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NAMES: William OLIVER; David LESLIE; Armour Lowry CORRY; George CRAWFORD; Thomas CRAWFORD; Andrew CRAWFORD; David OLIVER; Joseph OLIVER; John DUFFY. PLACES: Laragh, Aughnamullen, Monaghan; Leslie Hill Co. Monaghan; Cornacarrow.
Sharon Oddie Brown. November 25, 2016

1842 Nov 17 ROD 1842 23 53 SEE Map. 

Btw William OLIVER[1] of Laragh[2], Co. Monaghan Gent of the 1 pt; David LESLIE[3] Esq. of Leslie Hill[4], Co. Armagh of the other pt. . Reciting an earlier deed dated Dec 20 1775 where Armour Lowry CORRY[5] of Co. Tyrone Esq. assigned to George CRAWFORD[6] of Cornacarrow[7], Co Monaghan Draper of the other pt. for the lives of George CRAWFORD, lessee, and Thomas CRAWFORD[8] eldest son & Andrew CRAWFORD[9] 2nd son. And also reciting deed dated Dec 25 1793 made btw George CRAWFORD of the 1 pt  & David OLIVER the father of William OLIVER of the other part re David OLIVER’s[10] interest in the dwelling house and 35 acres of land in Cornecarrow which was assigned to William OLIVER who assigned to David LESLIE the dwelling house in Cornecarrow where George CRAWFORD formerly lived and 32 acres of land late Irish plantation measure which is in and about the said dwellinghouse, together with all houses bleach Greens and colliers’ houses made and erected thereon, and also the entire use in command of the water in the land adjoining said lands for the use of George CRAWFORD, bleach green and also 6 acres of bog or moss for sufficient firing for said premises in that part of the Red Bog in Cornacarrow aforesaid as same was formally in his the said George CRAWFORD’s actual possession excepting and always reserving thereout all mines minerals quarries and all other royalties whatsoever. Recited indenture of 13 December 1776, and were possessed and enjoyed by the said George CRAWFORD, and his undertenants. To hold unto the said David LESLIE his heirs and assigns for and during the natural lives and life of the several Cestui qui vies in the said recited indenture of 13 December 1775, or of such of them as were or are then living, and the survivors and survivor of them, and for and during the natural life and lives of all and every such other person and persons as should or might from time to time for ever their after be added to said term by virtue of the covenant for appropriate renewal contained in the lease of which indenture of the 13th day of December 1775. WITNESSES: Joseph OLIVER[11] of Laragh, County of Monaghan and John DUFFY[12] of Laragh County of Monaghan Gents.


There is a lot of OLIVER history connected to Laragh, and it just kept echoing down the decades. I also suspect that there is more to unearth.



[1] William OLIVER (1764-1844). He was a son of David OLIVER (1764-1844) of Ballyrea, Co. Armagh and Susannah WALKER (?-1808). He married Mary Anne (birth surname unknown) – the widow of Clarendon HYDE - abt 1809 and they had two sons, William OLIVER and Joseph OLIVER (died 1883). The sons continued on at Laragh.

[2] Laragh is a townland in the Parish of Aghnamullen, Co. Monaghan. (NOTE: There are other townlands named Laragh, but this is the Laragh townland which borders on Cornacarrow where David OLIVER (1725-1806) first signed a set of leases in 1764 to establish mills. SEE Map.

[3] David LESLIE. His mother was Martha OLIVER, a sister of William and Joseph OLIVER

[4] Leslie Hill

[5] Armour Lowry CORRY aka Amar Lowry-Corry (1801-1845), the 3rd Earl Belmore, was a son of Somerset Lowry-Corry who had inherited Castle Coole, Co. Fermanagh from his father. His g-g-grandmother was a Sarah LESLIE, and there may have been a distant connection to the LESLIEs mentioned in this lease. SOURCE: The Peerage.com .

[6] George CRAWFORD was a linen draper living at Cherryvale (at Cornacarrow).

·        SOURCE: At the Ford of the Birches James H. & Peadar Murnane. 1999. p. 262. “In 1796 Lord Belmont of Coole Castle Co. Fermanagh assigned 400 acres of land in the townlands of Laragh and Cornacarriff (sic) to George CRAWFORD of Cherryvale, linen draper, then in his possession on a yearly lease. … Crawford remained in possession of the bleaching mill and green, possibly on a renting basis. He was declared bankrupt on the representations of David McTEAR for outstanding rent in 1804.” p. 263 “Crawford was a United Irishman”. p. 326 He sheltered William HAMILTON of Enniskillen, a talented public speaker who could draw large groups to hear him expound on the objectives of the United movement and on Thomas Paine’s “Rights of Man”. He would have recruited large numbers of Defenders into the ranks of the United Irishmen.”  

NOTE: These are the same mills that in 1844 would be taken over by the McKEAN family, friends of the JACKSONs of Creggan. The Cherry Vale mill at Cornacarrow is situated at the point where the Owenagh River leaves Lough Eglish and flows south to Laragh.

·        For Bankruptcy document dated May 26, 1804 see: PRONI D/199/30

[7] Cornacarrow in the Parish of Aughnamullen - just to the south of Lough Eglish. SEE Map.

[8] Thomas CRAWFORD. In a deed dated 1795 April 7, he was described as a linen draper of Cherryvale.

[9] Andrew CRAWFORD

[10] David OLIVER (1725-Feb 1806) of Ballyrea, Co. Armagh, husband of Susannah WALKER (?-1808). He was the one who originally, with his brothers, had built the first beetling mills – part of linen production - that I know of at Laragh.

[11] Joseph OLIVER. He was a son of William OLIVER (1764-1844) and Mary Anne HYDE. NOTE: His uncle Joseph OLIVER of Tullymore, Co. Armagh had died in 1837, so he could not have been the JOSEPH OLIVER who witnessed this will.

[12] John DUFFY. An Anne DUFFY was a servant of David LESLIE’s household, and there were other DUFFYs who were close to OLIVERs, some of them reputedly willing to take the law into their own hands in support of the OLIVERs (who also ran afoul of the law).



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