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This account complements the account written in the London and China Telegraph, December 24, 1915. It adds a few more names of those in attendance, especially of TJ's daughters at the Stanstead funeral. It also gave more detail on a few others, some of which I have included in the annotations of that version.
Sharon Oddie Brown. September 5, 2014.


1915 page 11a Newspaper unknown

Sir Thomas Jackson.


The funeral of Sir Thomas Jackson, Bt, Chairman and Director and late Chief Manager of the Hong-kong and Shanghai Bank and Chairman of the Imperial Bank of Persia, took place at Saint Mary’s Parish Church, Stansted, Essex, on Friday. The vicar (the Reverend E Goodchild) officiated. The chief mourners were: –


Captain Julius Jackson King’s Royal Rifles, who was severely wounded in September 1914, and is only now convalescent, and Mrs Julius Jackson (son and daughter-in-law); Lieutenant Russell Jackson, R.G.A. (son); Major A.M. Tabor, 3rd Hussars and Mrs Taber (daughter); Mrs Lloyd, wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Lloyd, Lancashire Fusiliers; Mrs Raymond Marker, widow of Lieutenant-Colonel R. J. Marker, D.S.O., Coldstream Guards, who was killed in action in November, 1914; and Miss D. St. F. Jackson (daughters). Sir Thomas’s elder son, the new baronet, Major Thomas Dare Jackson, M.V.O, D.S.O, King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment now temporary Brigadier-general, and his youngest son, Lieutenant C. S. Jackson, Coldstream Guards, who has also been wounded, were unable to attend, both being on active duty in France.


There were also present, Lady Cameron, Lord Blyth, the Hon. Herbert Blyth, Hon Mrs Claude Rome, Sir Charles Addis manager of the London office of the Hong-kong and Shanghai bank, Mister G Stewart, MP, Mr J Annan Bryce, MP, Sir John McLeary Brown, Sir Fielding Clarke (late governor of Jamaica), Colonel David Chapman, Colonel Healy, C.M.G., Sir Walter Gilbey, Mr Tresham Gilbey, Sir Carl and Lady Meyer, Mr and Mrs W. Fuller Maitland, Capt. I.A. Rutledge, Mr C. Newell (Manager of the Imperial Bank of Persia).


A Memorial service for Thomas Jackson was held the same day of Allhallows, Lombard Street, E.C. The service, which was choral, was conducted by the rector, the Bishop of Croydon[1]. The following were among the very large number of friends present; –

Lady Addis, Miss Addis, Lieutenant Addis, Mister A.G., ANgier, Sir Eric and Lady Barrington, Lady Boyes, Miss Boyes, Mr J. Carnes, Mr W. H. Goschen, Mr Wynnard Hooper, Mister Howard, Gwynther, Lord Inshcape, Mister G.W. Jamieson, C.M.G., Mr Paul H. King, the Persian Minister, Mister W. G. Rathbone, Mister J.P. Reid, Mr R.I. Richardson, Viscount St. Aldwynn, Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Edmund Seymour, and Mr T.H. Whitehead.

[1] Henry Horace Pereira (16 January 1845 - 1 January 1926). He was born in England, but educated at Trinity College in Dublin. In 1905, he published a book: Intemperance. Not one that would have been popular amongst the Jackson men, but likely lauded by their mothers.



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