Francis Higginson, in his letter to Lord Wharton about 1655, says that this Christopher Jackson had left Mallerstang for Grayrigg. 3


In October 1657, Christopher Jackson appears at Crosby Garrett. 4 Nor did he wait for 1662 to be "outed," as is generally assumed ; but, as in the case of most of the other Ministers ejected in this area, the Restoration led to his almost immediate removal. The patronage of the living, held by Cromwell during his regime, would, with the return of the King, at once revert to Sir Philip Mus-


grave, from whom it had been wrested, and he would not be slow in making his influence felt. At any rate we know that Mauleverer was already back at Crosby Garrett in June 1661. Around no person does local tradition gather more strongly and persistently than it does around Christopher Jackson. His name is almost a household word in these parts ; and all writers on local Ecclesiastical History repeat Calamy's statement, amplified and emphasized, that after his Ejection he continued to reside in the Parish on his own estate and "preach'd occasionally." It is also confidently affirmed that the present Congrega- tional Church at
Ravenstonedale originated in his labours. It is a little disappointing to find no historic evidence in support of this. Christopher Jackson's name does not appear in the Conventicle Returns for 1669 ; in the Presentment Lists for 1670; or in the Indulgence Licenses for 1672. It is not intended in this to throw doubt upon the traditions which gather so plentifully, and in such strength, in this neighbourhood; indeed it is scarcely possible to deny that such traditions must have a solid substratum of fact. Nor is it difficult to account for the silence of historic documents. Christopher Jackson would enjoy the sheltering care of Philip, "the good Lord Wharton," and in his case a License might not be necessary. At any rate all that it is intended
to make clear is that this is tradition only; not historic fact. That Christopher Jackson continued to live in the neighbourhood is tolerably certain ; and " when and where he died " are no longer " unknown " facts[10].
The Registers supply the lacking information : 1689 May 29 Mr. Christopher Jackson buried in woolen according to Act of Parliament[11].  


The Ravenstonedale Registers record his marriage in the following terms :

 1664 Aprill 7. was wed Mr. Christofer Jackson & Annas Taylor.

 A notice possibly of her burial appears in the Crosby Garrett Registers thus :

 1688 Janu. 17th. Agnes Jackson was buried in woollen and a Certificate brought according to Act of Parliamt.  

The Registers at Great Asby contain numerous Jackson entries, and some years ago Joseph Jackson, a native of Little Asby, left a sum of money for the erection of the present Congregational Church there, in memory of the Ejected Minister, from whom he claimed to have descended. The Ravenstonedale Registers also record the marriage of a " Christofer Jackson and Sarah Handley," on Nov. 25, 1647.


 Along with many others he petitioned the House of Lords in June 1660, for restitution to his living at Crosby Garrett, the following being the terms of his Petition : -

 To the right honorble the Lords in Parliamt assembled.

 The humble Peticon of Edm Mauleverer Cl. p'som and minister of Crosby Gerratt in the County of Westmland. Sheweth.

 That ye petnr for these sixteene yeares last past hath beene most illegally ejected and Thurst out of his psonage of Crosbye Gerratt in the County of Westmland and from the exercise of his Ministeriall duty there onely for his Loyalty and good effecon to his matie.

 May it therefore please yor Lordpps to Grant yor ORDER for the secureing of the Tythes Gleabes and pfitts thereof into the hands of such persons as yor Lordpps shall thinke fitt untill yor petnr's tytle to his said psonage shall be determined by due Course of Law And he shall pray &c. Edm. Maulever.


I can Testifie The trueth of this petition for the petitioner was presented by Mee and forcebly eiected for his Loyalty to his Maty And is a conscientious worthy Devine Philip Musgraue Sr. Phil. Musgraue of Edenhall, Barrt.  

On the outside of the document, in another hand, is the following :  

23 of Junij 1660 Mr. Edm. Mauleverer Clerke his peticon Exd. 1 Along with George Buchanan he was elected Clerk of Convocation on June 8, 1661, 2 being styled Rector of
Crosby Garrett. In 1662 the Episcopal Register names him as a Commissioner. On Oct. 22nd, 1663, he voluntarily surrendered his living at Crosby Garrett to Bishop Sterne, probably owing to advancing years.

 THOMAS DENTON, B.A., 16631702.

 He was instituted to Crosby Garrett on Nov. 13th, 1663, on a Presentation by " Phil Musgrave Baro," and had previously been at Edenhall and Brigham. 3 He held the living until his death. He compounded for his First Fruits in 1666. His burial is thus recorded in the Registers :

 1702 May 10 Mr. Thomas Denton Buried in woolen who was Ejector of Crosby Garrett 39 years And Dyed the 70th year of his age.

 Bishop Nicolson, writing in 1703, says : Both ye Quire and parsonage House were left in a Slovenly Condition by the late Incumbent Mr. Tho. Denton . . . Register Book begins at 1559 and has been neatly enough preserv'd . . . The Parsonage-House owes its best part (ye west End) to Mr. Mauleverer, who was Mr Denton's immediate predecessour : But so little care has been taken of it since, yt this seems to be now in almost as wretched a Condition as the
rest They have a good poor-Stock, and no Beggars. 4  

1. House of Lords' Library : H.M.C., Seventh Report, Pt. i, p. 107.
2. The Episcopal Register at Carlisle.

3. Vide pp. 443, 753.
4. Miscel., p. 41.


THOMAS JACKSON, B.A., 16981730.

He was licensed Curate July 31, 1698, and instituted Rector, on the death of Dawson', Sept. 26, 1698, on a Presentation by Richard Crackenthorp, Esq. A very unfavourable character is given to him in Nicolson's Diaries, both he and his wife being compelled to do penance for scandalousness. 1 He died in 1730 as the following shows :

Mr. Thomas Jackson Rector of Newbiggin was buryed the __ of December 1730. 2

1. Trans. (N. S.), vol. iii, pp. 54 et passim.
2. Registers.


Registers begining March 1678-9 [Milburn – a few miles north of Kirkby Thore, the nearest station being Newbigging]

Mem here wantes the account of all Christenings in the time of Thomas Jackson of Kerkhouse while he was Clerke, They never being. delivered by him to me Thorn. Machell.


Nov. 6 1646.

Crosby Eavenswath by order of June 10th. 50li to be paid out of rents &c of D & Chapter for maintnnce of Wm. Curwen further sum of 23li of the residue of aforesaid rents &c out of ye impropriate tyths of Crackenthorpe. 5

 Walker gives him a place among his " Suffering Clergy " ; but he supplies as with no information concerning him beyond the statement that he " had no Fifths paid him." 6 The statement about his Sequestration, however, is correct. He belonged to the Curwens of Helsington, a branch of the Workington Curwens. His father was Harry, " said to have been Bishop of Sodor and Man " ; but his name does not appear in the list of Bishops of that See. He married a daughter of Mr. Jackson of Warton, Lancashire. Their son, William, the Crosby
Ravensworth Rector, married Susan, daughter of Thomas Orton of Cambridge. 7



The following is decisive as to his return, at least, in 1661:-
1661, Gathered in Askham church The collection for Pontefract being payed in to Mr. Tho : Jackson of Carlile the third of August was fower shillinges two pence.


[part of long piece that precedes and follows this 1708 sermon at funeral of John NOBLE] ...but have they


ever repented the iniquity of their Fathers ? Would to God, that they who have now form'd this odd Party into some Shape, would bear an honest open Testimony against the horrid Blasphemies and scandalous Disorders of their first Leaders, and of many later Quakers. This impetuous wild Spirit soon troubled the Parish of Graistock, insulting the Church and its Ministry, as usually it did elsewhere and even to this Day in some Places. It was then attended with a preternatural Power like Fascination in many ; Its Operations, Impressions and Effects, were totally different from those of the Divine Spirit ; and for a, time the
Delusion was strong, and Subverted many. There is yet living in that Parish one Henry Winder, who in a Narrative of his own Case, relates thus "The Quakers were so Bold and Resolute that he, and others of the Church, were sadly shaken, and left their former Communion, and that his Wife was Seduced with him ; which the pious Minister and People resenting, set a Day apart of Humiliation, and came to the Persons Seduced, desiring them to be present, and they were so ; and a Day of very great Melting and Tenderness it proved ; many that were Doubtful were Conferm'd and Satisfied, for the Rent was like to be very great,
and by such Godly Means H.W. and Wife, were after a while recover'd. At the King's Return, 1660, Mr. Moreland, the old Incumbent surviving, Mr. Gilpin soon gave way to him ; and somewhat Remarkable happen'd at his resuming the Pulpit which some Living can tell, but I omit it. After this, some offered to put up one Mr. Jackson in the Pulpit ; which the contrary Party did so violently oppose, with Threats to crush them into the Earth, that Mr. Jackson went with them to the Parsonage-House, and Preached there.
The King's Declaration from Bredah gave hopes still to the lovers of more Reformation, that the good Work should not be crush'd, as some would deal by its Abettors ; But I find worthy Mr Gilpin no more in his Parish-Church. Yet in that critical Year I find him called in September, to Preach at Carlisle before the Judges of Assize; which he did on Psalm 2. 12, with that Freedom and Authority as became the Pulpit, and an Embassador of Jesus Christ, the Prince of the Kings of the Earth ; urging Magistrates to do Homage to the Lord Jesus, and to serve and promote his Righteous Kingdom in their Places on pain of his Displeasure. Its known what need there was of such Doctrine at that Juncture; what a loose and profane
Spirit brake out, and was countenanced to pave the way unto Popery. The Judges well accepted the Sermon, when some expected their Frowns upon the Preacher. And in 1700, the old Doctor Printed the Sermon in favour to the noble design of the Reformation of Manners, Dedicating it to the Magistrates of New-Castle, where he continued his excellent Ministry many years till the Lord of the harvest had ripened him, and others by him for his Glory. The Act of Uniformity in 1662, having dismiss'd about 2000 such Ministers from publick and quiet Opportunities of serving their Generation.


After a time of Consternation and Confusion, such to whom Non- conformity was a matter of Conscience, began to Assemble with the ejected Pastors, where they might, and soon were further discouraged by other Penal Laws; The Ministers separated to that Work were obliged to take what care they could of their scatter'd Flocks adhering to them and craving their Labours : If God commanded to speak, they must not at Man's Prohibition forbear, tho' all their outward comforts were hazarded, and cften lost thereby. Now in Doctor Gilpin's Absence he moved the Church to call another. Then Mr. Anthony Sleigh, a Native of the
same Parish, and bred in the College of Durham was obtained to become their Minister, and so continued about Forty Years, induring much Hardship to feed the Flock, tho' he had only slender Encouragements there. Their Meeting was held mostly in the House of J.N. and sometimes under covert of the Night. And now J.N. was call'd to bear new Trials. One Winter many of the Ministers, and he with others such, were kept six Weeks Prisoners in Carlisle ; the Gaol was throng'd at that time, and there was a great deal of Thunder.
After this, they were as arbitrarily Dismissed as Committed, and never knew the Cause; the Court perhaps aiming, by any means, rough or smooth, to bring the Dissenters to beg for a general Toleration. They could not but desire a peaceable Liberty, to worship God according 'to their Judgment and Conscience, yet would J.N. never comply to such Arbitrary ways of enervating all Laws, being then design'd in favour of the Papists alone ; yet not so Humoursome to continue in Gaol when the Door* were open. He often said to the day of his
Death, that in his Imprisonment he had much Spiritual Comfort and Satisfaction ; that those sharp Times were made the best Dayes to him and were improved for Searching his Heart, and examining his past Life, but alter'd not his Judgment as to the Cause he had own'd and suffered for. In 1672 The Court openly took a liberty without Law, to allow the Dissenters- Meeting-Houses, by which the quiet People went on more free and easie in their Duty; their Rule of Conscience was steady, however the Wind shifted at Court; nor durst they cease to worship God, nor forsake their holy Assemblies, as the Manner of Some is, tho' Eevil'd and
Persecuted for it. When the Parliament caused the Licenses to be called in, many of the Congregation Travell'd far, the Minister laboured hard ; in Season and out of Season he Preach'd the Word, Catechised Youth, Edified the Church as he could, justly Offending none ; And while they were thus doing three Men, (Whitfield, an old officer in the Army, Robson, a Proctor, and Servant to Doctor Smallwood, Parson of Graystock, and Wilkinson, a Drunkard) Informed one Justice Musgrave, of a Conventicle held in the House of J.N. which was accordingly Convicted, and the Fine Levy'd by Distress ; but this Triumph was short, and Wilkinson died in Sorrow for it. In these disheartening Times to Nonconformity when they


could scarce find Bread or Rest J.N. perceiving the need of successive Pastors devoted a Son to the Service of Christ in the Ministry, and bred him thereunto in the best way that he could afford, declining, for Conscience sake, the Favour that was then offer'd him in Queen's- College in Oxford by a kind neighbour, Dr. T.H. since Vice- Chancellour. A few Years after J.N. designed another Son the same way, and carry'd him through his Academical Studies, but that proceeded not. And was it not worthy of a conscientious Dissenter, to take these Steps to preserve the Truth and cause he had own'd ? But this Constancy did not degenerate into Bigotry ; for I remember that on just Occasions, he paid Respects to, and received Courtesies
from divers of the Bishops of Carlisle at Rose Castle ; and that in times of need, he would hear the best of the parochial Clergy ; and in his London Jourmes, Lodging in Holbourn, would sometimes hear Dr. Stillingfleet, visited Mr. Baxter, Dr. Annesley, and the Dissenters call'd by other Names, for he honoured them .alike. The prudent Associations aforesaid, in Cumberland, had effectually buried the Names of needless Distinction, and party among Dissenters. Dr. Gilpin had well armed his People's Minds against such Follies And when
an Union or necessary Coalition of Presbyterian and Congregational was endeavour'd in 1(590, the good Doctor was as forward as any Man to promote it. That Motion was surely of God and will be more thorowly pursued when Men are more taught of God.

 The Postscript further states that John Noble had some "little insight into Surgery, which he never Professed, nor chose to Practice; but in Extremities, when the Sick and Wounded had no other resort, he would in the name of God, endeavour their Relief " ; that in his last years he was " much confined to his House and often not able to appear where he most delighted, in the Courts of the Lord ; tho' He and His, had lately erected a Tabernacle near his own House, for the more decent and commodious Worship of God " ; that" two of his Children had gloriously finished their Christian Race before him," John, his eldest Son, being taken early home and Anne, who had married " a Godly Man " similarly ; that the three other Daughters were " all Married to Men of Serious Religion, who labour'd to preserve it in their Families";
and that upon the rest of the sons is the " greatest obligation to know the God of their Father." It is added that " tho' it cannot be expected of one so exhausting himself for others to leave his Children Rich


in the World, especially not in that Barren Country, they all have Food convenient, and a little that a Righteous Man hath is better than the Treasures of Many Wicked." Urging the reader to remember the shortness of time the interesting record says :


1. CARLISLE. The Ejected Minister here was Comfort Starr. There is no evidence of an organized congregation until about 30 years afterwards, but the License and Presentment Lists supply the connecting links. These show that certain Nonconformists were in the City, who made provision for their own form of worship; and something like a settled congregation appears in 1690, the Minutes of the Presbyterian Fund for Dec. 29th of that year intimating that it was " ordered that 10 per annum be allowed towards the Propagation of the Gospel att Carlisle in Cumberland." In 1692 there were both congregation and Minister. The Minister
was Daniel Jackson, admitted to the Church at Cockermouth July 31st, 1692, from the Broughton Tower Church in Lancashire. He is described as " a preacher of the word, who is called to preach the Gospel at Carlisle." 1 It would appear from this that whilst there was a congregation no separate Church existed; and other things seem to indicate that Elder Eaglesfield had gone from the neighbourhood of Cocker- mouth to reside at Carlisle. Daniel Jackson gave the Cockermouth Church some trouble, as we gather from the following :

Jan. 27. 1692/3. The Church had a meeting at Cockermth, where after a sermon preacht by the Pastr from 1 pet. 2.9. There were read several letters from elder Eaglesfield at Carlisle, giving an Acct of the scandals of Mr. Dan. Jackson, some time before received into communion : upon which this letter was written, and sent by a chosen Messenger to ye sd Mr. Jackson at Carlisle. Sr.

 Yr. relinquishing of yr wife for no cause, at least no cause by Scripture Rules warrantable made out by any testimony, but your owne ; As also yr positive & resolute refusal to cohabite wth her, Tho advised for to doe by Severall Godly Minrs, and admonished Soe to doe by or [our] Beld [Beloved] Bro : & Bevrd. [Revered] Elder Mr. Richard Eaglesfield : As also some other very fowle Miscarriages of yrs both heretofore in Lancashire and since yr cominge to Carlisle (which will be proved 'gainst you though you may deny them)
having been this day laid before the Brethren, by whom you were


too charitably, if not too precipitantly admitted into Church Communion (which they feare they may have cause to be humbled for) of which Comunion you are (as now they finde to their Griefe) a Scandalous Member : These are to signify to you, That upon Serious- consideration of the prmisses made out to the Church (partly by letters from Godly Minrs and otherwise : Some of which things are not denied, but owned, yea, & justifyed by yr Selfe, To wit, The casting off of yr wife, and utter refusal to live with her declaring thus to or elder dealing with you : That you would never for all the men & Minrs in England Cohabite wth
her, or Seeke to be reconciled to her, for shee was divorced from you, wch is false &c) They judge & declare unanimously That you have walked, & do walk disorderly, irregularly, and to the Great Scandal of religion ; This the Church have ordered mee to Signify to you : And withall the Brethren doe as hereby admonish you of your Sin, and call upon you to be humbled for it and to repent of it (namely, ye Sin of Causelesse leaving, and wilfull living from your wife) So they doe hereby declare and make known to you by these lines, (sent
to you by a chosen Messenger, and Brother) That if you reject this their admonion, and psist in yr obstinacy Soe living in Sin notoriously Scandalous, They must & shall be found in their duty, To put yu away from among them ; I have not further to signify to you, except mine owne pticular disatesfacon, manifested (tho : not much minded) when you were lately at my house. Your complyance to yr duty (1 pet 3.7) will be as your Grieved Brethren's only Satisfacon Soe yr owne Comfort, and what will make for the Furtherance of the Gospell ; Your Non- Compliance (which is much feared) will draw upon you the Churches Censure ; Cause
the Farther withdrawing of Godly Minrs and Serious judicious Christians from owning of you & yor Ministry ; And aboue all pull downe the wrath of God.

Written and signed (as ordered by the Church att their meeting at Cockermth the 27th of the llth Month)

 By mee George Larkham

 Pastr. 1 Daniel Jackson did not remain very long after this, for  in 1696 a Mr. Menzies was here, as we gather from the following :

July 6. 1696. allowance to Minister for six months to the 24th of June past.



Christopher Jackson was the Ejected Minister of Crosby Garrett, a short distance away. After his Ejection he came to reside in this neighbourhood and the reader is referred elsewhere 1 for a consideration of the tradition which links him with the origination of the cause here. The first known Minister after him was Timothy Puncheon ; and he certainly was here in 1691, when some sort of Meeting House was in use. The Minutes of the Presbyterian Fund have the following:

June 8. 1691 : Ordered that 5 be allowed to Mr. Puncheon at Rosendale in Westmorland for 6/m to the 24 Instant.


KENDAL May 29. 1681. Mr. Stanford of Kendal was to publish an absolution of Mr. Frankland wch was procured by Mtris Jackson cf Cradock, and instead of reading that he said thus : ' ' I am to give you notice that Mr. Rich. Frankland the ring leader of the Sectarys hath voluntarily submitted himself to the orders of the church, and is reconciled to it. What his design is therein I cannot divine except it be to sue for his schollars to pay to him, but methinks I see him come with bended knees, tears in his eyes, confession in his mouth that he hath wronged the church of England, begging pardon, promising reformation, and to be
an obedient Son of the church, and resolving to come to the beginning of the service and wn he comes, good people, let him come freely and doe not hinder him, but youl say how know you all this? I ans. I know no more of it than you doe"-- but the report spread abroad of Mr. Fr. conformity, and people sd he had surely got a good living.


3. CROOK (Extinct). This is about five miles from Kendal in a northerly direction. Equally obscure with those of Stainton are the date and cause of the origin of Crook. Possibly it also was the outcome of Frankland's labours joined with those of Gabriel Camelford, ejected from Staveley, near Lake Side, the latter being particularly active in these parts in preaching as he had opportunity after his Ejection. The first known Minister here also was a John Atkinson, educated at Frankland's Academy, and who removed to Cockermouth Oct. 5, 1701. The Minutes of the Presbyterian Fund have the following :

 Jany. 5. 1701-2. Agreed [name not given] and Crook nere Kendall 3 miles each in Westmorland have 2 Ministrs & to Lessen the Allowance of Kendall from 24 to 17.

 1. Kendal Indictment Book.
2. Vide p. 1262.
3. Vide Lane. Nonconformity, vol. i, p. 291, for further information.


Mr. Stevenson is named as Minister in 1704, so that possibly he was Atkinson's immediate successor. Samuel Bourn, member of a distinguished ministerial race in Lancashire, followed; and in 1719 we have Henry Knight receiving a grant of 6 from the Presbyterian Fund for Crook and " Harborough." He appears to have removed about 1724, and Abraham Ainsworth is named as his successor in Oct. 1725. John Helrne followed, being mentioned in the Minutes in 1731; but in 1733 no Minister's name is given. In 1734 appears John Jackson with a grant of 5 for the two places. In 1738 there seems to have been no Minister, and none
is named until we come to March 3, 1745-6,


WESTMORLAND. An Inquisition Taken att Appulby in the Countie of Westmorland the Twentie ffith day of October in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred ffiftie and Seaven. Before Thomas Burton & ffrancis Sisson Esqrs Robert Branthwaite Robert Skaiffe Richard Adamson Christopher Crackanthorp Thomas Yare Thomas Waller & Edmund Branthwaite gentl. By vertue of a Comission to them Directed under the Great Seale of England Bearing Date the Eighteenth daie of November 1656 By the Oathes of Edmund Guy James Hutchinson Christopher Bell Robert Sharp John Thornbrow Edward Backhouse
Thomas Robinson Barthol. Hill John Story Thomas Jackson Thomas Rowlandson Impannelled and Sworne by vertue of the said Commission to Enquire of the number & valuation of Church Livings &c within the said Ccuntie And other matters & things in the said Commission conteyned who upon their oathes p'sent and say



That ye Right of presentacon to ye Church of Crosby Garrett was heretofore in Sr Philip Musgrave Delinquent & now is in his highness the Lord Protector


That Mr. Christopher Jackson is Incumbent there and hath for his maintenance the tythe wooll and lambe and all other small tythes worth tenn pounds thirteene shillings and flower pence by the yeare to pscripton Kent Eighteen pounds eleaven shillings eight pence for the tythe corne and hay within ye said parish and the gleeb land worth tenn pounds by the yeare amounting in ye whole to forty nine pounds & ffive shillings by yeare.

 That the tythe corne of Little Musgrave within the said parish was heretofore in ye ossession of the said Sr Philip Musgrave a Delinquent and now in ye possession of the Commonwealth worth by the yeare six pounds thirteen shillings & fower pence out of which is payede to the said Mr. Jackson ffive pounds six shillings and Eight pence beinge part of the above said Prescripton for tythe corne & hay.



That the right of presentacon to the said church is in the Provost and ffellowes of Queenes Colledge in Oxford. That Mr. William Richardson is psent Incumbent there and hath for his Maintenance the gleeb land which is worth tenn pounds by the yeare and the tythes of calves with all other small tythes and Dues within the said parish of Brough which are worth sixteene pounds by the yeare.

That all the rest of the tythes within the said Parish doe appurtaine to the said Colledge and are worth sixty pounds by "the yeare.

 That there is one chappell called Stainmoore Chappell in ye said parish scituate south west from the said parish Church about three miles and that there is noe Maintenance for a Minister belonging to the said Chappell. And that Brough aforesaid is a markett towne.

 Chri Bel John - Edward Backhouse

 Thos. Robinson Earth. Hill. Thomas Jackson


An Inquisition taken att Appulby in the Countie of Westmorland on the Twentie ffourth day of October in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand six hundred & fifty Seaven. Before Thomas Burton Francis Sissons Esqrs Robert Branthwaite Robert Scaife Esq. Ri. Adamson Christopher Crackanthorp Thomas Yare Thomas Waller, Edmund


Branthwaite Gentl. By vertue of a Comission to them [&c.] the great Seale of England bearing date the Eighteenth Day of November 1656 By the oathes of Willyam Smyth John Mounsey Willm Lancaster Peter Wilson Edmund Cliburne Stephen Mounsey Emanuell Bird Cuthbert Langhorne Thomas Jackson William Cowper John ffurnas & John Hewetson Impannelled and Sworne by vertue of the said Comission to Enquire of the number & valuation of Church Livings within the said Countie and other matters and things in ye said Comission contained who upon their oathes psent and say.


[Parish of Barton and Martindale] Parish maintenance included: Thomas JACKSON


1655-58 Plundered Ministers MSS. No. 981 Lambeth Library.

CUMBERLAND.  Castle Sowerby Peter Jackson 50 00 00 Dalston Chr. Jackson 50 00 00 WESTMLAND.
Kendal Schools Tho Jackson Mr [Master] 13 6 8


Kendall Schools Thomas Jackson [Schoolmaster] 23 June 1659


COUNTY OF WESTMERLAND Kendall Richard Jackson, Schoolmaster Thrimby 03 06 08


KIRKLINTON. [Absentees from Church ] 1673 July 11 Chroferum Storey, Chroferum Taylor, Wm. Graham de Sike- head, Simonem Armestrong als Greene, Georgium Hetherington de Gramhead, Thomam Hutcheson,Andream Hetherington de ash, Francm. Storey, Chroferum Jackson, Michael Jackson et Johnem Janison Nonconformists. 1673 July 16

 The same ut supra. 1675 Nov. 16

 Johnem Iveson, Chroferum Jackson de Newtoone, Johnem Jackson Junr., Johnem Sumerell, Chroferum Taylor, Georgium Graham de rigg et Andream Hetherington as Nonconformists, not paying Church dues. Francm. Bell de Holmfoot.


[ADDINGHAM] 1677 June 5 Guilielmum Smith & Margaretam eius uxorem, Richum Thompson, Janam eius uxorem, Lancelotum Stanwix, Janam eius uxorem Janetam Jackson, Georgium Cowper & Annam eius uxorem, Johnem Watson & Isabellam eius uxorem Xroferum Grey & Isabellam eius uxorem, Richum Jameson, Thomam Grey, Elizabethan! Grey, Elizabethan! Walton, Dorotheam Arther, Reginaldum Walton, & Georgium Percivall Nonconformists, for not coming to Church to hear divine Service.


[HUTTON-IN-THE-FOREST] 1677 June 5 Richum Toppin & Isabellam ejus uxorem Quakers. Richum Nelson, Janam ejus matrem, Thomam Robinson, Margaretam eius uxorem, Nonconformists; but whether they deny the King's supremacy in causes Ecclicall or not ye Churchwardens know not. Johnem Hornesby, Janam eius uxorem, Michalem Hudson & eius uxorem for being absent from Church a whole year. Guilelmum Clarke & eius uxorem Nonconformists for having his child baptised by Mr. Simon Atkinson. Johnem Atkinson . . . eius uxorem, Jacobum Ireland . . . eius uxorem, & Lancelotum Wilson for not receiving
the Sacrament at Easter last. Richum Jackson for his often absence from Church & Prayers on the Lds day. 1678 July 23

 Thomam Robinson, Margaretam eius uxorem, Richum Nelson r Guilielmum Clarke, Mariam eius uxorem, Johnem Hosnesby & Janam eius uxorem pro non divina audiend in eorum ecclia paroli . . . Nonconformists.

 Johnem Atkinson, Janam eius uxorem, Michelam Hudson, Mariam eius uxorem, & Richum Jackson non recipiend Eucharistiam ad festu Paschae ultim. p'teritum.


[CASTLE SOWERBY] 1674 March 9 Thomam Rickarby, Abigail ejus uxorem [Presented 1670 Dec. 6. as Quakers]. Henricum Sympson, Joyciam ejus uxorem. Maudela Harrison, Johnem Sympson, Janam ejus uxorem [do. do.] Georgium Sympson, Eliz. ejus uxorem, Johnem Scilson, Francescam ejus uxorem, Wm. Jackson, Eliz. Toppin, Annam Toppin, Thomam Heal, Robertum Scott, & Richum Bewley for not comunicating with the Church of England. 1675 Jan. 9 Guilielmum Jackson, Annam Topping, Johnem Simpson, Janam ejus uxorem, Georgium Simpson, & Isabellam ejus uxorem, Johnem Simpson, Franciscam ejus uxorem, Richum Bewley, Thomam Steade, Henricum Simpson, et ejus uxorem, Robtum Scott, Thomam Rickarby & ejus uxorem, Magdalenam Harrinson Nonconformists and Quakers. 1675 Nov. 9 Thomam Rickarbye, Abigail ejus uxorem, Henricum Simpson et Joyciam ejus uxorem, Maudalenam Harrinson, Johnem Simpson, Janam ejus uxorem, Geo. Simpson, Elizab. ejus uxorem, Wm. Jackson, Eliz. Toppin, Annam Toppin, Thomam Steade, Robtum Scott, et Richum Bewly for not communicating with the Church of England.


PLUMBLAND. 1675 July 6 Thomam Dod, Thomam Younghusband, Nicholaum Jackson, Lancelot Ardell, Johnem Ardell, Wm. Hodgson, Robtum Hodgson, Richum Yoward, Richum Walker, Wm. Wilson, & Wm. Chambers, who reed not the Sacramt at Easter last past 4/-. Leonardum Sibson & Thomam Temple do do.


1674 March 23 Robertum Beeby de Allonby, Rogerum Briscoe et Catharinam eius uxorem de Longrigg Thomam Scot, Wmum Mandevil, Wmum Messenger, Antonium Messenger de Dundraw, Johnem Dickman, Thomam Messenger jun Kelsyke, Annam Barwis, et Georgium Harrison de Blencogo for not duely resorting to Church, and for not receiving the Cmunion.


. . . Havening de Whyrigg vid. for refusing to have her children Baptized.


Johnem Stoddart [rnort], Thomam Jackson de Blencogo et Richum Robinson for refusing to bury their dead decently. . . . uxorem Johnis Wilson de Whyrig et . . . uxorem Thomam Jackson de Blencogo for refusing after safe delivery from childbirth to render publick thanks to God according to ye appointment of the Church.


BASSENTHWAITE. 1673 July 1 Thomam Jackson, Richum Atkinson et Elizabethan! Atkinson for not receiving the Sacrament 2/-.


[THRELKELD] 1678 Aug. 20 Richum Walker, Johnem Glaister, Johnem Bell, Robtum Robinson, Johnem Buttermere, Chroferum Wren, Thomam Birket & Margaretam Fisher, Janetam Wilkinson, & Elizab. Atkinson for neglecting to be catechised & to receive the Sacramt of the Lord's Supper. Danielm Harrison, Annam Jackson, & Annam Dickson als Hutchinson consitibus.


1674 March 10 BROUGHAM. Johnem Nelson & ejus uxorem, Edmund Jackson & ejus uxorem for not comeing to divine Service, nor receiveing the holy Comunion, and for refuseing to have theire Infant Children Baptized by the parish Minister, And refuseing to send their Children, Apprentices and Servants to be Catechised &c. Bridgett Nelson & Eliz : Jackson for refuseing to make humble and publique Thanksgiving to God for their safe deliverance from Childbirth.


Contra. Mram Saram Williamson ffarmr of the tithes of ye pish for not repairing the Chancell.


Con. Johnem Dixon sen. Johnem Dixon junr. Guilm. ffreor et Annam ejus ux. Guilm Dixon et Cropherum pearson Kecusantes Excomcos and for [notj paying their Ajssamts.


1677. ARLECDON. Johes Lawrence G. Sen Thoas Herd Antonius Bowman et Johes Jackson G Nowhent coram Johi Noble Curato.


BRIGHAM. Con. Eichardum Whinney et Mariam ejus ux. Allan Wilson Anthonium Peill et Ellinoram ejus ux. Petrum Wilson et Janam ejus ux. Guilm Palmer et [blank] ejus uxorem, do Bri'gham Johnem Wilson de Strangoporte Johnem Gillson, Johnem ffearon et Mariam ejus uxorem, Thomam ffawcett et Isabellam ejus ux. Henricum Johnson Limorem( ?) et Margtam ejus ux. Margaretam ffawcett viduam Johnem ffearon et [blank] ejus uxorem Bichum Richardson Tho : Gill et [blank] ejus uxorem infra Eglesfeild Schismaticos.


Con. Thoam Grigge et Margtam ejus ux. Johnem Bankes et Agnetam ejus ux. de Blindbothell Lucum Steele et [blank] ejus ux. Petrum Allason et Jennettam ejus uxorem Japhetum Allason et Elizam ejus ux. Margtam Jackson viduam de Whinfell Consites.


LAMPLUGH. Johem Dickenson et Ellenam ejus ux. p'nsam [pretended] Annam ux. Johis Beeley Issabellam Beeley, Johem ffox et Annam ejus ux. Guilm Bowman et Annam ejus ux. Guilmum Morrison et Janam ejus ux. Mariam ux. Johnis ffearon Lancelotum ffletcher, Estheram ux. Timothei Harrison Ellenam ux. Johnis Harrison, Johnem Swinburne Johnem Jackson et Isabellam ejus ux. pnsam for not coming to Church. -- Nelson et Annam ejus ux. pnsam Johem Dickenson et Margtam jus ux. pnsam Matheum Dickenson Ellenam Hodgson vid. et Johnem Jackson. Consites and for not suffering their Children to bee baptized.


WESTMORLAND. M. ('54). George ffothergill, Clearke, against Reginold ffawcett & Thomas Atkinson touchinge Tithes.


H. ('55). Richard Croft. Clerke, against William Cartmell and Richard Sill touching tithes in Burton.


T. ('58). Elizabeth Petty, widdowe, against ffrancis Higginson & Edmond Branthwaite touching sixe acres of arable land & meadowe in Winton in the said Countie.


Ea. ('58). Pearse Burton, Clearke, against Arthur Bland, John Robinson, Nicholas Denkin, Thomas Holme, Thomas Wharton, John Smith, William Hebson, William Holme. Richard Smith, Thomas Alexander, Richard Stephenson, William Stephenson, Edmund Hobson and Lancelot Jackson touching tythes in Morland.


WESTMORLAND. Pa. 13. Gerardus Browne, Clicus, vers. Ricum Thompson Thomam Thompson Gervase Benson & Mabell ux. eius Jacobum Parke, Eliza- bethan! Story & Willm Heird sen. tan. decimas in Burton in Com. afsd.


Tr. 14. Idem. vers. Ricum Thompson Thomam Thompson Jacobum Parke Eliz. Story Willm Heird sen. Willm Cartmell, Arthurum Burrow, Gervase Benson, & Mabell ux. eius tangend. decimas afsd.


H. 13, 14. Johes Ambrose, Clicus, vers. Ricum Brathwaite, Michem Benson, XXofrum Nicholson, Hugonem Hawkrigg, Jacobum Dawson, Thomam Williamson, Johem Otley, Michem Watson, Willm Satterth- wayte, Edrum Parke, Georgium Milsell, Michem Grigg, Willm Benson, Jacobum Benson, Anthonium Benson, Willm Jackson, Simonem Park, Reginaldum Walker, Johem Johnson, Caroline Milsell & ffranciscam Benson tangend. decimas in Gresmere.


H. 13, 14. Thomas Bigg, Cl. vers. Alexrum Jackson, Robtum Story, Janam Johnson, Willm Burrow, Robtum Lorrimer, Willm Hutton, & Willm Parke, tangend. decimas in Heversham in Com. afd.


COMMONWEALTH ADMISSIONS, 1656. CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND, &c. Page 52, No. 154. Mr. Christopher Jackson Admitted the thirteenth Dalston in day of lune 1656 [1656 added by original hand] to Com. Cumberland, the Vicarage of Dalston aforesaid Upon a presentacon (Exhibited the 3 day of May 1656) from the Trustees for maintenance of Ministers the Patrons thereof And Certificates from Cuth. Studholme Simon Atkinson of Lazonby Tho : Crayster


Page 71, No. 210. Castlecarrocke& Comwhitton in Com. Cumberland. Nathaniel Burnard Clerke Master of Arts Admitted the ninth day of July to the Rectory of Castlecarrocke and Cumwhitton in the County of Cumberland Upon a presentation (exhibited the day aforesaid) from Charles Howard Esquire the Patron And Certificates from Tho : Langhorn Jo. Jackson of Hutton Geo :Tibboll of Skelton Jo : Makmillan of Edenhall Randolph Croxall of Kirkend.



[1] Al. Ox. Also Dr. Magrath in "The Flemings in Oxford" (p. 168, note 1). Wm. Jackson, F.S.A., however, thought he was the son of

Richard Jackson, for some time a distinguished schoolmaster at Bampton, Kendal, and Appleby successively, and who freely corresponded with Sir Daniel Fleming (vide "The Flemings, &c."). In one of his letters from Kendal to Williamson, dated Dec. 15, 1659, he says that he writes "among the prattle of boys," some of whom he wishes were at Queen's. He may have been related to Thomas Jackson of Swithindale.

[2] Fleming MSS., H.M.C. Twelfth Report, p. 200.

[3] Ibid., p. 282.

[4] Depositions from York Castle (Surtees Soc., vol. 40), p. 298

[5] Church Papers, Institutions (Chester Registry).

[6] The Grammar School of St. Bees, by Wm. Jackson, F.S.A., pp.


[7] Fleming MSS. H.M.C. Twelfth report, p.330

[8] Lancaster Transcripts

[9] NOTE: This reference to him being the son of Richard JACKSON is problematic since we seem to have a quite different paper trail for

the William JACKSON who is the son of Richard JACKSON (Vicar of Whittington) and it bears no resemblance to this. SEE: Coleraine JACKSON tree.

[10] Vide Trans. Cong. Hist. Soc. for 1907, p. 92

[11] This Act, which came into force, March 25. 1667, was professedly  "for the encouragement of the woollen manufactures and prevention

of  the exportation of moneys for the buying and importing of linen." It  enacted that no person should be buried in "any shirt, shift or sheete,  other than should be made of wooll onely," and its provisions even said  that the "quilting round the inside of the coffin, and the ligature round  the feet of the corpse were required to be of woollen." Frequent disobedience of the law led to a more stringent Act in 1678 which required  the "clergy tomake the entry in the register that an affidavit had been  brought to them within eight days after the burial, certifying that the  requirements of thelaw had been fulfilled" (Parish Registers by Chester  Waters, p. 19). The law was only finally repealed in 1814, though it  had long previously fallen into disuse.



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