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The farm that was referenced was likely the farm of Benjamin OLIVER who died in 1850. His brother Arthur OLIVER also had a stake in the farm. They were the sones of another Benjamin OLIVER.
Sharon Oddie Brown August 1, 2017

1829 February 27 Belfast Newsletter.

At this time, the prospect from Woodpark Hill was truly delightful and picturesque – the immense concourse which clothed its sides rising in the form of an extensive amphitheatre; underneath the busy ploughman preparing for the contest, and some contending with restive horses. Adjoining, it laid the demesne of Fellows Hall, the seat of T. Knox Armstrong, Esq. and on a rising ground in the same direction, the village of Killylea; to the right, the venerable Cathedral of Armagh, showed its elevated spire, and the distant prospect in this direction was almost inimitable; to the left lay Mount Irwin, the highly improved and handsome demesne of William Irwin, Esq. The eye was next attracted by the, well cultivated forms of Messrs. Oliver and Roberts of Lislooney, and the village of Tynan, adjoining the beautiful and extensive demesnes of Sir James M. Strong, Bart. and the Earl of Caledon. To the south, as far as the horizon, they are fine champaign country, apparently well improved.


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