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NOTE: This is a companion tree to go with other files I have been working on. It is very much a work in progress. It is largely based on work done by a genealogist hired by Christopher Vane Percy. I have also written about Original JACKSON on my blog
Sharon Oddie Brown. November 19, 2011
NOTE: I have yet to integrate bits from the National Archives
SEE also: 1788 Will of Original Jackson
and Gravemarkers of Duddington & Original Jackson
Update March 11, 2019 - Thanks to Jan Waugh: Fenland Notes & Queries Vol I
Fenland Runaway Marriage. The following extracts are from the Runaway Marriage Registers of Haddington, published in Northern Notes and Queries Vol iii no 12:
John Jackson, of Godmanchester, Co. Huntingdon, Lieutenant of His Majesty’s Marine Forces, and Sarah Paine of Stoke Damarel, Co. Devon, Spinster mar 25 Nov 1774 ; Witnesses- E. Mallett, Barthw. Bower, James Fairbairn. M. B. (?) Horne.

Transcription thanks to Jan Waugh, email March 11, 2019.

This is the last will and testament of me John Jackson of Godmanchester in the county of Huntingdon, esquire. First I give and devise unto my dear wife Elizabeth Jackson and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life, over and above that she is entitled to under and by virtue of the settlement made upon or previous to our marriage all that messuage or tenement and ground with the appurtenances late Stephen Robinson's and all that messuage or tenement and ground with the appurtenances late John Smith's and also all that messuage or tenement and ground with the appurtenances late Philip Keen's and also all that piece or parcel of pasture ground lying opposite my now dwelling house in Godmanchester aforesaid and now in the occupation of Mr Henry Gray and also all that other piece or parcel of pasture ground which I purchased of Mr John Wright adjoining to the other piece or parcel of pasture ground and now laid to the Bull Close? together with all the ()ctions and buildings now being in about or upon the said several pieces or parcels of ground and premisses all which said several messuages or tenements pieces or parcels of ground and premises are situate lying and being in Godmanchester aforesaid and are contiguous or nearly adjoining to my said dwelling house here. And I give and devise to my said dear wife Elizabeth Jackson and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life as aforesaid all that piece or parcel of pasture ground in Godmanchester aforesaid called Clark's Orchard lying next the river and opposite to Portholme meadow in the Parish of Brampton and also all that other piece or parcel of ground in Godmanchester aforesaid late Robert Crofts being an Ozir Holt (?) and adjoining to the said land mentioned piece or parcel of ground called Clarks Richard and also all that other piece or parcel of ground in Godmanchester aforesaid called the Island to which a Bridge is laid across from the bottom of the garden belonging to my said dwelling house all which said several messuages or tenement pieces parcels of ground hereditaments and premises hereinbefore devised were purchased by me since my marriage with my said dear wife Elizabeth Jackson and are therefore not comprized in or subject to any of the uses or trusts of our said marriage settlement. And from and immediately after the decease of my said dear wife Elizabeth Jackson I give and devise all and singular the said several messuages or tenements pieces or parcels of ground, hereditaments and premises unto my two daughters Elizabeth Jackson and Sarah Jackson, their heirs and assigns forever as tennants in common and not as joint tenants. And I also give and devise all my freehold lands, tenements and hereditaments at Hemingford Grey in the said County of Huntingdon which I purchased same fore years since of Walpole Cleach? Powell Esquire unto my said two daughters Elizabeth Jackson and Sarah Jackson their heirs and assigns forever as tenants in common and not as joint tenants. And as a further and additional provision for my said daughters Elizabeth Jackson and Sarah Jackson I hereby subject and charge my freehold and copyhold estate at Wistow in the said County of Huntingdon which I purchased by Mr John Waller to and with the payment of the sum of one thousand pounds which said sum of one thousand pounds I hereby give and bequeath to my said two daughters Elizabeth and Sarah Jackson their executors, administrators and assigns to be equally divided between them share and share alike and to be payable and paid within the space of twelve calendar monthes next after my decease. And I give and bequeath to my said dear wife Elizabeth Jackson and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life all my interest, benefit and property arising and to arise from a lease granted or confirmed to me by the bailiffs and assistants of the Borough of Godmanchester of the corn Water Mills at Godmanchester aforesaid and a piece of ground thereto yearly adjoining called the Millers Great Holmes and another piece called the Little Holmes which said last mentioned piece of ground is now planted with fruit trees and said as an orchard and from and after the decease of my said dear wife Elizabeth Jackson I give and bequeath all my interest benefit and property in the said lease and the promised thereby demised unto my said two daughters Elizabeth Jackson and Sarah Jackson their executors, administrators and assigns in equal shares and proportions. And I do also give and bequeath to my said daughters Elizabeth Jackson and Sarah Jackson there executors, administrators and assigns the sum of three hundred and seventy five pounds which I have lent on Turnpike security upon the Road leading from Huntingdon to Somersham in the County of Huntingdon together with all arrears of interest which shall be due thereon at the time of my decease. And all arrears of rent which shall at the time of my decease be due and owing to me from the several tenants of my estates in Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire, the Isle of Ely and County of Norfolk to be equally divided between them my said two daughters share and share alike. And I hereby give and devise to my said dear wife Elziabeth Jackson and to her heirs and assigns forever all other my freehold messuages, lands, tenements, hereditaments and real estate whatsoever and wheresoever not hereinbefore devise and () comprized in my said marriage settlement and all my copyhold messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments whatsoever of Wistow aforesaid, leaving lately surrendered the same to the use of my will, upon trust that she my said wife Elizabeth Jackson, her heirs or assigns shall and so as soon as conveniently may be after my decease made sale and dispose thereof respectively at and for the best price or prices that can or may be reasonably had or gotten for the same for the purpose in the first place of paying all my just debts and legacies to the payment wereof I hereby subject and charges the same and after payment of such debts and legacies and the charges attending such sale or sales I hereby give and bequeath them overplus if any which shall remain to my said daughters Elizabeth Jackson and Sarah Jackson their executors, administrators and assigns equally to be divided between them share and share alike it being my present intention that my copyhold lands and hereditaments in the manors of Bury with Hepmangrove and Raveley in the said County of Huntingdon shall descend unto my heir or heirs at law and whereas under and by the virtue of my said marriage settlement a Liberty is reserved for my said dear wife Elizabeth Jackson to live and reside in my now dwelling house at Godmanchester aforesaid from the time of my decease for and during the term of her natural life upon payment of the yearly sum of twenty pounds to my son John Jackson as an acknowledgement for the same. Now I do hereby as further provision for my said son John Jackson during the life of my said wife Elizabeth Jackson give and bequeath to him my said son John Jackson the further yearly sum of twenty pounds to be payable and paid to him or his assigns by my said wife Elizabeth Jackson by two equal half yearly payments out of my personal estate and effects and to comence and be computed from the day of my decease. And from and after the decease of my said wife Elizabeth Jackson I hereby give and bequeath to my said son John Jackson and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life one annuity or clear yearly sum of forty pounds payable quarterly and charged and chargeable on my said lease of Godmanchester Mills and other my personal property hereby bequeathed to my said wife Elizabeth Jackson, her executors, administrators and assigns to and with the payment whereof I hereby subject and charge the same accordingly. And I give and bequeath to my servant Sarah () who has been many years in my service the sum of fifty pounds to be payable and paid to her by my Executrix hereinafter named out of the produce of my said real estate so devised to her for the purpose aforesaid within the space of twelve calendar months next after my decease. And lastly I give and bequeath to my said dear wife Elizabeth Jackson her executors, administrators and assigns all my stock, crop, farming utensils, household furniture, plate, securities, ready money, debts and securities for money, goods, chattels, and all the rest and residue of my personal estate and effects whatsover and wheresoever as her and their own proper goods and chattels forever. And I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my said dear wife Elizabeth Jackson sole Executrix of this my will and hereby revoking all former and other wills b me at any time heretofore made. I do declare this only to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have to this my last will and testament contained in three sheets of paper set my hand to the two first sheets and my hand and seal to this last sheet thereof as also my seal at the top of the first sheet where the whole are fixed together this ninth day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five (1785) Jno Jackson. Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said testator John Jackson as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses therein in the presence of the said testator and of each other. Henry Dobson. John Brewster, Si. Hardy
Codicil.  Whereas since the date and execution of the last will and testament of me John Jackson of Godmanchester in the County of Huntingdon Esquire bearing date the ninth day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five (1785) a reconveyance and release bearing date the third day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty six hath been made to me by Haylet Framingham of certain freehold and copyhold messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments comprized in my said will and in the said reconveyance and release particulary described and mentioned and as such reconveyance and release might be construed as a revocation of my said will with respect to the hereditaments described in such reconveyance and release. I do hereby make this codicil to my said will and give, devise and bequeath all and every the messuages, cottages, farms, lands, tenements and hereditaments both freehold and copyhold in such reconveyance and release mentioned unto my dear wife Elizabaeth Jackson, her heirs and assigns forever in such and the same manner and so charged and chargeable as I have given and devised to my said wife and her heirs the same amongst other lands and hereditaments intended to pass to her and them in and by my said will and which therefore in all respects I do hereby ratify and confirm. In witness whereof I have to this codicil to my said will set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety (1790). Jno Jackson. Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said testator as a codicil to his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto of.  Castel Sherard Steph Arundel, Henry Dobson.
Probate  This will was proved at London 3 Feb 1790 ... by the oath of Elizabeth Jackson, widow, the relict of the deceased and sole Executrix named in the said will ...


Godmanchester JACKSONs



1  William Jackson  d: 1625 in of Godmanchester

........ 2  John Jackson   NOTE: This name is based on conjecture.

................... 3  George Jackson b: 1661 d: 1701 NOTE: No sources are given for this.

............................. 4  Original Jackson b: Abt. 1697 d: 1771- Probably at Water Newton, Cambridgeshire, England

................................. +Sarah Dowsing m: 12 Sep 1727 in Godmanchester  NOTE: She likely predeceased her husband.

........................................ 5  John Jackson b: 1729

............................................ +Elizabeth Cole b: 1730 m: 22 Oct 1750 in Pidley or Warboys d: 1802

.................................................. 6  Lieut. John Jackson b: aft 1750

...................................................... +Sarah Paine b: in of Stoke Damorel, Co. Devon. m. 25 November 1774 Gretna Green
.................................................. 6 Elizabeth Jackson b. abt 1756 d. bef birth of 2nd Elizabeth in abt 1759.
.................................................. 6 Original Jackson b. abt. 1757 d. young.
.................................................. 6 Elizabeth Jackson b. abt.1759
.................................................. 6 Sarah Jackson b. abt. 1760

........................................ 5  Sarah Jackson b: 06 Jan 1730 d: Aft. 1788

............................................ +John Dowsing 

.................................................. 6  Sarah Dowsing  d: Bef. 1789

........................................ 5  Elizabeth Jackson b: 1733 d: Bet. 1771 – 1788 She probably died at Water Newton, Cambridgeshire, England

............................................ +George Palmer  of Water Newton, Cambridgeshire, England

.................................................. 6  Sarah Palmer 

........................................ 5  George Jackson b: Aft. 1729 d: 1783

............................................ +Elizabeth Bonner 

.................................................. 6  Original Jackson b: 1769

...................................................... +Frances Gray b: 1768 in of Buckworth m: 18 Apr 1789 in Alconbury

.................................................. 6  Sarah Jackson b: 1767

...................................................... +William Mackeness  d: Aft. 1812

........ 2  Sarah JACKSON


Detailed report  Descendants of William Jackson

NEW from Jan Waugh March 11, 2019.

Elizabeth, dau of John and Elizabeth Jackson chr 24 Aug 1756 Godmanchester, Huntington LDS C168651  1040993   [d. young]
Original, son of John and Elizabeth Jackson chr 30 Nov 1757 Godmanchester, Huntington LDS C168651  1040993   [d. young]
Elizabeth, dau of John and Elizabeth Jackson chr 21 Jan 1759 Godmanchester, Huntington LDS C168651  1040993
Sarah, dau of John and Elizabeth Jackson chr 21 Aug 1760 Godmanchester, Huntington LDS C168651  1040993



Generation No. 1


1.  WILLIAM1 JACKSON1 died 1625 in of Godmanchester2.



2.           i.   JOHN2 JACKSON.



Generation No. 2




Child of JOHN JACKSON is:

3.           i.   GEORGE3 JACKSON, b. 1661; d. 1701.



Generation No. 3


3.  GEORGE3 JACKSON (JOHN2, WILLIAM1)4 was born 1661, and died 1701.



4.           i.   ORIGINAL4 JACKSON, b. Abt. 1697; d. 1771.



Generation No. 4


4.  ORIGINAL4 JACKSON (GEORGE3, JOHN2, WILLIAM1)5,6 was born Abt. 1697, and died 1771.  He married SARAH DOWSING7 12 Sep 1727 in Godmanchester8



              i.   JOHN5 JACKSON9, b. 1729; m. ELIZABETH COLE10, 22 Oct 1750, Pidley or Warboys11; b. 1730; d. 1802.

             ii.   SARAH JACKSON12, b. 06 Jan 1730; d. Aft. 1788; m. REV. JOHN DOWSING13.

           iii.   ELIZABETH JACKSON14, b. 1733; d. Bet. 1771 - 1788; m. GEORGE PALMER15.

            iv.   GEORGE JACKSON16, b. Aft. 1729; d. 1783; m. ELIZABETH BONNER17.






1.  Christopher Vane Percy, "Showing Tree of Original Jackson of Island Hall (conjectural)."

2.  Christopher Vane Percy, Will in H.R.O. not checked.

3.  Christopher Vane Percy, This is given as a possibility.

4.  Christopher Vane Percy, VP Papers - age 40.

5.  Sharon Oddie Brown Research,   I feel reasonably confident that this is the Original JACKSON buried at Water Newton. I am basing this on two pieces of information and one observation.

·       Firstly, the fact that his daughter married a George PALMER of Water Newton.

·       Secondly, the National Archives R4/2/13 31st October-1st November 1768 which states in a lease and release: "Jackson now of Water Newton, Esq; to Rev. Horace Hamond of Harpley, Norfolk, DD. £6,000 as in R4/2/11".  It seems reasonable that in 1678, 3 years before his death, that he might be living with his daughter.   

·       Finally, the observation that the name “Original” is not that common. This is another one of those convergences which also makes me think that Original JACKSON may be related to the Duddington JACKSONs – they had land at Castor, less than two miles from Water Newton.     

Here Lye the Remains  of ORIGINAL JACKSON, Esq.,  who departed this life  the 10th of May 1771  Aged 74 Years.    This inscription is in the Church of St. Regimus, in the Parish of Water Newton in Cambridgeshire, England. NOTE: for those not well versed with the geography of English Counties, Cambridgeshire is just east of Northamptonshire - so the connection to the Duddington JACKSONs is not far fetched, if we are using the stones throw calculation of distances when it comes to looking at hunches.

6.  Christopher Vane Percy, NOTE: The genealogist hired by Christopher wonders who was the Original JACKSON mentioned at Water Newton 1767. .

7.  Christopher Vane Percy, She was a widow at time of her marriage. I don't know if DOWSING was the name of her previous husband, or her birth name.

8.  Christopher Vane Percy, SOURCE: Parish Register: 1727 Sep 12 Mr. Original Jackson m. Mrs. Sarah Dowsing (lic) (N.B. Dowsing appears to be a local name).

9.  Christopher Vane Percy, Letter of 1750s in VP Papers. Lived at Island Hall; was a bailiff at Godmanchester.

10.  Christopher Vane Percy.

11.  Christopher Vane Percy, Age 20; Bondsman Original Jackson Esq. Godmanchester; father of groom.

12.  Christopher Vane Percy, SOURCE: Parish Register: 1730 Jan 6. "Mr Original and Sarah Jaxon.  NOTE: The tree drawn up had a birth date of May 13, 1730.

13.  Christopher Vane Percy.

14.  Christopher Vane Percy, SOURCE: Parish Register: 1733 Feb 20 Elizabeth dau Mr. Original and Sarah Jaxon.

15.  Will Probate, http://calm.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/ArchiveCatalogue/dserve.exe?dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqCmd=Show.tcl&dsqSearch=RefNo==%27KR/R4/2/17%27&dsqDb=Catalog  .

16.  Christopher Vane Percy, Lived at Higney & Woodwalton, and also had land in Godmanchester (over 80 acres), Wood Walton & elsewhere. See Bond 1778 Borough Records.

17.  Christopher Vane Percy.





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