The Townlands that these JACKSONs are associated with are in
alphabetical order. More townlands and names will be added. So far I have: Ballyagherty and Barnamaghery and Clontaghnaglar and Lisdoonan and Lisowen and Lisdoonan (I believe I have been confusing these last two with each other, but will fix this in the next draft) and Raffrey. NOTE:
This is a 1st draft – there are likely to be errors.
Sharon Oddie Brown. December 5, 2017
Updated July 24, 2018 - updates on specific trees are noted.
Several JACKSON families that cluster in the townlands beneath:
This map is based on ones at Because Barnamaghery is in two parishes (which is confusing), I have added a dotted line. Most of the JACKSONs in that townland were in the south. NOTE: Clontinaghlar aka Quintinaghlar aka Clontaghnaglar. |
JACKSONs various trees: A work in progress
If you check the sources in my Rootsweb family tree., you will be able to see which
entries are well documented and which ones are merely based on hunches aka
educated guesses. NOTE: The Rootsweb site has
been down since December 20th, so the hyperlinks for names beneath
will not work. Also, as a result, I have not been able to add more hyperlinks to
the trees that I have added. Also NOTE: The Townlands in the
chart beneath are in alphabetical order. More townlands will be added, as well
as more other data and corrections, as I learn more.
JACKSONs various trees: A work in progress
Ballyagherty Parish of Saintfield
· 1863 Griffiths Valuation. William JACKSON holds a lease
from James C. PRICE for £13a 1r and houses valued at £3.0.0. NOTE: James PRICE previously went by the name: James
· 1884 Apr 7 William JACKSON – Alice JACKSON (or BAILIE). ROD;
1884-18-230. Btw. William JACKSON of Ballyagherty & Alice Jane
JACKSON otherwise BAILIE, wife of William JACKSON, farmer.. lands in
Ballyagherty containing 10 acres 2 rods Cunningham measure – held by William
JACKSON as a yearly tenant under James Charles PRICE Esq. at yearly rent of
13 pounds 2s 2d … farm formerly belonged to Alice BAILIE before her marriage
to William JACKSON WITNESS: Thomas DUNWOODY of 13 Lombard St., Dublin. NOTE: This was done two days before his death.
· 1884 Apr 9 Administration of the personal estate of William
Jackson late of Ballyaugherty County Down Farmer who died 9 April 1884 at
same place were granted at Belfast to Alice Jane Jackson of
Ballyaugherty the Widow. SEE: Jackson
Probates in Co. Down.
· 1887 Feb 22 John JACKSON – John FRAME ROD: 1887-8-257 Image
514 John JACKSON of Carsonstown,
of the 1 pt John FRAME of Carsonstown,
farmer of the other. John JACKSON demised lands of 1stly parcel of land
containing 12a 7p Cunningham Measure to be held as tenant from year to year
under James Charles PRICE townland of Carsonstown,
Parish of Saintfield Barony Castlereagh & 2ndly in townland of
Ballyaghery [Ballyagherty],
Parish Saintfield 9 acres 2r 7p Cunningham Measure … WITNESS: Frederick
William CRAWLEY of Downpatrick, Co. Down & Albert J.H. COULTER of
Downpatrick Law Clerk. NOTE: Carsonstown is on the eastern border of Ballyagherty
· 1863 Griffiths Valuation. William JACKSON holds a lease
from James C. PRICE for £13a 1r and houses valued at £3.0.0.
· 1887 Feb 26 John JACKSON – Samuel ANDERSON 1885-1887 ROD:
1887-12-258 Image
246 BTW John JACKSON of Carsonstown,
Co. Down farmer of 1 pt & Samuel ANDERSON of #33 Belmore St. Belfast Co.
Antrim Cooper of the other pt…. demised 12a 7p Cunningham Measure held from
year to year under James Charles PRICE Esq. in townland of Carsonstown,
Parish of Saintfield, Barony Castlereagh, Co. Down and 2ndly in townland of
Ballyaghery [Ballyagherty],
Parish Saintfield 9 acres 2r 17p with all houses and buildings… WITNESS:
Frederick William CRAWLEY of Downpatrick, Co. Down NOTE: Carsonstown is on the eastern border of Ballyagherty |
Ballyagherty Tree #1
1 William
JACKSON b: 1827 d: 9 Apr 1884
+ Alice
Jane BAILIE b: 1837 d: 9 Mar 1904
2 Agnes
JACKSON d: Aft 1889
2 Jane
JACKSON d: Aft 1889
2 John
JACKSON b: est 1851 d: Bet 1901 and 1911
+ Ellen
Jane ANDERSON b: Bef 1853 d: Bet 1901 and 1911
3 Dianna
JACKSON b: 6 Sep 1874
3 James
JACKSON b: Abt 1878
3 Rachel
JACKSON b: Abt 1884
3 Mary
JACKSON b: 2 Oct 1886
3 Agnes
JACKSON b: 15 May 1889
3 Robert
JACKSON b: 8 Aug 1891
3 Lydia
JACKSON b: 18 Oct 1895
2 James
JACKSON b: 1861 d: 22 Feb 1889
2 George
Raphael Moore JACKSON b: Abt 1864 d: 21 Dec 1914
+ Elizabeth
PATTERSON b: Abt 1873
3 Alice
JACKSON b: Abt 1900
3 Lizzie
JACKSON b: Abt 1901
3 George
JACKSON b: Abt 1903
3 James
JACKSON b: Abt 1905
3 Joseph
JACKSON b: Abt 1907
3 Thomas
JACKSON b: Abt 1910
2 Mary
JACKSON b: 25 May 1865
2 William
JACKSON b: 16 Jul 1866 d: Aft 1911
+ Mary
Anne FOLEY b: Abt 1870 d: Aft 1911
3 John
JACKSON b: Abt 1889
3 James
JACKSON b: Abt 1903
3 George
Herbert JACKSON b: Abt 1907
2 Robert
Johnston JACKSON b: 30 Jun 1868 d: 24 Jul 1942
+ Grace
MCBRATNEY b: 12 May 1872 d: Aft 1942
3 Samuel
JACKSON b: 12 May 1893
3 William
JACKSON b: 19 May 1895
3 Elizabeth
C. JACKSON b: 24 Jul 1896
3 Anna
JACKSON b: 28 Nov 1903
2 Anna
Orr JACKSON b: 27 Mar 1871 d: Aft 1911
+ George
ANDERSON b: 1863 d: Aft 1911
3 Anne
3 George
ANDERSON b: Abt 1893
3 Samuel
ANDERSON b: Abt 1897
NOTE: Ballyalgan is bordered by several townlands where other JACKSONs resided:
· 1818 Nov 17. ROD: 1888-52-54 Image
340 BTW Agnes HENDERSON of Norwood Tower Strandtown, Co. Down, Widow
grantor of 1 pt & James JACKSON of Ballyalgin,
Crossgar Co. Down [aka Ballyalgan,
Killyleagh Parish, Barony Dufferin] farmer the grantee. ,,, a New Street
(not yet named) in townland of Ballymacarret [Ballymacarret],
Parish Knockbreda, Barony Upper Castlereagh, Co. Down [running from Hunt
Street to Albert Bridge Road ….description of boundaries] … James JACKSON
[Signed] NOTE: Ballymacarret],
was owned by POTTINGERs in the 1600s. Going from a map
of Hunt Street, it may be that the New Road became known as Upper
Newtownards Road.
· 1906 Jun 1 ROD: 1906-54-13 Image
13 James JACKSON of Belfast Gent of 1 pt & Joseph COULTER jr of Ballyalgin Co. Down farmer of the other pt. Reciting indenture of 2 Jan 1894 made btw
Joseph COULTER jr. of 1 pt & said James JACKSON of other pt… premises
conveyed to James JACKSON by way of mtg for securing pmt to James JACKSON for
£150 … 21a 1r 7p Statute Measure in townland of Ballyalgin, Parish
Killyleagh, Barony Dufferin Co. Down. 2ndly Bog Lands containing 9a 3r 28p
adjoining said farm in townland of Ballyalgin, Parish Killyleagh, Barony
Dufferin … |
NOTE: James JACKSON’s birth
date is based on him being of age when his son Hugh JACKSON was born. Hugh
JACKSON was of full age at time of marriage
1-James Jackson b. Bef 1820, of
Ballyalgin, Co. Down
|--2-Hugh Jackson b. Bef 1843,
of Ballyalgin, Co. Down
+Elizabeth Donnan b. 1847,
of Derryboy, m. 5 Nov 1864, 1st Presbyterian
Church, Parish of Killinchy
|--3-James Jackson b. 28 Jan
1865, Derryboy, Parish Killyleagh, Co. Down
|--3-Robert Jackson b. 6 Nov
1866, of Ballyalgin, Co. Down
|--3-Margaret Jackson b. 23
Jun 1869, of Ballyalgin, Co. Down |
Barnamaghery is in two adjacent parishes: Killinchy & Kilmore. TO DO: Check for more STEWART-JACKSON & BLACKWOOD-JACKSON
leases. Also changes in post Griffiths Valuation records.
· JACKSON [Broken in half with top lying on ground]
Erected by John JACKSON of Barnamaghery, Sep 23rd 1806.
Here lieth the remains of his three sons, William, William and Hugh who died
young. Here lieth the body of the said John JACKSON who departed this
life Feb 9 1814 aged 75 years.
· 1812 Birth of Mary Anne JACKSON, spinster who died 18
Oct 1876. Christina FRIARS was present at her death. NOTE:
I have not yet placed her..
· 1818 Dec 24 ROD: 737-47-502181. Neal CRAWFORD – James MARTIN Image
27 Both farmers of Barnamaghery – small parcel of land at Barnamaghery
held for natural life of Nicholas Price BLACKWOOD.
· 1819 Apr 20 Robert JACKSON Presbyterian of Barnamaghery m
· 1828 Apr 22 Will of
James JACKSON of Clontaghnaglar: John JACKSON (son of James Sr.); James DUNNIGAN;
Isabel JACKSON (daughter of John JACKSON); Sarah WIGHTMAN; Samuel JACKSON;
James JACKSON jr. of Clontaghnaglar (son of Samuel); Eliza JACKSON (daughter of Samuel); Martha HARRIS; Mary
JACKSON (widow of Samuel); Robert JACKSON (son of James sr.); Elizabeth
THOMPSON (widow of Robert); Martin JACKSON of Barmaghery. Probate granted to Martin JACKSON and James JACKSON the executors 2 May 1829. NOTE: Martin JACKSON was a co-executor along with James JACKSON the grandson
of James JACKSON. NOTE: Acreage in Hannah’s
land that was mentioned helped to connect him to his John JACKSON.
· 1829 Aug 21 On the 21st inst. JOHN JACKSON of Marnamaghrey,
aged 63 years. He was a member of the Saintfield yeomanry corps upwards of 20
years, and an Orangeman 30. He suffered much injury by the United Irishmen,
who gathered about his house, wanting two guns he had; and when he would not
give them up, they put a rope about his neck, and pulled him up a beam till
he was nearly dead; but he kept his guns through the whole of the rebellion.
His remains were attended to Killinchy graveyard by 17 Lodges of Orange men,
and other loyal people, to the number of 1000, who all behaved peaceably. BNL
Aug 28, 1829, Est DOB 1766. NOTE: I
suspect a transcription or printing error and that Marnamaghrey is
actually Barnamaghery, Parish of Killinchy. The townland of Killinchy
in the Woods is to the north, and the townland of Raffrey is to the south.
· 1834 JACKSON Erected by William JACKSON of
Barnamaghery, in memory of his wife Agnes JACKSON who departed this
life Feb 15 1834 aged 47 years
· 1835 Mar 26 NOTE: The Westmeath
reference puzzling. Westmeath. March 26, 1835. On the 12th instant [March
12], by the Rev. Moses BLACK, of Kilmore, Mr. James WATSON, of Turminin, to Jane,
daughter of Mr. William Jackson, of Burneymaghery.
· 1835 Apr 2 On the 2nd inst. By the Rev. Moses
Black, of Kilmore, Mr. Samuel Gaw of Ballymacreely, to Eliza daughter of
Martin Jackson, of Barrymaghery. BNL Apr 10 1835. NOTE: In the freeholder records, Martin JACKSON of
Barnemaghery leased from Robert Stewart for lives of Frederick,
· 1846 March 7: Downpatrick Recorder. We
regret to learn that on Thursday evening last, two fires broke out on the
properties of two men named Reid and Jackson in the townland of Barnamaghery,
near Crossgar. These burnings are said to be malicious. The farmers who have
suffered are tenants of the Marquis of Londonderry - Charles William STEWART aka VANE – one of them, Reid, an
under-agent for the letting of bog. We have not heard the particulars of the
injury done. The police have gone out to make inquiries.
· 1850 Jun 27 June 27, at his late residence, Barnamaghery,
Mr. William Jackson, in his 70th year of his age. BNL 1850 Jul
2. Est DOB 1781 NOTE: It is in Killinchy
· Downpatrick Recorder October 11, 1856 Nancy Patterson
& Edward Magill were charged with feloniously stealing £2 the property of
William Jackson. William Jackson examined – Lives at Barnamaghery; is a
labourer; remembers 21 July; lives with his father; had money before he left
home to go to work; left his money at his father’s house …. Jackson recalled,
and, in reply to a question from a juror, said that the male prisoner was at
his father’s house, when he went to the bog, and not there when he went home
… Nancy Jackson examined – is sister-in-law
to prosecutor; she explained the suspicious circumstances under which
the boy had gone away…
· 1863 Griffiths Valuations. NOTE:
Barnamaghery straddles two parishes and hence appears in two places in Griffiths. Once in the Parish of Killinchy (the northerly part of Barnamaghey), and one under the Parish of Kilmore (the southermost part of Barnamaghery). There are no mentions of JACKSONs in the Killinchy part of Barnamaghery,but there are several mentions in the part that is in the Parish of Kilmore. Kilmore is also the parish where many of the Barnamaghery JACKSONs are buried. SEE: My notes on: Probates of JACKSONs in Co. Down.
o P 61, no JACKSON, but the name of Jane CAMPBELL is of interest.
She may be the mother of Jane CAMPBELL who was
the mother of William JACKSON in 1837.
o P. 62. The main lessor to the JACKSONs is the Marquis of
Londonderry aka Frederick William Robert Stewart, 4th Marquess of Londonderry(son of Charles STEWART and Lady Catherine Bligh). He leased:
§ Jas JACKSON (Copeland) 30a.3r & buildings valued at £3.0.0.
This makes him one of the larger farmers in the townland.
§ Jas. JACKSON (Bank) Land only 6a 3r 35p NOTE: The distinction between (Bank) and (Martin)
is key. They were different branches – albeit related.
§ Jas. JACKSON (Martin). 11a 3r 5p & house valued at £2.0.0
§ Thomas JACKSON’s Land: 25a.3r and his buildings have the
highest valuation of anyone in the townland: £8.0.0. They include houses,
offices, flax mill and land, again from the
Marquis of Londonderry.
§ Robert JACKSON Land 14a and buildings valued at
§ John JACKSON Land 10a.3r. and buildings valued at
Forde CAMPBELL leases:
§ Jas JACKSON (Bank) – another smaller holding.
Freeholds by JACKSONs
§ James JACKSON small house leased out
§ Jas JACKSON (Martin) small house leased out
§ Thomas JACKSON three buildings leased out.
· 1887 Nov 5 Robert MARTIN – Elizabeth JACKSON 1885-1887 Image
78 BTW Robert MARTIN of Barnamaghery Co. Down Farmer of 1 pt & Elizabeth JACKSON of Barnamaghery Widow of
other pt. Reciting that MARTIN demised to Elizabeth JACKSON parcel of land
18a 2r 10p and also another farm 19a 1r 20p in Barnamaghery in parish of Kilnare [sic - Parish Kilmore], Barony
Castlereagh. WITNESS: Frederick William CRAWLEY of Downpatrick, Co. Down,
Solicitor & Albert J.H. COULTER of Downpatrick, Clerk
· 1892 May 7 John JACKSON – John THOMPSON 1890- 1894 Image
305 BTW John JACKSON of Barnamaghery Co. Down farmer of 1 pt & John
THOMPSON of Barnamaghery famer of other pt. Reciting indenture of mtg 2 Dec
1884 btw William MURDOCK of 1 pt & John JACKSON of other pt…. 19a 2r 24p
with house and buildings in townland Barnamaghery Parish of Kilmore Barony
Upper Castlereagh.
· 1928 JACKSON – August 29,1928, at Doon-Var-Na Dundonald. James
Jackson late of The Bank” Barnamaghery. His remains will be removed from above address, by motor, for
internment in the family burying ground, Raffrey (via Carrickmannon), at 2
p.m. tomorrow (Friday), 31st inst. Friends will accept this (the only)
intimation. Deeply regretted. BNL Aug 30, 1928. NOTE: He also left in his will money for Raffrey
Presbyterian church. Age at death, recorded at Belfast, was 73 (b 1855).
Probate: Jackson James of Doon-Var-Na Ballybeen Dundonald county Down retired
farmer died 29 August 1928 Probate Belfast 18
October to James H. Dowling estate agent. Effects £1200. Parents’ names are
based on convergence with 1901 Census.
· 1952 Feb 20 London Probate: Mary JACKSON Aka Minnie, of
Barnamaghery, Crossgar, Co. Down, spinster. Probate to John DICKSON, farmer
& David GIBSON, accountant. Effects £344 11s 5d in England. NOTE: There was a Minnie JACKSON age 22 (b abt 1879)
in 1901 Census as a daughter of Francis JACKSON. |
Barnamaghery: Tree # 1
See Clontinaglare: James JACKSON (est 1740-abt 1829)
NOTE: The birth date of
James JACKSON is an estimate based on two of his sons being born 1765 and
1 James
JACKSON b: Est. Bef 1740 d: Bet 1828 and 1829
2 Samuel
JACKSON d: Bef 1828
+ Mary
3 James
3 Eliza
2 John
JACKSON b: 1765 d: 13 Aug 1842
+ Jane d: Aft 1842
3 Isabella
JACKSON b: Bef 1821 d: Aft 1842
+ John
PATTERSON d: Aft 1842
4 Jane
PATTERSON d: Aft 1842
4 John
2 Robert
JACKSON b: 1766 d: Bef 1828
+ Elizabeth
· Grace STEWART was the second wife of James Copeland JACKSON. NOTE: There is a gravemarker for James JACKSON of
Barnamaghery. Eliza his beloved wife died 22 Jun 1861 aged 56 years and two
of their children in childhood. Of course, this may be another James JACKSON.
· 1906 Raffrey. Ellen R. JACKSON daughter, present at death. Probate
of the Will of Grace Jackson late of Raffrey County Down Widow who died 4
October 1906 granted at Belfast to John Spence Farmer and Thomas Shaw
Carpenter. Effects £96 15s. NOTE: Son Samuel
ROBINSON; son George ROBINSON; daughter Rebecca; daughter Ellen JACKSON. NOTE: In 1901 Census, Grace is age 78, a
Presbyterian widow farmer, and daughter Ellen is age 38, a seamstress,
· 1907. Probate of the Will of Ellen Ritchie Jackson late of
Raffrey County Down Spinster who died 27 May 1907 granted at Belfast to
William M'Bratney Farmer and The Reverend John N. M. Legate Presbyterian
Minister. Effects £92. NOTE: To sister Rebecca
PEPPER of 129 Diamond St. Hudson; half brothers George ROBINSON & Samuel
ROBINSON and niece Grace ROBINSON (daughter of Samuel). See will of Grace JACKSON, mother of Ellen Ritchie JACKSON.
NOTE: I do not yet know who Rebeccca PEPPER was.
· Armour JACKSON Saintfield
High Golden Jubilee Booklet In 1858, an Armour JACKSON of Barnamaghery
was enrolled in Saintfield Secondary School. |
Barnamaghery: Tree # 2 Updated October
16, 2021. More BMIs added
1-Robert JACKSON b. est bef 1785
|--2-James Copeland JACKSON b. 1805, d. 14 Apr 1883,
+ Isabella HUGHAN m. 5 Jan 1830 HUNCH: It is likely that she was James's wife based on Church records.
|--3-Isabella JACKSON d. Aft 1883
| + William ORR m. Bef 1883
|--3-James JACKSON b. Abt 1830, Probably Barnamaghery,
Co. Down
|--3-Armour JACKSON b. Abt 1833, d. 18 Aug 1904, of
| + Isabella PENTLAND b. Abt 1827-1832, d. 19 Mar 1917,
Barnamaghery, Co Down
| |--4-Arthur James JACKSON b. Abt 1861, of
Barnamaghery, d. After 1911
| | + Isabella ORR m. 29 Oct 1891
| | |--5-Armour JACKSON b. 21 May 1894, Barnamaghery,
| | |--5-Arthur James JACKSON b. 19 Jan 1896,
| | |--5-William Francis JACKSON b. 21 Sep 1897,
Barnamaghery,, d. 23 Oct 1988, Barnamaghery,
| | | + Eileen Elizabeth MATEER b. Abt 1903, d. 28
Feb 1932
| | | + Margaret LAMONT b. Abt 1909, d. 30 Sep 1983
| | | |--6-Margaret Joyce JACKSON b. Abt 1939,
Barnamaghery,, d. 1 Jul 1943
| | | |--6-Sarah Lamont JACKSON b. Abt 1940, d. Aug
| | | |--6-Anna Mary JACKSON b. Abt 1940,
Barnamaghery,, d. Aug 1940
| | |--5-Isabella JACKSON b. 12 Aug 1899, Barnamaghery,
| | |--5-Joseph Orr JACKSON b. 20 Jul 1901, Tyconnett,
Crossgar, Parish Loughinsisland, Co. Down
| | |--5-Mary Elizabeth JACKSON b. 26 Feb 1907,
Barnamaghery,, d. 13 Nov 1938
| | |--5-Jane Anne JACKSON b. 4 Mar 1910, Barnamaghery,
| |--4-JACKSON b. 22 Jan 1865, Quintinaglar aka
Carsonstown, Co. Down
| |--4-John JACKSON b. 20 Feb 1870, Quintinaglare aka
Carsonstown, Parish Saintfield, Co. Down
| | + Isabella CONNELLY b. of Ravena, m. 6 Jun 1900,
1st Saintfield Presbyterian, par. Hugh CONNELLY and Unknown
| | |--5-Florence JACKSON b. 10 Jul 1901, probably
Barnamaghery or Clontinaglare, d. 10 Sep 1901
| | |--5-Armour JACKSON b. 25 Dec 1903, Barnamaghery,
| | |--5-Ruth JACKSON b. 4 Oct 1907, Clontinaglare
| | |--5-Mary JACKSON b. 26 Apr 1909, probably
Barnamaghery or Clontinaglare, d. 3 May 1909, probably Barnamaghery or Clontinaglare
| | |--5-George JACKSON b. 9 Mar 1911, probably
Barnamaghery or Clontinaglare
| | |--5-Mary JACKSON b. 3 Jun 1917, probably
Barnamaghery or Clontinaglare
| |--4-William JACKSON d. After 1904 NOTE: I have no birth cert. He may have been the un-named child born in 1865.
| |--4-Sarah JACKSON b. Abt 1871, of Barnamaghery NOTE: I have no birth cert.
| + Robert KENNEDY b. Bef 1869, of Raffrey, m. 26
Mar 1890, Kilmore Orthodox Presbyterian Church, d. Between 1897 and 1901, par.
Robert KENNEDY and Unknown
| |--5-Rachel KENNEDY b. Abt 1890
| |--5-Robert KENNEDY b. Abt 1893
| |--5-Mary J. KENNEDY b. Abt 1895
| |--5-Isabella KENNEDY b. Abt 1897
|--3-Ellen Ritchie JACKSON b. 1860, of Raffrey, d. 27 May
1907, of Raffrey
+ Grace STEWART b. Abt 1823, m. 4 Jan 1875, Raffrey
Presbyterian, d. 4 Oct 1906, Raffrey, Co Down, par. Hugh STEWART and Unknown NOTE: She was a widow at the time of
her marriage to James Copeland JACKSON and he was a widower. Her 1st husband was Samuel ROBINSON. Her father was Hugh STEWART and his father was
Robert JACKSON. They had no children.
· 1899 Probate of the Will of James Jackson (Senior) late of
Barnamaghery County Down Farmer who died 5 August 1899 granted at Belfast to
James Jackson (Junior) William Jackson and William Jackson Farmers. Died age
79 (b 1820). Effects £918 4s. 4d. He mentioned bequests to his children
Alice, Anna Maria, Christina, Samuel, Mary Elizabeth, Agnes, James jr., &
William and to his wife Maria. His executors were William GIBSON,
Presbyterian Minister at Raffery & William JACKSON of Killinchy in the
Woods, farmer. |
Barnamaghery: Tree # 3
1 James
JACKSON b: 1820 d: 5 Aug 1899
+ Maria
CLELAND b: Abt 1832 d: 20 February 1906 (death date a hunch that this is her)
2 Christina
JACKSON b: 1854
2 James
JACKSON b: Abt 1856 d: 29 Aug 1928
2 William
JACKSON b: 1859 d: 22 May 1933
+ Agnes
WOODS b: 1881 d: 2 Nov 1951
3 Agnes
JACKSON b: 16 May 1909
3 James
JACKSON b: 16 Oct 1910
3 Jane
JACKSON b: 26 Apr 1912
3 Christina
JACKSON b: 17 Sep 1913
3 Sarah
JACKSON b: 17 Sep 1915
2 Agnes
JACKSON b: Abt 1862
+ George
WOODS b: Abt 1855
3 James
WOODS b: Abt 1883
3 Samuel
WOODS b: Abt 1885
3 Thomas
WOODS b: Abt 1889
3 William
WOODS b: Abt 1892
2 Alice
JACKSON b: 8 May 1867
2 Anna
Maria JACKSON b: 25 Nov 1869
+ John
COULTER b: Bef 1877 Married 19 July 1898 Broadway Presbyterian, Belfast.
2 Mary
Elizabeth JACKSON b: 23 Mar 1874
2 Samuel
· 1943 Jan 30. London Probate: John
JACKSON. Of Barnemaghery, Crossgar, Co. Down Probate to David GIBSON
accountant, Mary JACKSON, spinster & Samuel Orr JACKSON, merchant.
Effects £438 2s 9d in England. Sealed Liandudno. NOTE:
A John JACKSON age 77 died 30 Jan 1943.
· 1843. PRONI: Jackson John of Barnemaghery Crossgar county Down
farmer died 30 January 1943 Probate Belfast 11 May to David Gibson accountant
Mary Jackson spinster and Samuel Orr Jackson merchant. Effects £3293 12s. 1d.
· 1951. Jackson David Stewart Kerr Coulter of Derryboye Crossgar
county Down retired farmer died 10 July 1951 Probate Belfast 8 February to
David Jackson farmer and David Morrow land steward. Effects £6290 6s. 5d.
Barnamaghery: Tree # 4 See also Creeveybeg Updated October
15, 2021. More BMIs added and the error of conflating the two David Stewart Kerr JACKSONs was corrected..
NOTE: In the Killinchy Presbyterian
Records there is a Samuel JACKSON son of Robert JACKSON (1786-1870) & Anne of Creeveybeg.
This Robert died 1870 Mar 18 age 84. The death cert of the Samuel JACKSON who died 18 Oct 1879 shows that he died
at Barnamaghery but a transcription of the gravemarker of the Samuel JACKSON's supposed
parents allege that this Samuel JACKSON died in America. There may be two Robert JACKSONs who each had a son named Samuel and this may still need to be sorted. |
1-Robert JACKSON b. 1786, d. 18 Mar 1870, Raffery, Parish
Killinchy, Co.
Down, Bur. Raffrey Presbyterian Graveyard
+ Anna RICHIE b. 1799, m. Bef 1838, d. 12 Feb 1854, of
Creeveybeg, Bur. Raffrey Presbyterian Graveyard
|--2-George JACKSON b. Jun 1825, Barnamaghery or Creeveybeg,
d. America
|--2-Samuel JACKSON b. 17 Apr 1838, Barnamaghery, Parish
Killinchy, Co. Down,
d. 18 Oct 1879, Barnamaghery, Parish Killinchy, Co. Down
| + Eliza COULTER b. Abt 1838, m. 17 Jul 1863, Raffrey 1st
Presbyterian Church, Co. Down, d. 20 Jan 1911, Barnamaghery, Parish Killinchy,
Co. Down, par. John COULTER
| |--3-John JACKSON b. 13 May 1864, Barnamaghery, Parish
Killinchy, Co. Down, d. 30 Jan 1943, Barnamaghery, Parish Killinchy, Co. Down
| |--3-Robert Johnston JACKSON b. 15 Jan 1866,
Ballyagherty, Parish Saintfield, Co. Down, d. 24 Jul 1942, The Bushes, Barnamaghery,,
Bur. Raffrey 1st Presbyterian Church, Co. Down
| | + Grace McBRATNEY b. 12 May 1872, of Creeveybeg, Co.
Down, m. 5 Apr 1893, Saintfield Parish Church, Co. Down, d. 15 Oct 1950,
Raffrey, Co. Down, par. William McBRATNEY and MARSHALL
| | |--4-Samuel JACKSON b. 12 May 1893, Barnamaghery,, d.
15 Feb 1955
| | | + Marjorie MARTIN m. Bef 1924, d. 7 May 1964,
Raffrey. Co. Down
| | | |--5-Robert JACKSON b. 1924, d. 24 Dec 1988,
Raffrey. Co. Down
| | | + Mary HAGAN d. 3 Dec 2001, Raffrey, Co. Down
| | | |--6-Hilda JACKSON b. 15 Apr 1955, Raffrey, Co.
| | |--4-William JACKSON b. 19 May 1895, Barnamaghery,
| | | + Elizabeth MARTIN
| | |--4-Elizabeth C. JACKSON b. 24 Jul 1896,
| | |--4-Anna JACKSON b. 28 Nov 1903
| | |--5-Gordon JACKSON
| |--3-Ellen Jane JACKSON b. 20 Jan 1868, Barnamaghery, Co.
| |--3-Martha JACKSON b. 14 Mar 1870, Barnamaghery, Parish
Killinchy, Co. Down
| |--3-David Stewart Kerr Coulter JACKSON b. 15 Apr 1872,
Barnamaghery, Co. Down, d. 13 May, 1961, Moss Grove, Raffrey, Crossgar, Co. Down NOTE: Initially he was conflated with David Stewart Kerr JACKSON (1880-1951)
| | + Mary ORR b. 26 Oct 1883, Raffrey, Co. Down, m. 20
May 1903, Raffrey Presbyterian, Parish Raffrey, Co. Down, d. 7 Nov 1925, par.
Samuel ORR and Agnes MURDOCK
| | |--4-Samuel Orr JACKSON b. 23 Jan 1904, Raffrey
| | |--4-William Orr JACKSON b. 28 Feb 1905, d. 4 Jun 1905
| | |--4-Elizabeth Coulter JACKSON b. 31 Mar 1906,
Raffrey, Co. Down
| | |--4-Agnes Orr JACKSON b. 10 Oct 1908, Raffrey, Co.
| | |--4-John Coulter JACKSON b. 25 Mar 1914, Raffrey, Co.
| |--3-Mary Jane [aka Minnie] JACKSON b. 23 Apr 1874, Barnamaghery,
Parish Killinchy, Co. Down, d. After 1901
| |--3-Agnes Jane JACKSON b. 4 May 1876, Barnamaghery,
Parish Killinchy, Co. Down
|--2-David A. JACKSON b. Abt 2 Aug 1842, Barnamaghery,, c. 2
Aug 1842, Killinchy |
Barnamaghery: Tree # 4a (also included in Lisowen)
NOTE: The birth date
of Samuel JACKSON bef 1835 is based on conjecture – since he was of full age
before the marriage of his son William, who was of full age in 1877.
1-Samuel Jackson b. Bef 1835, of Barnamaghery
|--2-William Jackson b. Bef 1856
+Eliza Gilchrist b. 1860, m. 12 Oct 1877, Presbyterian
Church, Raffrey
|--3-John Jackson b. 13 Nov 1879, probably
Barnamaghery, d. After 1951, of
| Lisowen, Saintfield, Co. Down
|--3-Andrew Jackson b. 13 Feb 1882, probably
Barnamaghery, d. af6t 1851
|--3-William Jackson b. 25 Apr 1884, probably Lisowen,
Saintfield, Co. Down
|--3-James Jackson b. 17 May 1886, probably
|--3-Robert Jackson b. 11 Aug 1888, probably
Barnamaghery, d. 28 Feb 1951,
| Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast
| +Annie E. d. aft 1851
| |--4-Minnie Jackson
|--3-Agnes Jane Jackson b. 27 Mar 1891, Barnamaghery,
d. After 1951
|--3-Thomas Jackson b. 29 Aug 1893, Lisowen,
Saintfield, Co. Down
|--3-Mary Jackson b. 26 Oct 1896, probably Lisowen
Probate of the Will of Robert Jackson late of
Creevybeg Barnamaghery County Down Farmer who died 11 February 1908 granted
at Belfast to William Jackson and Robert Morrison Farmers. Effects £572 14s.
9d. |
Barnamaghery Tree #4b (see also Creeveybeg)
NOTE: I suspect that he was a son of Robert
JACKSON b: 1786 d: 18 Mar 1870
1-Robert Jackson b. Abt 1828, of Barnamaghery, d. 11 Feb
+Agnes b. Abt 1836, m. Bef 1855, d. 14 Nov 1903,
|--2-William Jackson b. Abt 1855, of Barnamaghery, d.
After 1911, of Creeveybeg
| +Lizzie Murdock b. Abt 1856, of Barnamaghery, m. 13
Jan 1885, Raffrey
| Presbyterian, d. 8 Oct 1906, of Creeveybeg
| |--3-James Jackson b. 2 Mar 1886, of Barnamaghery, d.
12 Jun 1891
| |--3-William Jackson b. 12 Nov 1887, of Barnamaghery,
d. After 1911
| |--3-Robert Jackson b. 20 Sep 1890, of Banrmaghery
|--2-Agnes Jane Jackson b. 1870, d. After 1911, of
|--3-Myra Jackson b. 14 Dec 1897, Barnamaghery NOTE: Lizzie JACKSON was present at birth. No
father was named. |
· 1888 Dec 9 Anne JACKSON late of Barnemaghery County Down
who died 9 December 1888 at same place were granted at Belfast to Gardiner
JACKSON of Barnemaghery Farmer the Husband. SEE: Jackson
Probates in Co. Down.
· 1876 The Will of Thomas Jackson late of Barnemaghery County
Down Farmer deceased who died 31 December 1876 at same place was proved at
Belfast by the oaths of John Coulter of Killinchy Woods (Derryboy) Farmer and
William Campbell senior of Barnemaghery (Saintfield) Bailiff both in same
County the Executors. NOTE: Parish of Kilmore;
son Gardner JACKSON; son Francis JACKSON’s wife is a tenant; daughter
Margaret M’CONNELL; daughter Mary Jane LECKY; daughter Juliana SMYTHE; other
3 sons: John JACKSON; James JACKSON; Joseph JACKSON. Effects under
£300.WITNESSES: John HAMILTON & Agnes COULTER. Parish of either Kilmore in Barony of Castlereagh Upper. |
Barnamaghery: Tree # 5 Updated Oct
14, 2021 thanks to the family research
of a descendant, Jan DAVISON. Oct
14, 2021The error of conflating the two David Stewart Kerr JACKSONs was corrected..
1-Thomas JACKSON b. 1805, d. 31 Dec 1876, Barnamaghery,
Killinchy or [more probably] Kilmore Parish, Co. Down
+ Margaret b. 1804, m. Bef 1841, d. 19 Mar 1870, Barnamaghery,
Co. Down
|--2-Francis JACKSON b. Abt 1839, Probably Barnamaghery,
Co. Down, d. 12 Sep 1920, Ballymacreelly,
Parish Killinchy, Co. Down. Occupation:
Scrutcher & farmer.
| + Mary PATTERSON b. Bef 1842, of Aughnedorragh, m. 8 May
1863, 1st Presbyterian Church, Saintfield, d. After 1876, par. Alexander PATTERSON
| |--3-Eliza JACKSON b. 31 Jan 1864, Carsonstown, Parish
Saintfield, Co. Down. NOTE: When married she
resided at Ballymacreelly
| | + James McMATH m. 20 Dec 1898
| |--3-Margaret JACKSON b. 16 Feb 1866, Barnamaghery,
Co. Down
| |--3-Thomas JACKSON b. 12 Apr 1868, Barnamaghery,
Co. Down. d aft 1910 NOTE: I have not found a
death date.
| | + Anna REID b. Abt 1871, of Ballyhackamore, Co. Down,
m. 14 Jul 1891, Dundela Presbyterian aka Knock Presbyterian, Parish Holywood,
Co. Down, d aft 1910 par. William REID and Unknown NOTE:
I have not found a death date.
| | |--4-Mary JACKSON b. 13 Mar 1892, 61 Douglas St.,
| | | + Robert MILLER
| | |--4-Francis JACKSON b. 27 Feb 1894, 6 Hart St.,
Belfast, d. 1957, Ballymacreely, Co. Down, Bur. Comber, Co. Down NOTE: Grandfather of Jan DAVISON
| | | + Dorothy BRUCE
| | |--4-William Henry JACKSON b. 18 Jun 1896, 6 Hart St.,
Belfast, d. Abt 1987
| | |--4-James Edgar JACKSON b. 10 Feb 1898, 337
Newtownards Rd., Belfast
| | |--4-Thomas JACKSON b. 24 Apr 1900, 337 Newtownard
Rd., Belfast
| | |--4-Robert Reid JACKSON b. 3 Jun 1902, 337 Newtownard
Rd., Belfast
| | |--4-Allan Potts JACKSON b. 7 Apr 1904, 345
Newtownards Rd., Belfast
| | |--4-Florence JACKSON b. 28 Apr 1908, 436 Newtownards
Rd., Belfast
| | | + George LEWIS
| | |--4-Evelyn JACKSON b. 11 Sep 1910, 436 Newtownards
Rd., Belfast
| |--3-Mary JACKSON b. 15 Feb 1877, Barnamaghery,
Co. Down, d. 20 Feb 1952, Barnamaghery,
| |--3-Minnie JACKSON b. Abt 1878, d. of Ballymacreely
| | + McKEOWN
| |--3-Francis Patterson JACKSON b. 22 Dec 1878, Barnamaghery.,
Co Down
|--2-Margaret JACKSON b. Abt 1841, d. After 1911
| + William McCONNELL b. Bef 1846, m. 1 May 1867, Clifton
Street Church, Belfast, d. 13 Feb 1901, late of Magheran, Co. Down
|--2-Juliana JACKSON
| + Daniel SMYTHE m. 11 Jan 1872 NOTE:
I am unsure about this date. I cannot find a marriage cert.
|--2-John JACKSON
|--2-James JACKSON
|--2-Joseph JACKSON
|--2-Mary Jane JACKSON b. Abt 1846, of Barnamaghery,
Co. Down, d. After 1866
| + Robert LACKEY b. Bef 1846, Of Saintfield, Co. Down, m.
6 Jul 1866, Kilmore Meeting House, Co. Down, par. James LACKY and Unknown
|--2-Gardiner JACKSON b. Abt 1849, d. 24 Mar 1913, Derryboy
aka Killinchy in the Woods, Crossgar, Parish Kilmore, , Co. Down
+ Anne COULTER b. Abt 1850, m. 29 Oct 1872, Raffrey
Presbyterian, d. 9 Dec 1888, Barnamaghery,
Co. Down, par. John COULTER and Unknown
|--3-Thomas JACKSON b. 31 Aug 1873, probably Killinchy in
the Woods aka Derryboy, Parish Kilmore, Co. Down
|--3-Agnes Jane JACKSON b. 7 Apr 1875, Barnamaghery
|--3-John JACKSON b. 7 Oct 1876, Barnamaghery
|--3-Ellen JACKSON b. 22 Nov 1878, Barnamaghery,
|--3-David Stewart Kerr JACKSON b. 25 Sep 1880, Barnamaghery,
Co. Down d. 10 Jul 1951 of Derryboye, Crossgar, Co. Down. NOTE: There are two David Stewart Kerr JACKSONs. Initially, this confused me.
|--3-Margaret JACKSON b. Abt 1881 NOTE: I cannot find a birth cert for her.
| + Thomas WOODS b. Abt 1861, m. 29 Jul 1908
| |--4-William WOODS b. Abt 1910
|--3-Joseph JACKSON b. Abt 1882 NOTE:
I cannot find a birth cert for him.
|--3-Mary Agnes JACKSON b. 24 Apr 1882 Barnamaghery,
Co. Down
|--3-William JACKSON b. 2 Jun 1884 Barnamaghery,
Co. Down
|--3-Lizzie JACKSON b. 24 Apr 1887 Barnamaghery,
Co. Down
+ Ellen MARTIN m. 31 May 1889, par. Samuel MARTIN and
Barnamaghery: Tree # 6
Martin JACKSON (1774-aft 1851)
1-Martin Jackson b. 1774, of Barnaghaery, d. After 1851,
of Barnamaghery
+Isabella b. 1788, d. After 1851
|--2-Eliza Jackson b. 1819, of Barnamaghery, d. After
1851, of Barnamaghery
| +Samuel Gaw b. , of Ballymacreely, m. 2 Apr 1835,
|--2-James Jackson b. 1820, of Barnamaghery, d. After
1851, of Barnamaghery
+Mary b. 1827, d. After 1851
|--3-Bella Jackson b. 1845, of Barnaghaery, d. After
1851, of Barnamaghery
|--3-Eliza Jackson b. 1847, of Barnaghaery, d. After
1851, of Barnaghaery
|--3-Margaret Jackson b. 1851 |
Barnamaghery: Tree # 7
NOTE: These births are
based on Parish Registers and the deaths from death certs.
1-James Jackson b. Est 1811, d. 3 Aug 1883, Barnamaghery
+Isabella Hughan b. Abt 1806, m. 5 Jan 1830, d. 7 Feb
1895, Raffrrey
|--2-Isabella Jackson b. Jan 1833, Parish of Raffrey
| |--3-Anne Jane
|--2-James Jackson b. 23 Nov 1837, Parish of Raffrey
|--2-Hugh Jackson b. 8 Oct 1839, Parish of Raffrey
|--2-Catherine Jackson b. 27 Feb 1842, Parish of Raffrey
|--2-Ellen Jackson b. 13 Sep 1849, Parish of Raffrey |
Probate of the Will of John Jackson late of
Barmaghery [sic- Barnamaghery] County Down Farmer who died 26 July 1905
granted at Belfast to James M'Donald Bakery Manager and Margaret Elizabeth
M'Kee Married Woman. Effects £426 6s. 9d. NOTE:
Bequests to Daughter Martha KIDD & daughter Margaret Elizabeth M'KEE;
grandson John Jackson McKEE; son Robert JACKSON who is now in Australia.
Parish of Kilmore in Barony of Castlereagh Upper |
Barnamaghery: Tree # 8
1-Robert Jackson b. bef 1820 d. , of Raffery of
Barnamaghery. Hunch.
|--1.1-John Jackson b. 1819, possibly Barnamaghery or
Raffrey Co. Down, d. 26
| Jul 1905, Barnamaghery, Co. Down m. Jane b. 1820 d.
14 June 1884. NOTE: Daughter Martha was
present at death.
|--1.1.1-Martha Jackson b. Abt 1857, Probably of
Barnamaghery, d. After
| 1911, of Creeveytenant
| +William Kidd b. Abt 1851, m. 27 Jan 1885, d. After
1911, of
| Creevytenant, Co. Down
| |-- J. Kidd b. Abt 1886
| |-- Kidd b. Abt 1887
| |-- Kidd b. Abt 1889
| |-- A. Kidd b. Abt 1893
| |-- Kidd b. Abt 1895
|--1.1.2-Margaret Elizabeth Jackson b. Abt 1864
| +Joseph McKee b. Abt 1864, m. 17 May 1898
| |-- Jackson McKee b. Abt 1910
|--1.1.3-Robert Jackson d. , of Australia |
Carsons aka Carsonstown:
Carsonstown borders the following other townlands:
NOTE: Even though
Clontoniglare does not quite border Carsonstown but is slightly to the south, some of the families may have been connected to
the JACKSONs from there.
- 1887 Feb 22 John JACKSON – John FRAME ROD: 1887-8-257 Image
514 John JACKSON of Carsonstown,
of the 1 pt John FRAME of Carsonstown,
farmer of the other. John JACKSON demised lands of 1stly parcel of land
containing 12a 7p Cunningham Measure to be held as tenant from year to
year under James Charles PRICE townland of Carsonstown,
Parish of Saintfield Barony Castlereagh & 2ndly in townland of
Ballyaghery [Ballyagherty],
Parish Saintfield 9 acres 2r 7p Cunningham Measure … WITNESS: Frederick
William CRAWLEY of Downpatrick, Co. Down & Albert J.H. COULTER of
Downpatrick Law Clerk.
- 1887 Feb 26 John JACKSON – Samuel ANDERSON 1885-1887
ROD: 1887-12-258 Image
246 BTW John JACKSON of Carsonstown,
Co. Down farmer of 1 pt & Samuel ANDERSON of #33 Belmore St. Belfast
Co. Antrim Cooper of the other pt…. demised 12a 7p Cunningham Measure
held from year to year under James Charles PRICE Esq. in townland of Carsonstown,
Parish of Saintfield, Barony Castlereagh, Co. Down and 2ndly in townland
of Ballyaghery [Ballyagherty],
Parish Saintfield 9 acres 2r 17p with all houses and buildings…
WITNESS: Frederick William CRAWLEY of Downpatrick, Co. Down
Carsons aka Carsonstown:
Tree #1
1-William Jackson b. Bef 1821, d. , probably of
Carsonstown, Saintfield, Co.
|--2-George Jackson b. Bef 1848, of Carsonstown NOTE: He was a blacksmith
+Mary Anne Johnston b. Abt 1847, m. 23 Mar 1869, 1st
Presbyterian Church,
Saintfield, Co. Down NOTE:
Her father was Alexander JOHNSTON
|--3-James Alexander Jackson b. 1 Jan 1870, probably
Carsonstown, Parish
| Saintfield, Co. Down, d. After 1901
|--3-William Jackson b. 28 Apr 1871, probably
Carsonstown, Parish
| Saintfield, Co. Down
|--3-Grace Jackson b. 17 Aug 1874, probably
Carsonstown, Parish Saintfield,
| Co. Down
|--3-George Jackson b. 17 Jun 1876, Carsons, Co. Down
|--3-Thomas Jackson b. 23 Oct 1879, probably
Carsonstown, Parish Saintfield,
| Co. Down
|--3-Henry Jackson b. 21 May 1881, probably
Carsonstown, Parish Saintfield,
| Co. Down
|--3-Eliza Jackson b. 25 Oct 1883, probably
Carsonstown, Parish Saintfield,
| Co. Down
|--3-Ellen Jackson b. 10 Jun 1886, probably
Carsonstown, Parish Saintfield,
| Co. Down |
Clontinaglare aka Clontaghnaglar
· 1828
April 22 – will of James JACKSON This will mentions 1 acre of Hanna’s
land to his son John and the will of John JACKSON who died in 1842 also
mentions 1 acre Hanna’s land..
· 1842 PRONI: D366/631. John JACKSON of Quintinaglare (aka Clontinaglare is about 2 miles east of Saintfield). Bequests to his
beloved wife Jane, daughter Isabella PATTERSON and her husband John PATTERSON
and Granddaughter Jane PATTERSON. John JACKSON was a farmer of some means -
had valuables to bequeath including an 8 day clock, dining room table, and
other interior furnishings. The will was written 23 Jun 1842 and probated 13
Feb 1843.
· 1863: Downpatrick Recorder November 28, 1863. A case of the Court of Bankruptcy for George
HAMILTON of Leggygowan, a farmer, filed in 1849. Two nephews (unnamed) had a
bond … the lawyer Mr. Walker “was heard at some length for Mr. Dunlop and
Christina Jackson, the representatives of the former assignee”. NOTE: I suspect that this is Christina JACKSON widow
of Gawn JACKSON, and that perhaps she had been
born a DUNLOP.
· 1890 Mar 14 PRONI has a transcript. The Will (with one Codicil)
of Christina Jackson late of Clontinaglare County Down Widow who died 14 March 1890 at same place was proved at Belfast
by John Jackson of Barnamaghery in said County Farmer the surviving Executor.
Effects £552 10s NOTE: Appoint William JACKSON
of Killinchy Woods (deceased) and John JACKSON of Barnamaghery executors. Daughters Eliza McROBERTS and Mary
JACKSON the farm.; two grandchildren Gawn JACKSON & William
JACKSON; grandson John JACKSON; granddaughters Agnes JACKSON &
Lizzie JACKSON; daughter Jane CLELAND. Probably the townland of
Clontaghnaglar, Parish of Kilmore in Barony of Castlereagh Upper. NOTE: Elizabeth JACKSON of Magheradrool married
Samuel McROBERT April 1, 1861. She was the daughter of Gawn JACKSON. NOTE: In 1901, the JACKSON family at Clontaghnaglar
included Eliza JACKSON, Presbyterian widow famer age 60, and her sons Gawn
JACKSON age 30, William JACKSON age 28 and daughters Agnes JACKSON age 32,
and Lizzie age 26, all unmarried. NOTE: In the
Rademan non-subscribing Presbyterian church, burial of John JACKSON of
Cloutinaglare age 77 died Aug 13, 1842
· 1904 Aug 18. Probate of the Will of Armour Jackson late of
Barnamaghery County Down Farmer who died 18 August 1904 granted at Belfast to
William Thompson Farmer. Effects £804 7s. 10d. NOTE:
Son Arthur James JACKSON, the farm formerly held by my father; I will that
William JACKSON at present in Downpatrick Asylum …if he recovers…; to son
John JACKSON farm in Clontinglan,
Parish of Kilmore [I suspect this is Clontaghnaglar, Parish of Kilmore];
daughter Sarah JACKSON otherwise KENNEDY a small farm in Barnamaghery. NOTE: In 1901 Census he was 71, a farmer &
living with his widowed daughter Sarah KENNEDY age 30, his wife Isabella, age
60 and their son Arthur J age 40. 3 nieces & a nephew. Parish of Kilmore in Barony of Castlereagh Upper
· Jackson – October 13, 1938, at her residence, Clontiglare, Saintfield, Mary Elizabeth,
dearly-loved wife of Gawn Jackson, aged 64 years. Funeral to Second
Saintfield Presbyterian Church Burying Ground tomorrow (Saturday), 15th inst at 2-3:30 p.m. No flowers by request. Belfast Newsletter October 14,
· 1950 Sep 11. Jackson Gawn of Clontnaglare Saintfield county
Down farmer died 11 September 1950 Probate Belfast 10 December to Gawn
McCaughan Jackson and William James Jackson and John Thompson Morris Jackson
farmers. Effects £5628. |
Clontinaglare aka Clontaghnaglar Tree #1 Update: Oct 13, 2021. Many new BMDs added
1-Gawn JACKSON b. Between 1790 and 1800, d. Bef 1866
+ Christine b. 1796, d. 14 Mar 1890, Quintinaglar aka
Clontinaglare, Co. Down
|--2-Mary JACKSON d. After 1896
|--2-Gawn JACKSON d. After 1869, of Raffrey
| |--3-John JACKSON b. Bef 1840, Barnamaghery, Parish
Killinchy, Co. Down, d. btw 1875-1901
| + Eliza BAILIE b. Abt 1832, m. 7 Sep 1861, Killinchy
1st Presbyterian Church, Co. Down, d. 30 Oct 1907, Clontinaglare, Parish
Kilmore, Co. Down, par. William BAILIE and Unknown
| |--4-Agnes JACKSON b. 29 Jan 1863, Barnamaghery,
Parish Killinchy, Co. Down, c. 19 Aug 1863, Raffrery Presbyterian
| |--4-Gawn JACKSON b. 4 Aug 1864, Barnamaghery, Parish
Killinchy, Co. Down, c. 17 Mar 1865, Raffrery Presbyterian, d. 11 Sep 1950, Clontiglare,
Bur. Second Saintfield Burying Ground, Co. Down
| | + Elizabeth Mary JACKSON b. 1874, of Barnamaghery,
m. 10 Oct 1906, Raffrey 1st Presbyterian Church, Co. Down, d. 13 Oct 1938, Clontinaglar,
Bur. Second Saintfield Burying Ground, par. James JACKSON and Unknown
| | |--5-Caroline Christina Dunlop JACKSON b. 26 Jun
1907, Clontinaglare, Parish Kilmore, Co. Down
| | |--5-Gawn McCaughan JACKSON b. 1 Jul 1908, 1910 Clontinaglare,
Parish Kilmore, Co. Down, d. After 1952
| | |--5-William James Fisher JACKSON b. 11 Apr 1910 Clontinaglare,
Parish Kilmore, Co. Down , d. After 1952
| |--4-William JACKSON b. 16 Jul 1866, Creeveybeg, Parish
Killinchy, Co. Down, c. 30 Jun 1868, Raffrey 1st Presbyterian Church, Co. Down,
d. 24 Oct 1914, Creeveycarnan, Parish Kilmore, Co. Down
| |--4-John JACKSON b. 23 Sep 1867, Creeveybeg, Parish
Killinchy, Co. Down, c. 30 Jun 1868, Raffrey 1st Presbyterian Church, Co. Down
| |--4-Alexander Dunlop JACKSON b. 19 Aug 1869,
Creeveybeg, Parish Killinchy, Co. Down
| |--4-Ellen Elizabeth JACKSON b. 15 Mar 1871,
Creeveybeg, Parish Killinchy, Co. Down
| |--4-Lizzie JACKSON b. Abt 1875, probably
Clontinaghlare, Parish Kilmore, Co. Down
|--2-Jane JACKSON b. Between 1824 and 1831, Barnamaghery,,
d. 13 Jan 1903
| + Matthew CLELAND b. Abt 1826, of Raffrey, m. 31 Mar
1849, Raffrey 1st Presbyterian Church, Co. Down
| |--3-Christine CLELAND b. Abt 1857, d. After 1901
|--2-Eliza JACKSON b. 1832, d. 13 Jan 1895, Leggygowan
| + Samuel McROBERTS b. Bef 1840, m. 1 Apr 1861, 1st
Ballynahinch Presbyterian, Co. Down, d. 7 Jun 1876, Clontinaghlar, par. Samuel McROBERTS
and Unknown
| |--3-Andrew McROBERTS
|--2-Agnes JACKSON b. of Barnamaghery
+ James TRIMBLE m. 5 Apr 1856, Killinchy - Presbyterian
records |
Clontinaglare aka Clontaghnaglar Tree #2
NOTE: The birth date of
James JACKSON is an estimate based on two of his sons being born 1765 and
1 James
JACKSON b: Est. Bef 1740 d: Bet 1828 and 1829
2 Samuel
JACKSON d: Bef 1828
+ Mary
3 James
3 Eliza
2 John
JACKSON b: 1765 d: 13 Aug 1842
+ Jane d: Aft 1842
3 Isabella
JACKSON b: Bef 1821 d: Aft 1842
+ John
PATTERSON d: Aft 1842
4 Jane
PATTERSON d: Aft 1842
4 John
2 Robert
JACKSON b: 1766 d: Bef 1828
+ Elizabeth
· 1846. Downpatrick Recorder May 9, 1846. I think the account of
him regarding the death of a woman selling eggs may have been related to
Moses Jackson. He and his servant were committed to jail before the case,
although he was known as a respectable farmer near Saintfield.
· Downpatrick Recorder May 16, 1846. The man named Jackson and
his housekeeper M'Ilroy who were arrested in consequence of the evidence given
at the coroner’s inquest, lately held at Balynahinch, have been liberated as
there is no evidence against them.
· 1851 Moses JACKSON in insolvent debtors' Court. May 24, 1851 -
Downpatrick Recorder - Downpatrick, Down, Northern Ireland
Clontinaglare aka Clontaghnaglar Tree #3
1-Moses Jackson b. 1792, d. 23 Apr 1866, of Clontinaglare,
aka Quintinaglar,
Co. Down
+Jane b. 1798, d. 24 Dec 1873, Clontinaghlar
|--2-William John Jackson b. Abt 1841, of Clontinaglare,
aka Quintinaglar, Co.
| Down, d. After 1901
+Sarah Jackson b. 1845, probably Lissowen, Co. Down,
m. 26 Apr 1870, 1st
Saintfield Presbyterian, d. 20 Mar 1898 NOTE: Her father was Andrew JACKSON (1799-1874) of
|--3-Andrew Jackson b. 28 Oct 1870, Quintinaglar aka
Carsonstown, Co. Down
|--3-Agnes Jackson b. 9 Oct 1872, Probably
Quintinaglar, Parish Saintfield,
| Co. Down
|--3-Robert Jackson b. 22 Mar 1876, Quintinaglare aka
Carsonstown, Parish
| Saintfield, Co. Down
|--3-William John Jackson b. 2 Feb 1884, Quintinaglar
aka Carsonstown, Co.
| Down
|--3-William James Jackson b. 1 May 1888, Clontinaglar
aka Carsonstown,
| Parish Saintfield, Co. Down, d. After 1911 |
· 1802 Gravemarker …Erected by John CONNELLY of Ballymacreely in
memory of his mother Margaret JACKSON who died 1 May 1802 aged 73 years.
· 1870: Raffrey Presbyterian Church. JACKSON [In railed
enclosure] Erected by Robert JACKSON of Creevybeg in memory of his beloved
wife Anna who departed this life 12th February 1854 aged 55. Also
of his sons George and Samuel who died in America. Likewise the remains of
the above Robert JACKSON who departed this life 18th March 1870
aged 84. Find-a-Grave.
· 1870. Robert JACKSON of Creevybeg;
d. 18 Mar 1870 aged 84 [b 1786]; husband of Ann; father of George &
Samuel; buried Raffrey Presbyterian graveyard. SOURCE: Ros Davies.
· 1908 Probate of the Will of Robert Jackson late of
Creevybeg Barnamaghery County Down Farmer who died 11 February 1908 granted
at Belfast to William Jackson and Robert Morrison Farmers. Effects £572 14s.
9d. |
Tree #1 of Creeveybeg (also Barmaghaery)
1-Robert Jackson b. Abt 1828, of Barnamaghery, d. 11 Feb
+Agnes b. Abt 1836, m. Bef 1855, d. 14 Nov 1903,
|--2-William Jackson b. Abt 1855, of Barnamaghery, d.
After 1911, of Creeveybeg
| +Lizzie Murdock b. Abt 1856, of Barnamaghery, m. 13
Jan 1885, Raffrey
| Presbyterian, d. 8 Oct 1906, of Creeveybeg
| |--3-James Jackson b. 2 Mar 1886, of Barnamaghery, d.
12 Jun 1891
| |--3-William Jackson b. 12 Nov 1887, of Barnamaghery,
d. After 1911
| |--3-Robert Jackson b. 20 Sep 1890, of Banrmaghery
|--2-Agnes Jane Jackson b. 1870, d. After 1911, of
|--3-Myra Jackson b. 14 Dec 1897, Barnamaghery NOTE: Lizzie JACKSON was present at birth. No
father was named. |
Tree #2 of Creeveybeg See also Tree #4
1- Robert
JACKSON b. 1786, m. Bef 1838, d. 18 Mar 1870, of Creeveybeg, Co. Down,
Bur. Raffrey Presbyterian Graveyard
+ Anna
RICHIE b. 1799, d. 12 Feb 1854, of Creeveybeg, Bur. Raffrey
Presbyterian Graveyard
JACKSON b. Jun 1825, Barnamaghery or Creeveybeg, d. America
JACKSON b. 17 Apr 1838, Barnamaghery,, d. 18 Oct 1879
COULTER b. Abt 1841, m. 17 Jul 1863, Raffrey 1st Presbyterian Church,
Co. Down, d. Between 1901 and 1911, par. John COULTER
SOURCE: Killinchy Presbyterian
Records:son of Robert JACKSON (1786-1870) & Anne of Creeveybeg.
Robert died 1870 Mar 18 age 84. NOTE: This
info conflicts with the transcription of the gravemarker of his supposed
parents which allege that this Samuel JACKSON died in America. I have the
death cert of the Samuel JACKSON who died 18 Oct 1879 and he definitely died
at Barnamagery. |
JACKSON b. 13 May 1864, Barnamaghery, Co. Down, d. 30 Jan 1943,
JACKSON aka Robert Johnston JACKSON b. 15 Jan 1866, Ballyagherty, Parish
Co. Down, d. 24 Jul 1942, The Bushes, Barnamaghery,,
Bur. Raffrey 1st
Presbyterian Church, Co. Down
+Grace McBRATNEY b. 12 May 1872, m. 5 Apr 1893, d. 15
Oct 1950, Raffrey,
Co. Down, par. McBRATNEY and MARSHALL
......4-Samuel JACKSON b. 12 May 1893, Barnamaghery,, d. 15
Feb 1955
+Marjorie MARTIN m. Bef 1924, d. 7 May 1964, Raffrey.
Co. Down
........5-Robert JACKSON b. 1924, d. 24 Dec 1988, Raffrey.
Co. Down
+Mary HAGAN d. 3 Dec 2001, Raffrey, Co. Down
..........6-Hilda JACKSON b. 15 Apr 1955, Raffrey, Co. Down
......4-William JACKSON b. 19 May 1895, Barnamaghery,
+Elizabeth MARTIN
......4-Elizabeth C. JACKSON b. 24 Jul 1896, Barnamaghery,
......4-Anna JACKSON b. 28 Nov 1903
........5-Gordon JACKSON
Jane JACKSON b. 20 Jan 1868, Probably Barnamaghery, Co. Down
JACKSON b. 14 Mar 1870, Barnamaghery, Co. Down
Stewart Kerr Coulter JACKSON b. 15 Apr 1872, Probably Barnamaghery,
Co. Down, d. 10 Jul 1951, Derryboy, Co. Down
ORR b. 1883, d. 7 Nov 1925
Orr JACKSON b. 23 Jan 1904, Raffrey
Orr JACKSON b. 28 Feb 1905, d. 4 Jun 1905
Coulter JACKSON b. 31 Mar 1906, Barnamghery
Orr JACKSON b. 10 Oct 1908, Probably Barnamaghery, Co. Down
......4-John Coulter JACKSON b. Mar 1914, probably
JACKSON b. 23 Apr 1874
Jane JACKSON b. 4 May 1876, Barnamaghery,
A. JACKSON b. Abt 2 Aug 1842, Barnamaghery,, c. 2 Aug 1842, Killinchy |
· 1758: Down will made 4 October 1758 proved 13 April
1759. William JACKSON of Creevybeg in Killinchy parish, County Down. Wife and
JACKSON alias McNEIGHT and her and my children James JACKSON [sic?
should this be John?], George JACKSON and Mary JACKSON. To son John JACKSON the
chest that was his mothers; lease to son John he paying all the rent, 4 acres
to wife and her children free of rent; daughter Isabel JACKSON, son-in-law of
Robert M’KIE, son-in-law George Connolly of Ballym’creely. Executors: James Martin of Barnamaghry in Kilmore Parish and George M’NEIGHT of Lessons in Saintfield
Parish both County Down. Witnesses: John JACKSON; John Harper. Inventory signed by John Osborne and James Martin. Mentions debtors Samuel Thompson; Thomas Thompson; James A; Henry A; John M’IBIN. |
Tree #3 of Creeveybeg NOTE:
This is just a brief start on this family. There are more records that I need
to review again and then to integrate. January 11, 2018 update.
1-William JACKSON d btw 1758-1759 of Creeveybeg m. McNEIGHT
d. After 1758
+William Jackson m. Bef 1720, d. Between 1758 and 1759,
of Creeveybeg, Co. Down
|--1.1-John Jackson b. Bef 1720
|--1.2-Isabel Jackson
|--1.3-George Jackson b. Bef 1758
|--1.4-Mary Jackson b. Bef 1758 |
Crossgar borders the following other townlands:
· 1859: FATAL ACCIDENT. – On the evening of the 14th inst, as Mrs. Jackson, wife of John Jackson, publican, Crossgar, was going
upstairs, her foot slipped and she fell backwards into the kitchen,
fracturing her skull, - Death was instantaneous. The unfortunate woman was 36
years of age, was within a short time of her confinement. April 16, 1859 Downpatrick Recorder
· 1861: John JACKSON of Crossgar, widower married Susannah NIXON at the Registrar’s Office, Downpatrick. This was
Susanna’s 2nd marriage. Her first husband was a BELL. NOTE: NOTICE. I HEREBY CAUTION ALL PERSONS
against giving credit to my wife, Susannah Jackson, alias BELL, alia NIXON,
as I will not be accountable for any debts which she may contract after this
date. And I further give notice that all Accounts are to be paid to myself,
and not to the aforesaid SUSANNA JACKSON. December 7, 1861 Downpatrick
· 1862: May 20, in the Second Saintfield Presbyterian Church,
John Jackson to Miss Bessie Stewart, both of Crossgar. May 24 1862 Downpatrick
Recorder. NOTE: In their marriage cert,
her surname was spelled as STUART.
· NOTE: Lissara, which borders on
Crossgar, was the home of John JACKSON father of Margaret JACKSON (b 1866 Jun
24) and wife of Susan BOYLE. This John JACKSON was a scrutcher. |
Derryboy borders the following other townlands:
Updated Oct
15, 2021 Added some BMDs NOTE: I do not yet know
where William JACKSON (abt 1849-1907) came from, but he resided at Derryboy
in 1901. I note the children were born at various townlands.
1-William Jackson b. Abt 1849, d. 30 Jul 1907, Derryboy,
Co. Down
+Mary Ritchie b. Abt 1849, d. After 1911 NOTE: I could not find a marriage cert in NI or in records.
|--1.1-Sarah Jackson b. Abt 1875. NOTE: I could not find a birth cert.
| +Hugh Shaw m. 8 Nov 1890, Raffrey Presbyterian Church,
Co. Down
| |--1.1.1-Gladys Shaw b. Abt 1902
| |--1.1.2-Mary Eveline Shaw b. Abt 1903
| |--1.1.3-Samuel George Shaw b. Abt 1905
| |--1.1.4-Sarah M. A. Shaw b. Abt 1907
| |--1.1.5-Frederick Shaw b. Abt 1909
| |--1.1.6-Bertha E. Shaw b. Abt 1911
|--1.2-Mary Jackson b. 22 Aug 1877, Derryboy, Co. Down.
|--1.3-Nancy Jackson b. 15 Apr 1879, Ballygoskin, Co. Down
|--1.4-Margaret Ann Jackson b. 4 Sep 1885, Ballymacreely, Co. Down
| +Hugh Foley b. Abt 1883, m. 17 Nov 1909, Co. Down
| |--1.4.1-Mary Francis Foley b. Abt 1911
|--1.5-William Jackson b. 4 Jan 1890, Derryboy, Co. Down. d. After 1911
|--1.6-John Jackson b. 5 Jan 1892, Probably Derryboy, Co.
Down, d. After 1911
|--1.7-Jackson |
Killinchy in the Woods.
· James CLEWLEW, Rev. Clerk of Bangor, Co. Down to John MARTIN,
farmer of Killinchy by the Woods + 1 acre of meadow lying within farm of
James CLEWLEW, in total 7 acres, to hold for lives of James MARTIN, brother
of John MARTIN, Samuel MARTIN, son of John MARTIN, & John MARTIN, son of
John MARTIN for term f 31 years at 5s. 3p. per acre. Registrars: Charles
BIRCH & E___ PRICE. WITNESSES: John LINDSAY of Tullvery, Down and Samuel
MARTIN of Killinchy by the Woods, Co. DOWN.
· 1886 The Will of William Jackson late of Killinchy Woods County
Down Farmer who died 14 December 1886 at same place was proved at Belfast by
James Jackson of 3 Annesley-street Belfast Woolen Buyer one of the Executors.
· 1906 Remembrance of William Jackson of Killinchy Woods died 27
February 1902? Age 56 years also his brother Samuel Jackson who died 12 Feb
1907 aged 58? years. Also his mother Grace Jackson who died 7 Jun 1912 aged
85 years, also his sisters Alice Jane Donaldson died on 20 Nov 1923 aged 82?
Years, Elizabeth Jackson died 10 Oct 1930 aged 73 years. NOTE: William JACKSON died 27 Feb 1906. His sister Lizzie was present at his death.
William was a bachelor. Samuel JACKSON was listed as age 50 on his death cert
(b. 1857). He was a bachelor. Lizzie was age 50 in the 1911 Census was living
with her mother Grace JACKSON (1827-1912) at house 26 in Killinchy Woods.
· 1906 JACKSON – February 27 at his mother’s residence, Killinchy
Woods, Crossgar, William, eldest son of the late William JACKSON, aged 56
years. Internment in Raffrey Burying-ground, this (Thursday) afternoon, at
one o’clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. Deeply regretted.
GRACE JACKSON. Belfast Newsletter, March 1, 1906.
· 1906 Administration of the estate of William Jackson late of
Killinchy Woods Crossgar County Down Farmer who died 27 February 1906 granted
at Belfast to Samuel Jackson Farmer. Effects £203. Letters of Administration
of the unadministered personal estate of William Jackson late of Killinchy
Woods Crossgar County Down Farmer who died 27 February 1906 were granted at
Belfast to James Jackson Warehouseman. Effects £80.
· 1930 Elizabeth JACKSON. Of 112 Antrim Rd, Belfast Rd, died at
The Green, Killinchy Woods Crossgar, Co. Down, spinster. To Jane COULTER,
married woman. Effects £999 18s 6d. PROBATE IN ENGLAND: Of 112 Antrim Rd,
Belfast Rd, died at The Green, Killinchy Woods Crossgar, Co. Down, spinster.
To Jane COULTER, married woman. Effects £999 18s 6d
· 1930 PRONI: Jackson Elizabeth of 112 Antrim Road Belfast and of
The Green Killinchy Woods Crossgar county Down spinster died 10 October 1930
at latter place Administration (d.b.n.) Belfast 16 November to Robert
Donaldson farmer. Unadministered Effects £500. Former Grant Belfast 11
February 1931..NOTE: Daughter of William
JACKSON and wife Grace. |
Killinchy in the Woods
1-William Jackson b. 1812, possibly Barnamaghery or
Raffrey, Co. Down, d. 14
Dec 1886, Infirmary, Downpatrick, Co. Down
+Grace [McEWEN?] b. Abt 1827, m. Bef 1850, d. 7 Jun 1912,
Killinchy in the Woods
|--1.1-William Jackson b. 1850, d. 27 Feb 1906, Killinchy
in the Woods, Co. Down
|--1.2-Elizabeth Jackson b. Abt 1857, d. 10 Oct 1930, The
Green, Killinchy in the Woods, Co. Down
|--1.3-Samuel Jackson b. 1857, d. 12 Feb 1907, Killinchy
in the Woods, Co. Down
|--1.4-Alice Jane Jackson b. Abt 1867, d. 20 Nov 1923,
(Raffery Presbyterian)
+James Donaldson m. 18 Dec 1889 |
Lisdoonan Parish of Saintfield NOTE: Lisdoonan and Lisowen are NOT the same and have been confused (by me) in the past. is Lisdoonan on the eastern border of Killinure which would hint of a Quaker JACKSON connection,
· 1829 Nov 20 JACKSON 1828-1832 ROD: 853-25-570025 Image
15 BTW Agnes Maria JACKSON spinster of Lisdonan [Lisdoonan,
Parish of Saintfield] and Grace JACKSON spinster of Lisdonan Co. Down
Spinster of the other pt. Reciting where Agnes Maria JACKSON transferred to Grace JACKSON in her actual possession the farm of land
in Lisdown cont 11a Cunningham Measure and also land in townland of Lisdownan
14a 2r 6p bounded on the east by James McBRIDE’s land & turf bog in
possession of Michael PRICE and his tenants, on the east by Lisdownan Lough
on the South east and south by John DICKSON jr’s farm and on the west by the
mearing that separated the townland of Lisdownan from the townland of Oghly
in Parish of Saintfield, Barony Castlereagh, Co. Down … life of Mathew FORDE… Agnes Maria JACKSON [SEAL] WITNESS: William CRANSTON & Denis
DOROLING. NOTE: I do not know who these two
women are yet, but an Agnes JACKSON daughter of Andrew JACKSON
(-1874) of Lisowen married Samuel McBRIDE 13 Nov 1860 – that
Andrew JACKSON is likely related to William JACKSON. A Grace McEwan JACKSON (1827-1912) died at Killinchy of the Woods.
· On the 10th inst. Isabella, wife to William
Jackson of Lisdoonana, near Saintfield, aged 56. In her were happily united
the inestimable qualities of an affectionate wife, and indulgent parent, and
a kind friend. Those who knew her intimately could only appreciate her worth. BNL Sept 19, 1834.
· 1863 Griffiths Valuations – no JACKSON mentions |
NOTE: I have no tree as yet
for this branch of the JACKSONs. |
Parish of Saintfield. It borders many other townlands where JACKSONs resided.
· Barnamaghery to the east
· Carsonstown to the north
· Clontaghnaglar to the south (Note - I have a typo in the map beneath. Sorry.) |
Lisowen Tree #1. Updated December 28, 2018 NOTE: This tree has been considerably expanded thanks to the research shared by Maureen Breen of Australia. There are several other trees on Ancestry that also include members of this family. Some of them link this Andrew JACKSON (1799-1876) to the JACKSONs of Ballygrainey, but I am not yet fully convinced (it is much further north - connections to people from nearby Barnamaghery, Clontaghnaglar are more likely). I have Highlighted Moses JACKSON - he is also in Clontinaglare Tree #3
1-Andrew JACKSON b. Abt 1799, d. 24 Jan 1876, of Lisowen,
Parish Saintfield, Barony Castlereagh Upper, Ireland
+ Agnes ROBINSON m. Bef 1825, d. Bef 1875
..2-William JACKSON b. Abt 1826, of Lisowen, Parish
Saintfield, Barony Castlereagh Upper, Ireland, d. 24 Sep 1894, Waubra,
Victoria, Australia
+ Martha MAGRAW b. Abt 1828, m. 11 Jan 1851, Ballygowan
Presbyterian Church, Killinchy Parish., d. 1902, Waubra, Victoria, Australia,
par. James MAGRAW
....3-Andrew JACKSON b. Abt 1851, d. 1889, Waubra, Victoria,
....3-James JACKSON b. 1853, Geelong, Australia, d. 1879
....3-JACKSON b. 1855, d. 16 Jun 1881, Ararat Asylum,
Victoria, Australia
....3-John JACKSON b. 1857, d. Abt 1894, Waubra, Victoria,
....3-Grace JACKSON b. 1860, Victoria, Australia, d. 1924
....3-Sarah JACKSON b. 1862, d. 1925
....3-William JACKSON b. 1862, d. 1879, Victoria, Australia
..2-Andrew JACKSON b. 6 Apr 1828, of Lisowen, Parish
Saintfield, Barony Castlereagh Upper, Ireland, d. 4 Aug 1890, Tatyoon,
Victoria, Australia
+ Anna BOWMAN b. 1828, Dromara, Co. Down, Ireland, m. 20
Sep 1848, Ballygowen Presbyterian Church, Parish Killinchy, d. 21 Sep 1900,
Pleasant Creek, Kiora, Victoria, Australia
....3-James JACKSON b. 8 Apr 1849, Co. Down, d. 15 Jan 1851,
of Ballygowan, Co. Down
....3-Agnes JACKSON b. 15 Jan 1851, d. 12 Mar 1934, Ararat
Victoria, Australia
+ Samuel CALVERT b. 17 Jul 1844, Magherhouse, Co. Down,
Ireland, m. 1868, Victoria, Australia, d. 1923, Ararat, Victoria, Australia
....3-Mary JACKSON b. 20 Nov 1851, d. Apr 1855, Victoria,
....3-William JACKSON b. 11 Jul 1855, Portland, Victoria,
Australia, d. 1856, Victoria, Australia
....3-Sara Clare JACKSON b. 30 Sep 1857, Mt. Martha,
Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, d. 1942
....3-Elizabeth JACKSON b. 4 May 1859, The Springs, Waubra,
Victoria, Australia, d. 1933
....3-Jane JACKSON b. 1861, The Springs, Waubra, Victoria,
Australia, d. 1936
....3-Andrew JACKSON b. 15 Aug 1862, Lake Bolac, Victoria,
Australia, d. 1916
....3-Hamilton JACKSON b. 1863, Spring Creek, Waubra,
Victoria, Australia, d. 1867
....3-Martha JACKSON b. 7 Apr 1865, Lexton, Victoria,
Australia, d. 1942
....3-Margaret JACKSON b. 1866, The Springs, Waubra,
Victoria, Australia, d. 1922
....3-Isabella JACKSON b. 1868, Lake Bolac, Victoria,
....3-John JACKSON b. 6 Feb 1871, Woorndoo, Victoria,
Australia, d. 1902
..2-John JACKSON b. Bef 1829, probably Lisowen, Parish
Saintfield, Barony
Castlereagh Upper, Ireland, d. 19 Feb 1865, Wood Street,
Parish Sorn, Co. Ayr, Scotland
+ Sarah NEILL b. 1830, Ireland, m. 9 Jul 1851, Kilmore,
Co. Down, d. 17 Apr 1880, Wood Street, Catrine, Parish Sorn, Co. Ayr, Scotland
..2-James JACKSON b. Abt 1830, probably Lisowen (or
Ballygowan), Parish Saintfield, Barony Castlereagh Upper, Ireland, d. 1875
+ Ellen WILSON m. 11 Mar 1853, Saintfield
....3-Anne Dunbar JACKSON b. 14 Nov 1871, Ardglass, Co.
Down, d. 1911
..2-Mary Anne JACKSON b. Abt 1836, probably Lisowen (or
Ballygowen), Parish Saintfield, Barony Castlereagh Upper, Ireland, d. Abt 1911,
..2-Margaret JACKSON b. Abt 1836, probably Lisowen, Parish
Saintfield, Barony Castlereagh Upper, Ireland, d. 1899
..2-Hamilton JACKSON b. 28 Feb 1838, Lisowen, Saintfield,
Co. Down, d. 10 Sep 1911, Redwood Falls, Redwood, Minnesota, USA
+ Rose Ann McAWEENEY b. 1839, m. 1872, USA, d. 13 Apr
1909, Redwood Falls, Redwood, Minnesota, USA
..2-Sarah JACKSON b. Abt 1843, probably Lisowen, Parish
Saintfield, Barony Castlereagh Upper, Ireland, d. 20 Mar 1898, Carsontown,
Parish Saintfield,
Barony Castlereagh Upper, Ireland
+ William John JACKSON b. Abt 1841, of Clontinaglare, aka
Quintinaglar, Co. Down, m. 26 Apr 1870, 1st Saintfield Presbyterian, d. After
1901, par. Moses JACKSON and Jane
....3-Andrew JACKSON b. 28 Oct 1870, Quintinaglar aka
Carsonstown, Co. Down
....3-Agnes JACKSON b. 9 Oct 1872, Probably Quintinaglar,
Parish Saintfield, Co. Down
....3-Robert JACKSON b. 22 Mar 1876, Quintinaglare aka
Carsonstown, Parish Saintfield, Co. Down
....3-William JACKSON b. 9 Feb 1878, Quintinaglar aka
Carsonstown, Co. Down
....3-William John JACKSON b. 2 Feb 1884, Quintinaglar aka
Carsonstown, Co. Down
....3-William James JACKSON b. 1 May 1888, Clontinaglar aka
Carsonstown, Parish
Saintfield, Co. Down, d. After 1911
..2-Agnes JACKSON b. Est aft 1846, probably Lisowen, Parish
Saintfield, Barony Castlereagh Upper, Ireland
+ Samuel McBRIDE b. of Dalry Scotland, m. 13 Nov 1860,
1st Saintfield
Presbyterian |
1963 Oct 19. Agnes Jane Jackson London Probate: Of
Lisowen, Saintfield, Co. Down, spinster. Probate to William JACKSON, farmer.
Effects: £350 in England. |
Lisowen Tree #2 Updated Oct
15, 2021 thanks to added birth certs. NOTE: M.J. GILCHRIST was frequently present at births and was variously of Barnamaghery or Clontinaglare.
NOTE: The birth date
of Samuel JACKSON bef 1835 is based on conjecture – since he was of full age
before the marriage of his son William, who was of full age in 1877.
1-Samuel Jackson b. Bef 1835, of Barnamaghery
|--2-William Jackson b. Abt. 1856 d. aft 1911
+Eliza Gilchrist b. 1860, m. 12 Oct 1877, Presbyterian
Church, Raffrey. d. 4 Mar 1910, Lisowen,
Saintfield, Co. Down
|--3-John Jackson b. 13 Nov 1879, Lisowen,
Saintfield, Co. Down, d. After 1951, of
| Lisowen, Saintfield, Co. Down
|--3-Andrew Jackson b. 13 Feb 1882, Lisowen,
Saintfield, Co. Down, d. aft 1851
|--3-William Jackson b. 25 Apr 1884,Lisowen,
Saintfield, Co. Down
|--3-James Jackson b. 17 May 1886, Lisowen,
Saintfield, Co. Down
|--3-Robert Jackson b. 11 Aug 1888, Lisowen,
Saintfield, Co. Downy, d. 28 Feb 1951, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast
| +Annie E. d. aft 1851
| |--4-Minnie Jackson
|--3-Agnes Jane Jackson b. 27 Mar 1891, Lisowen,
Saintfield, Co. Down,
d. 19 Oct 1863 of Lisowen
|--3-Thomas Jackson b. 29 Aug 1893, Lisowen,
Saintfield, Co. Down
|--3-Mary Jackson b. 26 Oct 1896, Lisowen,
Saintfield, Co. Down
Lissara borders the following other townlands:
Creevycarnonan to the north
Crossgar to the east
Kilmore to the south
Rademan to the west |
Lissara Tree #1
NOTE: Birth dates of the
first two James JACKSONs are based on them being of full age at time of
1-James Jackson b. Bef 1823
|--2-James Jackson b. Bef 1844, d. , of Lissara, Parish
Kilmore, Co. Down
+Margaret Wright b. Bef 1844, m. 27 Jun 1865, Lissara
Presbyterian Church
|--3-James Jackson b. 9 Feb 1869, Probably Lissara, Co.
|--3-Mary Jackson b. 19 Mar 1871, Probably Lissara, Co.
|--3-Anna Jackson b. 5 Nov 1875, Probably Lissara, Co.
Down |
Parish Killinchy (sometimes spelled as Raffery in older sources as well as in
mine). |
· 20 years ago 34 families in
and about Raffrey worshipped in a schoolhouse. Now 350 families sit in a most
comfortable and commodious church. Downpatrick Recorder January 9, 1864
· The cauldron, of which an accurate drawing is now given, was
lately found in the County of Down, while cutting turf in a bog in the
townland of Raffery, parish of Killinchy, by Mr. William Jackson, who
was good enough to send it to Belfast for inspection. SOURCE: Ulster
Journal of Archaeology, Vol 5, 1857
· On the 22nd last, by the Rev. Mr. M’Glaughlin,
P.P. Mr John Jackson, near Haw Lodge, Raffery, aged 16, and only son of Mr.
John Jackson clock and watch-maker, Killinchy, to Miss Sarah Feenin, formerly
of Strabane, only 40. BNL Nov 28, 1847. NOTE;
The ages, odd as they may seem, are as they were printed.
· 1864 March 9 at his residence, Raffery, Parish of Killinchy,
Mr. William JACKSON, in the 94th year of his age. Downpatrick
Recorder 19 March 1864. NOTE: His death
cert says that he was widowed and that his son William JACKSON was present at
his death. He died of old age and debility.
· William JACKSON jr. – Robert KELLY ROD: 1888-8-4 Image
151 Btw William John JACKSON of Raffery Co. Down, Farmer of 1 pt &
Robert KELLY of Belfast Co. Antrim Solicitor of other pt. William John
JACKSON as beneficial owner assigned to Robert KELLY farm of land lying in
townland of Raffrey in Parish of Killinchy… 24a 20p with 6a of reclaimed and [un___reed] Bog
together with all houses erections and buildings of every kind … signed by
William John JACKSON.
· Raffrey Notes from Parish register NOTE: Probably son of the James JACKSON of Raffrey & Jane
CAMPBELL. They married 1836 at Killinchy. She may be a daughter of the Jane
CAMPBELL who leased land in Barnamaghery. |
Griffiths Valuations
of interest:
# |
Occupier |
Landlord |
A-P-R |
House £ |
Notes |
42 |
Jackson, James |
Ld Dufferin & Clandeboy |
30-3-20 |
2.15.0 |
43 |
Jackson, William |
Ld Dufferin & Clandeboy |
32.2.10 |
2.0.0 |
60 |
Jackson, Samuel |
Ld Dufferin & Clandeboy |
12.3.35 |
2.5.0 |
62 |
Jackson, James |
Ld Dufferin & Clandeboy |
8.0.35 |
2.10.0 |
63 |
Jackson, Agnes |
Ld Dufferin & Clandeboy |
0.2.20 |
0.10.0 |
64a |
Jackson, John jr. |
Ld Dufferin & Clandeboy |
30.3.0 |
3.10.0 |
64b |
Shaw, John |
Jackson, John Jr. |
0.2.0 |
2.0.0 |
House forge & garden |
64c |
Murphy, Isaac |
Jackson, John Jr. |
0.2.0 |
0.15.0 |
66 |
Jackson, John, Sr. |
Ld Dufferin & Clandeboy |
13.1.0 |
2.10.0 |
Raffrey Tree #1
1 James
JACKSON b: 1811 d: 25 Feb 1891
+ Jane
LOWRY 1817 d: 19 Apr 1895 Raffrey NOTE: It
is a hunch that this death date is hers.
2 John
JACKSON b: 13 Dec 1838 c: 23 Dec 1838 d: Aft 1901
2 Mary
Jane JACKSON b: 2 Jun 1841 c: 6 Jun 1841 d: Aft 1901
+ Robert
COOPER b: Abt 1846
3 Jane
Campbell COOPER b: 16 Sep 1875
3 Sarah
Hewitt COOPER b: 28 Mar 1877
3 David
John COOPER b: Abt 1879
2 James
JACKSON b: 6 May 1843 c: 18 May 1843 d: Aft 1891 possibly San Francisco.
Raffrey Tree #2– SEE: JACKSONs
of Knockbreda. NOTE: The father of Robert
JACKSON was a James JACKSON which makes it quite possible that Robert JACKSON
b 1815 was a brother of John JACKSON b 1814 of Raffery & James JACKSON b
1811 of Raffery.Updated Oct
14, 2021 Added and amended some BMDs.
1-James JACKSON b. Abt 1783, d. prob Co. Down near Killinchy
|--2-Robert JACKSON b. 1815, Raffrey, Co. Down, c. 20 Mar 1815, Presbyterian Church, Killinchy, Co.
Down, d. 24 Dec 1884, 4 Dunne Street, Belfast., Bur. St. Mary's Church, Comber,
Co. Down
+ Agnes b. 1817, d. 26 Dec 1869. North St., Newtownards, Co. Down. buried St. Mary's Parish, Comber, Co. Down.
|--3-William James JACKSON b. Apr 1840, Ireland, d. 19
Feb 1909, Chicago, USA, Bur. Forest Park, Cook County, Illinois, USA
| + Jane G. HALLIDAY b. 23 Jun 1837, Ireland, m. 3
Nov 1859, Belfast, d.
17 Jun 1915, Chicago, USA
| |--4-John JACKSON b. Abt 1862
| |--4-Robert JACKSON b. Abt 1866, Ireland
| |--4-George A. JACKSON b. Abt 1869, Illinois, USA
|--3-John JACKSON b. Abt 1843, Co. Down, Ireland, d. Sep 1912
| + Maria LITTLE b. Abt 1848, Co. Down, Ireland, m. 31 Mar 1866, Church of Ireland, Parish of
Knock[breda], Newtown Br[?] Co. Down, Ireland, d. 30 Apr 1910, 44 Sumner
Street, Belfast, par. Hugh LITTLE and Unknown
| |--4-John JACKSON b. 2 Oct 1866, Belfast Urban 1, Co. Antrim
| | + Margaret b. Abt 1852, Co. Antrim
| |--4-William Francis JACKSON b. 15 Jul 1868, Belfast, d. 24 Dec
1893, 44 Summer St., Belfast, Co. Antrim
| |--4-Hugh JACKSON b. 26 Aug 1870, 17 Crumlin St., Belfast, Ireland, d. 1956, Manor Dr., Belfast
| + Catherine MOHAN b. 26 Jun 1874, Thomas Street,
Waterford, Ireland, c. 28 Jun 1874, Parish Cathedral, Waterford, Co. Waterford,
m. 14 Feb 1900, Church of Ireland, Parish of St. Thomas, Dublin City, Co.
Dublin, Ireland, d. 26 Aug 1942, Manor Dr., Belfast, Co Antrim, par. Bernard
MOHAN and Elizabeth BROWNE
| |--5-Hugh M. JACKSON
| | + Emily WILKINSON
| | |--6-Living
| |--5-Bernard Hugh JACKSON b. 13 Oct 1896, Castleblayney, Co.
Monaghan, Ireland, d. 4 Apr 1988, Magheraboy, Carrickmacross, Monaghan, Co.
Monaghan, Bur. St. Joseph's Church, Carrickastuck, Co. Louth
| | + Margaret McCABE b. 1900, Carrickmacross,
Co. Monaghan, d. 1961, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, par. Joseph McCABE and
| | |--6-Living
| | |--6-Henry Joseph JACKSON b. 20 Apr 1931,
Magheraboy, Carrickmacross, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan, d. 4 Apr 2010
| | | + Kathleen WOODS b. 30 Apr 1934,
Stradeen, Ballymackmey, Co. Monaghan, d. 15 May 1991, Carrickmacross, Co.
| | | |--7-Living
| | | |--7-Living
| | | |--7-Living
| | | |--7-Living
| | | | + Living
| | | |--7-Living
| | | + Living
| | |--6-Patrick JACKSON b. 1935, d. 2011
| | |--6-Liviing
| | |--6-Living
| |--5-William Francis JACKSON b. 23 Jun 1901, 35 Southport St., Belfast,
Ireland, d. 8 May 1990, of Northfield House, Donaghadee
| | + Louis WATSON b. 1905, m. 10 Oct 1934,
Carlisle Methodist Church, Belfast, d. 1988
| | |--6-Living
| | |--6-Living
| |--5-John JACKSON b. 6 May 1903, 35 Southport St., Belfast,
Ireland, d. 22 Dec 1960
| |--5-Maria JACKSON b. 12 Oct 1904 3 Manor Drive, Belfast
| |--5-Christina JACKSON b. 16 Apr 1906, 3 Manor Dr.,
Belfast, Ireland, d. 1986
| |--5-Kathleen aka Catherine JACKSON b. 15 Feb 1908, 3 Manor Dr. Belfast,
|--3-Hugh JACKSON b. 1852, Co. Down, d. 10 Dec 1909, 68 Mount College Ave., Belfast, Bur. St
Mary's Church of Ireland, Comber, Co. Down
| + Christina McINTYRE b. Abt 1859, Scotland, m. 24 Dec
1877, Great Victoria Street Baptist Church, Belfast, d. 24 Nov 1934, Bur. St
Mary's Church of Ireland, Comber, Co. Down, par. Archibald McINTYRE and
| |--4-Annie JACKSON b. 18 Sept 1878, 27 Foyle St.,
| |--4-Agnes JACKSON b. 6 May 1881, 4 Dunn St., Belfast
| | + Lachlan McDONALD b. Abt 1879, m. 8 Sep 1908, Antrim
Road Baptist Church, Belfast
| | |--5-Alexander McDONALD b. 16 Jun 1909
| |--4-Christina JACKSON b. 11 Jul 1883, 4 Dunn St., Belfast,
d. 29 Dec 1967, Bur. Comber
| |--4-Robert Lindsay JACKSON b. 4 Sept 1885, 4 Dunn
St., Belfast d. 17 Mar 1887
| |--4-Margaret JACKSON b. 11 Oct 1887, 4 Dunn St.,
Belfast, d. After 1912
| | + James Mahood HUGHES b. Abt 1882, m. 27 Mar
1912, Antrim Road Baptist, d. After 1912
| |--4-Hugh JACKSON b. 4 July 1891, 4 Regent St., Belfast, d. 30 Jun 1918 43 Spenser St., Belfast
| |--4-Jane JACKSON b. 25 Jan 1895, 4 Regent St.,
|--3-David JACKSON b. 1860 d. 26 Mar 1921 Dromore Villa, Upper Newtownards Rd., Belfast
+ Margaret McKEOWN b. 1861, Ballymacarret, Co.
Down, m. 19 Apr 1883, St. Anne's Belfast, d. Between 1901 and 1908, par.
NOTE: She probably died
6th October 1905William McKEOWN and UNKNOWN.
|--4-William John JACKSON b. 7 Jun 1883, 3 Douglas St., Belfast
|--4-Margaret Jane JACKSON b. 5 Apr 1885, Belfast
| + Finlay CULLY m. 15 Sept 1906 Belmont Presbyterian Church, Holywood, Co. Down.
| |--5-Mary CULLY b. abt 1907
|--4-Samuel JACKSON b. 7 Nov 1886, Belfast
|--4-David JACKSON b. 30 Nov 1890
|--4-Mary Ellen JACKSON b. 7 Jan 1893
|--4-Christina JACKSON b. 30 Mar 1895, d. 18 Jun 1905, 40
Canton St., Belfast
|--4-Maria JACKSON b. 18th June 1897
+ Agnes Jane WELCH (2nd wife of David JACKSON) b. 1870, Belfast, m. 14 Mar 1908, St. Annes, Parish of
Belfast, Diocese of Connor, par. Davison WELCH and Mary Jane PATTERSON (both of
Ballymacarrett, Knockbreda, Co. Down)
|--4-Christina JACKSON b. 30th Mar 1895 16
Frankfort St., Belfast
|--4-Robert James JACKSON b. 13 Jun 1910 16 Canton St.,
Raffrey Tree #3
1 William
2 John
JACKSON b: 1814 d: 21 Dec 1886 at Raffrey. Son William John present at
+ Eliza
3 Ellen
JACKSON d: Aft 1886
3 Elizabeth
JACKSON d: Aft 1886
3 David
G. JACKSON d: Aft 1886 NOTE: or David S. JACKSON
3 William
John JACKSON b: Abt 1856 d: 7 Dec 1934 Raffery, Co. Down m 24 Dec 1889
Raffrey Presbyterian.
+ Margaret
MCBRATNEY b: Abt 1867 d: 7 May 1938 Raffrey, Co. Down
4 William
John JACKSON b: 3 Jun 1890
4 Samuel
George JACKSON b: 25 Nov 1891
4 Anna
JACKSON b: 18 Mar 1896
4 David
McBratney JACKSON b: 19 Feb 1902
4 Thomas
Stewart JACKSON b: 19 Feb 1902
4 Margaret
Elizabeth JACKSON b: 15 Feb 1908
4 Lucy
JACKSON b: 12 Jan 1910
3 Mary
Jane JACKSON b: Abt 1859 d: Aft 1911
3 Samuel
George JACKSON b: 1863 d: 20 Sep 1911
3 Anna
JACKSON b: 2 Jan 1866
3 Sarah
JACKSON b: 2 May 1867 d: 20 Jul 1868
3 Sarah
JACKSON b: 14 Oct 1868 d: est bef 1886
3 Robert
James JACKSON b: 22 Jun 1871 d: Aft 1886
3 Hugh
JACKSON b: 17 Aug 1872 d: Bef 1886
3 Margaret
JACKSON b: 11 Feb 1874
Ravara Parish Killinchy. Ravara borders the following other townlands:
NOTE: I need to do deeds
work looking for Ravara references in the Co. Down index. |
Whereas on Thursday the 30th of September last,
as Thomas Jackson of Ravera in said County, was returning Home from the fair
of Ballynahinch, he was overtook by Gawen McBratney of Raphry in said County;
who then and there without Provocation, knocked down and fractured the Skull
of said Jackson with a loaded Whip, of which he died in the space of about
eight hours.
NOW in order to bring said Mr. Bratney to condign
Punishment, (who absconded the Night he committed the said horrible Murder)
we whose Names are hereunto subscribed, do promise to pay the respective Sums
to our Names annexed, to the Person or Persons who shall within 12 calendar
months from the Date, apprehend and lodge in any of his Majesty’s Goals in
this Kingdom, the said McBratney; who is aged about 24 years, heavy made,
wore pale short Hair, about 6 Feet 1 inch high, thick lipp’d, wants one of
his upper fore Teeth, and stoop shouldered. Given under our Hands, October 16th,
MY NOTE: This is a
coincidence, and most likely misleading, but there
was: Thomas Jackson probated WILL 1779, Dundonald, Parish. Father John
Jackson 1667, mother Catherine McKinney. Since this will was of a Dr.
Thomas JACKSON of Dundonald, I doubt that they are the same people.
NOTE: There were at least
two intermarriages of McBRATNEYs and JACKSONs in the area in the late 1800s.
Also, Gawn JACKSON (bt 1790-1800 – bef 1866) echoes the forename of Gawen
McBRATNEY. It is not a frequent forename for JACKSONs in Co. Down in this
time frame.
l |
s |
d |
My Notes |
Wm & Pat Jackson |
2 |
5 |
6 |
I would assume from the way their names are placed in
this ad that they are related either by blood or business connections.
There was a Patrick JACKSON who was a farmer of Toye [Toy
and Kirkland, Parish Killnchy]; claimed £19 . 6.10 compensation from
the government for the loss of a cash, clothes, provisions & jewellery
from his home during the 1798 Rebellion, claim paid. SOURCE: Ros Davies
site |
James Portis |
1 |
2 |
9 |
James PORTIS. A Mr. PORTIS was owner of estate Caldwally
near Newtownbreda 1777. SOURCE: Ros Davies site |
Jas Jackson |
1 |
2 |
9 |
Jannet Jackson, Widow of the deceased |
2 |
5 |
6 |
Widow Of Thomas JACKSON |
James Jackson |
1 |
2 |
9 |
John Jackson |
1 |
2 |
9 |
William Jackson |
1 |
1 |
9 |
John Jackson |
1 |
2 |
9 |
11 |
7 |
6 |