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NAMES: George JOHNSTON of Ballynameta aka Wood Park; William OLIVER of Lislooney; William SCOTT; and Francis SCOTT of Killlalea, Parish of Tynan; John SCOTT of Armagh City; John HAMILTON; J.A. MANSON. OTHER PLACES: Enagh.
Given how early this Deed is - 1718 - it may connect to the William OLIVER of Mullitur. The Deed is between George JOHNSTON of “Ballynameta” also known as Wood Park, situated in the Parish of Tynan, Co. Armagh and William OLIVER of Lislooney (also in the Parish of Tynan). It is likely significant that a century later, a Benjamin OLIVER was a freeholder of Lislooney.
Sharon Oddie Brown. March 8, 2007
Updated December 12, 2007
Updated August 2, 2017
Update August 25, 2017. Updated footnote re; Ballynameta thanks to Sean Barden.


1718 June 11

DEED: 38-403-24787


NOTE: My notes and the image of the signature of William OLIVER come from the actual memorial of this deed.
The transcription of the memorial at the Registry of Deeds can be viewed at Image 219.


It would appear that William OLIVER was already residing at Lislooney prior to the lease. This lease poses questions for which I have no answers.

  • Why was this lease signed in 1718 but the memorial signed five years later in 1723?
  • Why was this lease for only one acre in Lislooney, but for a term of 99 years? Did it give access to a road, was it a part of the land that had been separated from the main part of the lease by a road, or was it an acre of bog (hence possibly adding onto and cleaning up an omission from an earlier deed)?
    : In subsequent deeds relating to OLIVERs with the same forenames and land interests, there is reference to an acre of bog in Cavanapole, a nearby townland.

Lislooney is mentioned in the following deeds:

1718 June 11
1738 Feb 6
1738 Jun 6
1750 Oct 22
1764 Aug 25
1782 Sept 7
1788 May 26 ROD: 398-441-263358
1824 April 6

Also referenced in 1853 Apr 16: 1788 Feb 6 to & in possession of Arthur OLIVER & Benjamin OLIVER & lately in the possession of James OLIVER refers to lease 6 Feb 1788 renewed 13 April 1829 & a debt judgement 1822 against Benjamin OLIVER for £400 to John BURNS.


Memorial of an Indenture made the Eleventh day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighteen between George Johnston [1] of Ballynametagh [2] in the County of Ardmagh [3] Gent of the one part and to William Oliver [4] of Lislooney [5] in the said county ffarmer of the Other Part Witnesseth That the said George Johnston for and in consideration of the rents and covenants therein mentioned doth Demise sett and to farm let unto the said William Oliver his Exrs Adminrs and Assigns one acre of land English Measure Lyeing and being in the townland of Lisooney Joyning to the townland of Anagh [6]   & Bordering on the East Side of the Highway Leading from Tynan  to Keady [?]ing the Barrony of Tureany [7] and county aforesaid to have and to hold the said unto him the sd William Oliver his heirs Adminrs and Assigns from the first day of May [?]ding the date of the sd Lease for  & During the full Term and space of ninety nine years from thence fully to be Completed and Ended Yielding & Paying therefore and thereout yearly and every year for the same the sum of five shillings as by the sd Indenture of Lease Containing severall other Clauses and Covenants [Relation?] being thereunto had may more fully and at Large appear which sd indenture was Signed Sealed & Perfected by the sd George Johnston in the presence of William Scott [8] and Francis Scott [9] both of Killalea [10] in the County of Ardmagh Gents who are subscribing Wittnesses thereto and this memorial was also perfected by the sd William Oliver in the presence of Ffrancis Scott of Killalea Gent and John Scott [11] of Ardmagh who are subscribing witnesses hereto In witness whereof the sd William Oliver hath hereunto Sett his hand and Seale this tenth day of September one thousand seven hundred twenty three 1723

William OLIVER



Signed Sealed and Perfected                                                                   William Oliver

 in the presence of


Francis Scott

John Scott


[Coun?] Ardmagh

At a [Goull?] Quarter session of the year hold at Ardmagh in and for the sd county the 16th day of October 1723

Ffrancis Scott of Killalea in the County of Ardmore for to some this day before us in open Court and made oath that he is a subscribing wittness to the Lease in the above Memorial mentioned of which the above is a memorial & saw the above named Geo Johnson

Sign Seal and [?] the same & is also a subscribing wittness to the above memorial and saw the above named William Oliver Sign Seale and [?] the same note

                                                                                          Capt [El?] note in support [?]

                                                                                                       [?] [?] ocbry 1723

                                                                                                           John Hamilton [12]

                                                                                                              J.A. Manson [13]



Lislooney environs
The above map is based on one that can be found at townlands.ie.
The names of contiguous and nearby townland names shed light on the connections between various members of the OLIVER families and the other leases that they held.
The map above shows the location of the townland of Lislooney is with respect to Killylea (about 3.5 km as the crow flies) as well as to Derryhaw (2-3 km along the Derryhaw road aka the Highway Leading from Tynan to Keady).
Significant OLIVER leases were connected to these places.
Tynan to Keady map
To understand the above map, you have to stand on your head. Its orientation has North at the bottom of the page, rather than the more usual orientation of North being at the top of the map. Even so, the road leading from Tynan in the east (on the right) to Keady in the east (on the left) is clear. The road leading from Fellows Hall connects to the road slightly to the east (hence to the left) of where Lislooney is.
SOURCE: Taylor and Skinners Maps of the Roads of Ireland, Surveyed 1777. p. 266

[1] George JOHNSTON. Given the occurrence of this name in later leases connected with OLIVERs and Laragh, this name is interesting.

[2] The contemporary spelling is “Ballynameta” also known as Wood Park, situated in the Parish of Tynan, Co. Armagh. It is just to the east of Lislooney – separated only by the townland of Dillay.
Ownership of Ballenamiatagh or Wood Park, Co. Armagh SOURCE: Paterson MS 59 p 128 transcription:

1600 Sir Henry Oge O’Neill
1613 Con Roy O’Neill
1624-31 Sir Phelim O’Neill
1631-41 Robert Hovenden (or Horenden?)
1641-88 Robert Hovenden (or Horenden?)
1688-1700 Robert Hovenden (or Horenden?)
1700-23 George Johnston
1723-28 Wm Johnston
1740-92 Nicholas Johnston
1792-6 Edward Johnston
1808-17 Nicholas George Johnston

?-1817 Capt Cross
1817 Acheson St. George

[3] Contemporary spelling: “County Armagh”

[4] William OLIVER. SEE:The OLIVERS of Cavanagarven They can be traced back to about 1800 and are likely related. Also,, the OLIVERs of Killynure are probably related as well.

·       There are several William OLIVERs in this time frame. Getting more specimen signatures could be helpful in determining whether he was distinct from the William OLIVER (bef 1700- aft 1730) of Ballynahone, Parish of Armagh (who married Elizabeth HARDY), or the William OLIVER (1670-1726) of Mullinture, Parish of Eglish or the William OLIVER (b abt 1641) of Ballydoo, Parish of Eglish.

·       A deed of 1738 February 6 makes a compelling case for a connection between the OLIVERs of Ballynahone and the OLIVERs if Lislooney. It is for 46a 2r - the same acreage mentioned in a deed of 1824 April 6 - and mentions several family members.

·       Interestingly, a RootsWeb tree of the SPEER family has their William OLIVER born in Latakeel, near Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, Ulster. The source they used was: Irish Pedigree. John O’Hart.  Not all the facts in this tree ring true. For example, Elizabeth VANCE née OLIVER is alleged to have been born in 1700 and to have died in 1800. Without documentation to validate them, deaths at age 100 are usually suspect in my books – but she would otherwise make a neat fit to the Elizabeth OLIVER b. 1728. See also: OLIVERs of Tattykeel.

·       page 11 of Irish Ancestry of Henry (William) OLIVER mentions a William OLIVER born about 1670 possibly at SherranmcAghully (AKA Farmacaffley), Parish of Eglish, Co. Armagh or Tattykeel, Parish of Kildress, Co. Tyrone and hypothesises that he was a son of Andrew OLIVER of Tattykeel and therefore the brother of an Eliza OLIVER who married John VANCE (page 10). This last fact ties in with the suggestion in the SPEER family tree. They may have referenced the same source.

[5] Lislooney, Parish of Tynan, Co. Armagh. In the early 1800s, a century after this Deed, a Benjamin OLIVER was registered as a freeholder at Lislooney and other records show the family there after this time.

[6] Contemporary spelling: Enagh. This townland is the parish of Tynan, Co. Armagh, on the western border of Lislooney. There is another Enagh in the Parish of Lisnadill – just to confound us, the OLIVERs had leases in both!

[7] Contemporary spelling: Tiranny

[8] William SCOTT. It is of interest that LDS has a record of a William SCOTT who married an Isabella OLIVER in the Presbyterian Church of Drumbo, County Down in 1720. Worth Checking out! A William SCOTT was also one of the Derry fighters in 1689 from Co. Monaghan.

[9] Francis SCOTT

[10] Kilylea, Parish of Tynan, Co. Armagh

[11] John SCOTT

[12] John HAMILTON. Given the later Jane HAMILTON - Joseph OLIVER marriage, this is interesting.

[13] J.A. MANSON



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