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George Mildmay DARE was the brother-in-law of Sir Thomas JACKSON of HSBC. The story of his sister Amelia Lydia DARE is also part of the story of why HSBC experienced some of its early successes - the social connections which laid the ground for business connections. More of that story will be told in my upcoming book.
Sharon Oddie Brown. March 13, 2011



The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Adviser (1884-1942) 16 December 1907, page 5.


It is with deep regret that a large number of European community here, as well as numerous friends in Japan, will learn that Mr. George Mildmay Dare[1], one of the oldest residents of Singapore, and connected with this place from his early infancy, died yesterday morning at his residence, “The Lake”, at five minutes to nine o'clock, after a long and exhausting illness. Of a strong constitution and fond of energetic exercise all his life, it was not until at Christmas, 1901, that an attack of partial paralysis laid him aside from the active pursuits he so much enjoyed, although for a time he still continued to take short harbour cruises in his yacht. On the occasion of his last health trip home to Europe, while staying at Monte Carlo serious heart trouble declared itself, and as a result Mr. Dare had to abandon any occupation that would cause even the slightest exertion or excitement. Since then, with some brief hopeful intervals, his strength gradually failed until the end.


Born at Peckham on March 22, 1840, the late George Dare was a son of George Julius Dare[2], commander of the ship Medwas, trading to the Far East. He came out from England round the Cape in 1841, as a young child of just over a year old, in his father’s ship, his mother, Mrs. Dare, who was a Miss Parks of Cape Town, being also on board. The ship proceeded to Bombay, Calcutta, and Singapore, Mrs. Dare remaining here to await the birth of her second child, and Capt. Dare proceeding with the ship to Whampoa. After the birth of Julius Dare, Mrs. Dare and her children took passage in the East Indiaman “Viscount Melbourne” for Whampoa to join Capt. Dare. Unfortunately the ship was wrecked on the Lauconia Shoal in the Palawan Passage, and the passengers and crew had to take to their boats and make for Singapore. Mrs. Dare and her two children were in the Capt.'s boat which was the first to reach Singapore. An exciting incident occurred during the fortnight they were in an open boat. Off the Borneo Post they were overhauled by two large boats full of Lanun pirates, and Mrs. Dare and the two little ones were concealed beneath a sail in the bottom of the boat. Seeing the genuine distressed condition of the crew, the Pirates did no harm to them and sheared off, the boat continuing its voyage to the Singapore Straits. Messrs. A. L. Johnston’s godown then stood near the river where the Master Attendant's older office now stands, and it was from the veranda of that godown that Mr. W.H. Read, who is still alive at a venerable age, described the boat approaching the mouth of the river. On arrival at the Master Attendant steps Dr. Little helped Mrs. Dare and infant to land, while Mr. W.H. Reid carried young George out of the boat.


The Dare family resided here for years thereafter, the boys being taken home to England for education at Brecon and at Cheltenham. When about 15 years of age, George Dare returned to Singapore and presently joined the firm of Syme and Co. After five years there, he had two years experience of business in Bangkok, when he proceeded to Hongkong, being at once given an appointment in Rusden Phipps and Co. Foochow. Some time afterwards Mr. Dare began his long connection with Japan by joining the well-known firm of Glover[3] in Nagasaki, subsequently becoming a partner in the firm of McDonald and Dare, brokers, Yokohama, doing a large business also in silk.


The main part of Mr. George Dare's business career was associated with Japan, where in Yokohama, he spent altogether eighteen years, and was during that time a prominent and popular member of the European community there. It was there that he lost brother Julius[4] and his mother[5] within two or three days of each other, of cholera. Julius Dare was a great athlete, and a brilliant horsemen, and his sudden death was a shock to the various clubs in which he was a member. Capt. Dare[6] who'd been in business for years and Singapore had died long before that, and Mr. George Dare looked after his sisters until their marriage. One of these is Mrs. W.R. Scott[7], formerly of Singapore, another is Lady Jackson[8], wife of Sir Thomas Jackson, lately manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, a third is Mrs. Whitworth Alan[9] formerly of Penang, a fourth is Mrs. Hartigan[10] wife of Dr. Hartigan formerly of Hong Kong, and another is Mrs. Abell[11] of Kobe, who passed through Singapore a few days ago and spent a short time with her invalid brother.


While on a visit to England Mr. George Dare, in June 1877, married Miss Earnshaw[12] of Knaresborough, Yorkshire, Mr. and Mrs. Dare subsequently spending some years in Japan. About 1885 Mr. Dare retired from business in Japan returning to England, and then coming out again to Singapore and finally settling down here in the scenes of his early boyhood. He resided first at Carrington House, Mount Sophia, then at Abbotsford, and then for number of years past at “The Lake”, his own property on the banks of the Impounding Reservoir. It was owing to chronic asthma of long standing that his wintering and Singapore was necessary, but the alternate summers were invariably spent in trips to Europe and Japan, thus enabling Mr. and Mrs. Dare to maintain constant touch with many old friends both in England and in Japan.


Though Mr. Dare took an active part in public life he was a keen observer of all that went on in  local or general politics. He was happy in the multiplicity of his pursuits, and his love of open air at life. Both in Japan and here he devoted much time to yachting, and he was up till his death a member of the Corinthian yacht club. He made several cycling tours through the Malay Peninsula, accompanied for the most part by Mrs. Dare, and it was only his illness that compelled him to abandon motoring.


Sketching, photography and the organ were all pleasant occupations. In his younger days Mr. Dare was an active and frequent participator in local theatricals, and for many years he assisted Mr. Buckley in the annual Children's Treats in scene painting and otherwise. And at “The Lake” there were many pleasant social evenings with intimate friends.


There will be on the part of the many friends of Mr. Mrs. Dare and Singapore the deepest sympathy with Mrs. Dare in her great loss.


The funeral was arranged to take place at the new Cemetery at Bidadari[13], by the express repeated wish of the late Mr. Dare. It is the very first internment there, as officially the present cemetery in Bukit Timah Road is not closed, until the end of the year.


In accordance with the often expressed desires of the late Mr. Dare the interment of his remains took place yesterday afternoon at 5 PM at Bidadari, New Cemetery, the very first internment in that place. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. F.G. Swindell, Colonial Chaplain. Those present included Mrs. G.M. Dare, Mr. Geoffrey Dare[14], nephew of the deceased, the Honourable John Anderson, the Honourable T.S. Baker, and Messrs. C.B. Buckley, A Gentle, F.M. Elliott, E.C. Ellis, W.G.S. Clair, A. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Banks, Mrs. Howard Newton, Miss Martin, W.E. Cooper, C. Crane, L. Dunman, Capt. Burton R.G.A, T.O. Mahew.


The afternoon which had been threatening fortunately cleared. There would have been a very large gathering, but that was rendered impossible by the difficulty of notification on a Sunday, and also because it could not at once be decided where the interment was to take place.


Sincere sympathy will be felt with Mr. Alfred Dare[15] of Kobe the surviving brother of deceased and also with the surviving sisters.

[1] George Mildmay DARE. He was born March 18, 1840 in Peckham, England (a district in South London) and married Annie Dorothea Caroline EARNSHAW of Knaresborough, Yorkshire, on June 1877 in England. He was a brother-in-law of Sir Thomas JACKSON of HSBC.

[2] George Julius DARE (1807-1856),

[3] Thomas Blake GLOVER http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Blake_Glover  Glover was alleged to be the first non-Japanese to receive the Order of the Rising Sun SEE: http://www.rampantscotland.com/famous/blfamglover.htm , but David JACKSON, younger brother of ir Thomas JACKSON  received one 5 years earlier.

[4] John Julius DARE died September 5, 1879

[5] Sarah Shrieve DARE née PARKE died September 10, 1879

[6] George Julius DARE (1807-1856), father of George Mildmay DARE.

[7] Blanche Emily DARE wife of William Ramsay SCOTT.

[8] Amelia Lydia DARE

[9] Anna Maria DARE, wife of Whitworth ALLEN

[10] Florence Gertrude DARE, wife of Dr. William HARTIGAN, physician for HSBC amongst other responsibilities.

[11] Sarah Elizabeth DARE, wife of John Catto ABELL.

[12] Annie Dorothea Caroline EARNSHAW of Knaresborough, Yorkshire, England, daughter of  Edward EARNSHAW & Caroline Sophie DEACON.

[13] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bidadari_Cemetery Interestingly, Augustine Podmore Williams, the sailor that Conrad based Lord Jim on was also buried here.

[14] This was probably Geoffrey St. Felix DARE, son of George Julius DARE and Edith Mary DIXY.

[15] Alfred Henry DARE (1853-1924). He was a junior at HSBC Yokohama in 1878 - recruited in the East.

The last junior to be recruited in the East was A.H. Dare, a relative of Thomas Jackson's wife, and his entire career (with the exception of a year in Amoy in 1883) was spent in Japan, although he received leave to England and was on the Eastern, not the "Local British Staff". He resigned in 1893; the Court subsequently learned that the reason had been health and consequently voted him a gratuity of 1,000 pounds. SOURCE: History of Hongkong Shanghai Bank, Frank H.H. King p232



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