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NAMES: William OLIVER of Armagh, soap chandler; Jane McCULLOUGH [aka McCULLAGH] of Lissnafeedy, Co. Armagh, William JOHNSTON, Richard WALSH, Benjamin OLIVER of Ennislare, John RICHARDSON, Chandler. OTHER TOWNLANDS: Brootely AKA Brootally.
Sharon Oddie Brown. November 14, 2007
Update September 26, 2016. Footnote #5.

1801 July 8 DEED: 543-185-357805
NOTE: I have a copy of the memorial of this deed. It can also be see at Family Search: Image 99.
See OLIVERs of Killynure Family Tree.

NOTE: Navan Street was named "New Street" "because it was constructed as a link between Ogle Street and the bottom of Callan Street, the then coach route from Armagh to Monaghan"". SOURCE: Harvest Home: The last Sheaf. A Selection from the writings of T.G.F. Paterson. p. 54.


  A Memorial of an indenture bearing date one thousand eight hundred and one between William OLIVER [1] of the City of Armagh Soap Boiler and Chandler [2] of the one part and Jane McCULLOUGH [3] of Lissnafeedy [4] in the County of Armagh of the other part. Whereby the said Wm OLIVER did Demise to the said Jane McCULLOUGH all that part of the town and lands of Brootely [5] in the County of Armagh in his possession held under the representatives of the late Robert MAXWELL [6] Esq. Containing fifty three acres English measure paying thereout rent yearly Thirty two pounds Eleven Shillings and three pence And did also demise and grant to Jane McCULLOUGH & her assigns all that Dwelling House, Office and Garden in New Street in the City of Armagh held under the representatives of the late Wm. JOHNSTON [7] , Gent which said houses and lands are held in Perpetuity which said indenture of the Eighth day of July above mentioned more fully appear he the said Wm. OLIVER did demise to her the said Jane McCULLOUGH during her Natural life. Yet nevertheless said Wm OLIVER is to have and receive all the rents and profits of said Premises during his natural life and after his Decease the same is to go to her During her Natural Life as a dower. And in the above Recited Indenture the said Jane McCullagh has it optional to hold said Demised Premises or Revenue thereof Yearly Thirty four pounds two shillings and six pence Yearly to Commence from the Decease of Wm. OLIVER Same to be Prepaid half yearly for two Equal Payments as said Indenture do more fully Appear Which said Indenture as witnessed by Thomas WALSH [8] of the City of Armagh Book seller & Benjamin OLIVER [9] of Ennislare in said County Gent and this Memorial witnessed by the aforesaid Thomas WALSH and John RICHARDSON [10] of the City and County of Armagh Chandler.



Signed and sealed in presence of us,

Thomas WALSH



The aforesaid Thomas WALSH maketh oath and saith he is a subscribing Witness to the Deed of Indenture of which the above writing is a Memorial & saith he saw the same deed Executed by the above named William OLIVER and Jane McCULLAGH the executing [hard to read] and also saw the Deed William OLIVER sign & seal their Memorial and also saith the name Thomas WALSH subscribed as a witness to said Indenture and this Memorial is the Deponents proper name and handwriting.


Sworn before me in the County Armagh this 25th day of January 1792 by virtue of a commission to me [hard to read] Michael MAGEE.

[1] William OLIVER (abt 1765-1854) of Armagh, Soap Boiler and Chandler (assuming that I have the right William OLIVER). NOTE: Before I know that William OLIVER had married a Janet McCULLOUGH, I thought that this deed was a settlement between William OLIVER (abt 1765-1854) and his sister Jane McCULLAGH née OLIVER, wife of John McCULLAGH.

·       The November 7th 1781 DEED: 370-333-25 also mentions 53 acres in Brootally and William OLIVER farmer of Ennislare. This is likely the William OLIVER (abt 1730-1816).

·       In the deed dated June 20, 1793 DEED 474-175-299375 where 53 acres in Brootally acreages are also mentioned, there are three William OLIVERs involved: William OLIVER sr of Ennislare; Wm OLIVER jr of Ennislare and Wm OLIVER soap chandler. I am assuming that Wm OLIVER sr. of Ennislare is the farmer who married Elizabeth STEEL and was the father of Wm OLIVER jr (who is elsewhere described as a linen draper) – as well as of the Benjamin OLIVER mentioned in this deed. There is a slight possibility that the William OLIVER, soap chandler may be a cousin, and be the son of Benjamin OLIVER (d. 1770) of Ballynahonebeg.

·       42 years later on May 18, 1843 in DEED 1843-8-159 a William OLIVER who I take to be the William OLIVER jr. deeded 25 acres to his nephew Andrew OLIVER (the son of his brother Benjamin OLIVER) as part of a trust being managed by William after the death of Benjamin.

·       Following the chandler line, we have an Andrew OLIVER, chandler resident on Thomas Street in December 24, 1793 in DEED: 462-370-295062. This was a renewal of an earlier lease for Andrew OLIVER of the City of Armagh, Chandler on 12 May 1774 for a house and garden on Thomas Street for term of 23 years yearly rent of ₤6.10. William OLIVER chandler also witnessed a January 14, 1804 DEED: 501-156-376345 for Benjamin OLIVER.

  • BRADSHAW'S 1819 DIRECTORY FOR ARMAGH CITY has a William OLIVER, farmer residing on Thomas Street. Since Andrew OLIVER, chandler also lived on Thomas Street, I suspect that William OLIVER farmer of Ennislare and William OLIVER chandler are one and the same.

[2] Chandler: From the Old French word 'chandelier,' this referred to a person who made candles - and extended to chandlers who fashioned wax items that were used in church offerings, to ones who made soap, and to ship's chandlers who made and sold candles, as well as other items, to ships (in this context, chandler can also mean merchant). In this instance, he may also have operated what would now be called a rendering plant, boiling down animal bones and fat.

[3] Janet McCULLOUGH of Lisnafeedy. She was a daughter of John McCULLOUGH (d 1787) of Clady. NOTE: There was also a sister of William OLIVER (1765-1854), a Jane OLIVER, daughter of William OLIVER (abt 1730-1816) & Elizabeth STEEL married John McCULLAGH aka McCULLOUGH of Lisnafeedy. He was a brother of Janet McCULLOUGH. This deed refers to a dower, so is the likely marriage date (or tehreabouts) of WIlliam OLIVER and Jane[t] McCULLOUGH..

  • A John McCULLAGH was a resident at Ternascobe [AKA Tirnascobe, Parish of Armagh]. He may be related. SOURCE: George Henry Bassett., County Armagh: One Hundred Years ago: A Guide and Directory 1888. The Friars Brush Press. Reprinted 1990. p214.

  • According to Eliza JACKSON née OLIVER, William OLIVER and Janet McCULLOUGH had no children.

[4] Lissnafeedy, Parish of Eglish, Co. Armagh. 159 Acres. This townland is two townlands west of Mullinture, a townland with deep OLIVER roots dating back to at least the early 1700s. NOTE: Sinnamon Noble was resident at Lisnafeedy and served on the Blackwatertown Dispensary Committee. SOURCE: George Henry Bassett., County Armagh: One Hundred Years ago: A Guide and Directory 1888. The Friars Brush Press. Reprinted 1990. p215.

[5] Brootely, AKA “Brootally”, Parish of Derrynoose, Co. Armagh. The parish of Derrynoose is between the parishes of Lisnadill & Tynan. In 1706, a William OLIVER had a lease here. In 1781, it was still held by a William OLIVER (presumably another generation). In 1804 an Andrew OLIVER of Brootally married an Anne HANNA. In 1853 James OLIVER (1769-1852) (farmer) and in 1854 William OLIVER (1765-1854) of “Brootally” had wills probated (SOURCE: CD 132 LDS All Ireland Probates”). They were brothers of Jane OLIVER, and James OLIVER was referred as "Esq." in his Obit. This would mean at least 150 years of a continued OLIVER family presence in this townland. By 1832, the lands were leased by ARMSTRONG and owned by Maxwell Close, Esq. NOTE: Look for an ARMSTRONG-OLIVER marriage in this time frame. A will of Benjamin OLIVER (1765-1831) mentions a brother called “James”. Even though although other sources have him with only two brothers, William and Joseph, I am laying bets on the family connection.

[6] Robert MAXWELL – probably of Fellows Hall. NOTE:  See also 1781 Nov 7 DEED: 370-333-251896 and 1793, June 20 DEED 474-175-2999375. Of interest is that this is the same acreage that was deeded in 1781 between William OLIVER of Ennislare and William OLIVER jr.

[7] William JOHNSTON

[8] Richard WALSH, bookseller.

[9] Benjamin OLIVER of Ennislare. I suspect this is the brother of Jane McCULLAGH nèe OLIVER. If so, he would be Benjamin OLIVER (1765-1831) of Killynure, Parish of Lisnadill, Co. Armagh.

[10] John RICHARDSON, Chandler. In the Directory of Armagh for 1819, he is mentioned as a Chandler on Thomas Street.




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